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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Inspired by a cooking program on the Food Channel that has expert chefs in competition to create appetizing meals out of a wide variety of seemingly unrelated random ingredients, I decided to clean out my refrigerator and create a delicious meal out of whatever I encountered in the refrigerator that hadn't became a sentient being.  After putting on a HazMat suit, I was ready to go in.  Things I learned...1.  You can put almost anything into a burrito shell and with enough salsa and cheese, make it delicious.  2.  If it's not delicious, then just turn up the heat on the salsa until your taste buds are fried and all you can think of is drinking Lake Michigan dry.  3.  Learn to cook portions that can be appropriately consumed in ONE sitting.  4.  Get a dog that loves table scraps.
    Bro. Garry
  2. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to Ukulelemike in Repentance And How To Properly Share The Gospel   
    Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disOBedient unto the heavenly vision:  But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.  (Acts 26:19-21).
    Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:21)
    And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?  But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. (Acts 15:7-11) 
    We strive so hard to insist that the Jews had one gospel, and the Gentiles had another, yet Paul and peter both very clearly say that the Jews and gentiles were saved the same way-by repentance toward God and faith toward jesus Christ. They received the Holy Ghost the same way, no difference was put between them.  And of course, we know Pauls words, "For by grace are ye saved, through faith...", which just agrees with what Peter and Paul said above-it doesn't matter Jew or Gentile, all are saved the same way, receive the same Spirit, and there is put NO DIFFERENCE between them.
    Thus, when Jesus told the apostles "Go ye therefore and teach all nations...teaching them to OBserve all things whatsoever I have commnded you", it wasn't just to the Jews in those nations, it was the NATIONS, to all the people of all the nations. 
    Yes, clearly some things Jesus dealt with were specifically to the Jews of that time-context will show that. Come things can be for all. I suppose we aren't to pray for our enemies, or do good to them that do evil to us. Oddly, those very commands seem to go against standrad Jewish ideals, even with David praying for the destruction of his enemies-the very thought of seeking good for those who hate him would have been very foreign to David and those of the OT, yet Jesus taught it.
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from heartstrings in Whats for Supper...   
    Wild Turkey harvested just this week during the spring turkey season, and wild onions, with lambs quarters (kind of a wild spinach).  By the way, wild turkey doesn't taste anything like the butterball you get from the store. 
    A small trivia note about wild turkey's.  Did you know that Benjamin Franklin campaigned hard for the wild turkey to be the official U.S. Bird instead of the Bald Eagle?  He was defeated by only 3 votes!  
  4. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Inspired by a cooking program on the Food Channel that has expert chefs in competition to create appetizing meals out of a wide variety of seemingly unrelated random ingredients, I decided to clean out my refrigerator and create a delicious meal out of whatever I encountered in the refrigerator that hadn't became a sentient being.  After putting on a HazMat suit, I was ready to go in.  Things I learned...1.  You can put almost anything into a burrito shell and with enough salsa and cheese, make it delicious.  2.  If it's not delicious, then just turn up the heat on the salsa until your taste buds are fried and all you can think of is drinking Lake Michigan dry.  3.  Learn to cook portions that can be appropriately consumed in ONE sitting.  4.  Get a dog that loves table scraps.
    Bro. Garry
  5. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Bratwurst and sauerkraut with Inglehoffers deli mustard with horseradish hips, raw vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, celery) with dip, and watermelon.  Fresh picked Bing Cherries from the U-Pick orchards here in Oregon for dessert.  
    Bro. Garry
  6. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Had the most incredible homemade "camp style' beef stew tonight with sweet cornbread made in a cast iron skillet that was out of this world.  Iced tea with NO SUGAR in it, and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.
  7. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to No Nicolaitans in Repentance And How To Properly Share The Gospel   
    Yes sir...
    There are errors in it, but we can believe it without doubting? 
    I'm sorry, but I believe that God "has so brooded over his word" that he preserved it...without error...just as he said he would.
  8. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Miss Daisy in Repentance And How To Properly Share The Gospel   
    Spirituality is not measured by how well you expose others weaknesses, but by how well you restore them.
    Galatians 6:1 (KJV)
    1  Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 
    Bro. Garry
    In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.
  9. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Repentance And How To Properly Share The Gospel   
    Spirituality is not measured by how well you expose others weaknesses, but by how well you restore them.
    Galatians 6:1 (KJV)
    1  Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 
    Bro. Garry
    In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.
  10. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in Repentance And How To Properly Share The Gospel   
    Spirituality is not measured by how well you expose others weaknesses, but by how well you restore them.
    Galatians 6:1 (KJV)
    1  Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 
    Bro. Garry
    In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.
  11. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Had the most incredible homemade "camp style' beef stew tonight with sweet cornbread made in a cast iron skillet that was out of this world.  Iced tea with NO SUGAR in it, and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.
  12. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to Dr James Ach in Why The Hypocrisy?   
    No Miss Daisy. The OP and those who support it. This forum has simply been allowed to run rampant with heretics who are either Calvinist or ex-fundies all with an axe to grind against IFB churches, members and pastors. It's one thing to explain issues to those who truly want to learn what we believe and why, it's wholly another to have to keep an eye on skeptics all of the time who join here for the sole intent of belittling the IFB. That's why so many have left, or just lay dormant and contact each other through private messages.
  13. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Joseph Redgate in Whats for Supper...   
    Had the most incredible homemade "camp style' beef stew tonight with sweet cornbread made in a cast iron skillet that was out of this world.  Iced tea with NO SUGAR in it, and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.
  14. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to MountainChristian in Repentance And How To Properly Share The Gospel   
    2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
    don't whittle your sword down to the size of needle 
  15. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Wild Turkey harvested just this week during the spring turkey season, and wild onions, with lambs quarters (kind of a wild spinach).  By the way, wild turkey doesn't taste anything like the butterball you get from the store. 
    A small trivia note about wild turkey's.  Did you know that Benjamin Franklin campaigned hard for the wild turkey to be the official U.S. Bird instead of the Bald Eagle?  He was defeated by only 3 votes!  
  16. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Wild Turkey harvested just this week during the spring turkey season, and wild onions, with lambs quarters (kind of a wild spinach).  By the way, wild turkey doesn't taste anything like the butterball you get from the store. 
    A small trivia note about wild turkey's.  Did you know that Benjamin Franklin campaigned hard for the wild turkey to be the official U.S. Bird instead of the Bald Eagle?  He was defeated by only 3 votes!  
  17. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Turned my 3 day Memorial Day weekend into a 4 day weekend by working some extra yesterday and this morning.  Now I am heading into the mountains to commune with God and his awesomecreation, so tonight will be campfire food; hotdogs, brauts, beans, baked potatoes in the fire coals.  Of course smores for dessert.  I will of course be bringing some sauerkraut, because having hotdogs and brauts without sauerkraut would be sacrilege.
    Bro. Garry
  18. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Apple Pork Chop, garlic baby reds, grilled asparagus, and cheese bread. A strawberry mouse for dessert.
  19. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Apple Pork Chop, garlic baby reds, grilled asparagus, and cheese bread. A strawberry mouse for dessert.
  20. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Eagle taking an injured fish I had just released at Hemlock Lake, OR.
  21. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Hiking trail to Susan Creek Falls.
  22. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to Invicta in Whats for Supper...   
    Chicken tikka masala
  23. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Eagle taking an injured fish I had just released at Hemlock Lake, OR.
  24. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Hiking trail to Susan Creek Falls.
  25. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from MountainChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Sunny and 90 today and I have a day off of work and school!  Time to head into the gorgeous mountains and fir forests of Southern Oregon and hike to waterfalls, so a family bucket of KFC with all the trimmings for a picnic meal today at the falls.  I will try to post some pics if you like of the lake and falls when I get back tonight.
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