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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I enjoy hearing pastor Charles Lawson. He tells it the way it is.
  2. I was going to agree with you on this one, but I kept reading your reply here, and at the end, you say they can do certain functions that threw me off, because I believe you had to be a member to do all these things, be a teacher, usher, greeters, security, in the music ministry all these things you have to be a member. i’m not talking about visitors that come and go,like guess music or speakers.
  3. Hi and welcome aboard… do you believe in women preachers you don’t have to answer this question.Enjoy
  4. The larger churches have many members who are hunters and have concealed weapon permits. Everything should be done legally. Concealed registered weapons and security is the way I believe is best. On my website, I have a picture of Knights that are fighting on horses and a verse that says, everybody loves a warrior when the enemy is at the gate. this applies also to churches, if a member can prevent a crazy person from causing harm (life-threatening) to their loved ones and members, this is good.This is a dangerous position to be in, but if we kill to save ourselves, this is not a sin.
  5. Should a Pastor step down when he is having family problems? It all depends on what the problem is. if it is because his wife doesn’t want to come to church every Sunday or his kids are smoking and hanging around the wrong people. No, he should not step down. would you step down from your job? If you have any of these issues, I don’t think so. Yes, if he is having sexual scandals, or problems with Internet sex. step down and seek help. Now, if you had any of these issues, I just mentioned, would you step down most likely you will not. spiritual leaders or non-spiritual, there is a double standard here. Sin is sin, but pastors are measured with a shorter ruler. I believe a pastor should gather with the deacons or leaders of the church discuss their situation and do what the leaders or deacons recommend. If they ask him please stay, then stay, if they ask him please step down seek help then do that, keeping his salary is a must in serving or seeking help. Just like when we have a problem at work we take family leave, or vacation leave and and still get paid. For how long get paid, the church leaders will decide. Now talking about abuse in the church, this should not be accepted and termination is a must especially when there are children involved. if the pastor is cheating on his wife, he should be terminated immediately. If the wife is cheating on the Pastor, the pastor being single now can stay. Even if he’s not divorced, yet, he can slowly work on that and stay preaching, for the woman was the weaker vessel. We humans love to judge others. This also can be sin, especially if we are not part of that congregation. Am I judging right now, not really, I’m talking in general and not about anyone person. if you notice, I normally don’t respond with long paragraphs, this must be important.
  6. young man, do you know what you are reading? How can I know, if no one shows me? Men of God, what must I do to be saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thow shall be saved, and your house.
  7. Thank you for pointing out. Yes it does have a Catholic approach and hopefully many Catholics will read it. I do clearly explain that Mary was chosen by God to be the earthly mother, and like us being mortal, she did die because of her sins. Being saved, she’ll be risen like we will. if I were to say Jesus, the man, we all understand that he came as a man, but was God. But Mary’s case, she was the mother that served as only a mother, on earth. The title was just an attention grabber, but it’s explained through the post. Thank you for understanding and if it really offends anybody the title, I have no problem changing it to Mary, the servant of God, or Jesus.
  8. That time of year again, the Virgin Birth. Those who do not believe in this Virgin birth are still lost. Yes the Virgin Mary, was chosen to serve and was blessed to be the mother of God, Jesus, on this Earth. She had no other powers for she was mortal and a sinner like you and I.
  9. I remember when I was working, some days felt really long and Friday looked like a mile away. I see my bed, and say it’s bedtime again already. Today went by and I feel like I didn’t really do very much. I did some things, but not much.
  10. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but I feel that the weeks, days, and hours are going by much quicker, maybe it is because I am retired, now.
  11. Thanks for all the ways you make a difference in our churches and communities. Thanks for all you do to make the Lord's church the encouraging and faith-building place it is… Merry Christmas TGL
  12. 1Cor.1 [18] For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. [20] Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God madefoolish the wisdom of this world? [21] For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by thefoolishness of preaching to save them that believe. [23] But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; [25] Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. [27] But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
  13. Amazing how Israel is the evil victim of what is happening. The lost world telling them what they need to do. Nobody is telling Hamas what they need to do. Has your church been quiet about what is going on in Israel? Your leader should be informing you of biblical events that are happening in Israel and how the world will someday try to destroy them. This will happen before the rapture of the Saints. If he says, that there have always been wars as his only final answer. Time to find a new church, in my humble opinion.
  14. I can lead someone to Christ without studying and memorizing versus from the Old Testament. The way you explain things don’t sound like the simple plan of salvation to me, but by works.
  15. No problem, I believe that rotation will keep certain things from happening and you believe that it is not necessary to rotate.
  16. I watched the short video above, and I do believe today. The biggest problem in many churches, that people are being brainwashed. People wanting to serve man and not God, Men of God, starting well reaching the loss for Christ, preaching the word, then slowly falling into the trap or temptation of control. This is happening and many good churches where you will see people in positions. Teaching, deacons, that are not really qualified for that position. But since they do whatever the Pastor says, they’ve fallen into a controlling environment. I am for following the Pastor, as long as what he’s doing is correct and biblical, but if he starts doing something wrong I’ll tell him. If he doesn’t like it, that’s too bad and if it continues, I’ll leave that church. I have personally noticed that the churches I have visited if there’s are people or members in the same position of serving for many years. This is not good. There are cases where there are no longer others who want to volunteer to do a certain thing, this could happen. but in my humble opinion, a church should try to rotate as often they can their leaders that are in certain positions.
  17. I don’t see a gift under the tree with my name on it, maybe it’s a little too early.
  18. Versus that we can all share the simple plan of salvation. you don’t have to be a pastor, or an Evangelist to share the gospel. Just born again saved, and if you are baptized, this will be a plus. If you are visiting a church, that people are not getting saved or the gospel not being shown to them, you might need to find a different church. God Bless, the Romans Road is a good way to share the gospel, but not the only way.
  19. We can teach them, the children, the fear of God. Trust and Obey
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