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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Sure, in Jesus days, his students, with Him ask about others preaching and doing things in His name. Christ did not put a X on those.
  2. End Times/Bible Prophecy 1. World wide Hunger increased 2022 2. Market Crashes 2022 3. New War will start 2022 4. New World Leader in Place 2022 5. Confusion all round the world 2022 6. Bit Coin falls, but survives 2022 7. China attacks Taiwan 2022 Hopefully these are wrong, thanks for coming by.
  3. I'm not sure what is going on around the world, but its not normal, something is going on. Ozone or not
  4. Lord, those are casting out evil in your name. Should we rebuke them? you can finish the rest of the sentence for me.
  5. I got in trouble for attacking other members here, be careful, they lock my for a few days.
  6. That can put a X on you, in some cases, I seen. You kinda become a trouble maker, like many see you and myself here, on this forum. They don't like to hear it, they are not bad people, just have it their own ways. Not open for changing, good or bad. I'm not picking on anyone, for we all are believers.
  7. Should a christian tithe to a church that he or she is a member of, even if they are not managing it well. Leave the church quietly, find a church that is not self center only. This is a big problem today, we are living in a material world. Even in some churches. Or just keep tithing blindly, let God take care of it.
  8. It is too late now, the only way republicans can win now, is to become more liberal, and less christian. Sad
  9. I did not vote for this man Biden, but what happen, did happen, Trump was 100 present wrong to do what he did. We should not be blind to this. I am sorry folks, we need to say it, the way it is. I voted for Trump 2 times 3 with the primary. No More, he mess up big time. in my opinion
  10. Paul was talking about him coming to them, not the Lord. Interesting, I heard preached, that it was the Lord saying.
  11. It is hard to add a new name to a establishment, and easy to remove it. Some church are using their own pastor name. Hey brother, have you ever visited Pastor Tony church. Example: They never mention baptist at all.
  12. I have notice a early January blooming, here in Florida. That normally starts in March.
  13. I heard fundamental, it was used because the baptist were starting to not agree, that every word written, was not the Word of God.
  14. The only one that comes to my mind is, The promise made to Abraham, the church, is the body of true believers. Will christians replace the chosen ones, no. God is still working with them. There is no replacing, your are saved by faith in the son.
  15. Today remove fundamental, tomorrow remove the baptist name, from its church. Then slowly remove Holy, for the title on the Bible. Then we are in trouble...
  16. I don't understand, Today's church has replaced Israel in tithing. Aren't they still living the Old Testament
  17. When does this application happens, when He said, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. Was He talking about the first or second coming.
  18. Reinforced American Voters, I am not Biden supporter, but he did spoke well and the truth. Trump might be in trouble again for 1.6.21
  19. Here in Florida, some of these million dollar homes, you can jump from one roof to the other, they are so close. Lawn, what lawn.
  20. Are they still the chosen ones, I believe that Christ is still on their side. The nation of Israel, will He, let them destroy their selfs, with these vaccines.
  21. For many christians, a church must have one. Traditions, did I spell it correct steeples, root top on a church.
  22. We don't need steeples anymore. Maybe more members will jump out. Joke ?
  23. Why do churches and christian schools, grow their facilities buildings sideways, and not upwards.
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