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  1. By offering the humble suggestion that you are not Paul, and that Jesus has (most likely) not appeared to you audibly and in person to tell you that you are particularly special.
    1 point
  2. Has nothing to do with a "calling" to preach. And yet, that is the clearest and most obvious manner in which the Scriptures speak of a man going into ministry, at least, specifically, the office of bishop. The text, speaks of desire, our traditions speak of "calling". I do not doubt, or even minimize your (rather common) experience, I'm just saying it is a story based upon personal and often shared experience which is not spelled out in the text in any meaningful sense. We must only consult our own feelings emotions etc....for that experience. We have no way to verify the validity of those personal experiences any more than a charismatic does. One could utilize examples if we press the stories of O.T. prophets into service here, I suppose. Thus, arguing that it is "Biblical" in some ways. That's fair enough, as long as we don't press the similarities between preaching (and admittedly there are similarities) and the role of the OT prophet too far. My only concern is that we put too much stock in "calling" as opposed to desire and qualifications which are specifics the Scriptures give.
    1 point
  3. When God calls an Independent Baptist in the modern era to be an apostle, that will be an entirely different discussion. The "calling" to salvation both the general and specific "call" is not what the O.P. is about. Similarly, the subsequent "calling" for all believers to preach the gospel upon their salvation is universal, and not what the O.P. is about.
    1 point
  4. Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. My desire to preach was definitely a calling that I submitted to. In fact, it was NOT a desire at first. God had to do a work in me and bring me to that point. My response to it at first was rebellion, then a little bit later submission.
    1 point
  5. I believe the poster was speaking in the sense of a "calling" to preach or to ministry. Obviously, the word "call" and "calling" exist. Obviously, they are used in Scripture. They are in reference, however, to salvation, a corporate election of Israel etc etc.. If the poster is asking about a "calling" to ministry, however, as I believe they were, then, I stand by my original post.
    1 point
  6. I don't really think there is one. The idea of a "calling" is, I think, somewhat a myth. The Scriptures only speak in terms of a "desire"......and then qualifications. I believe God's wisdom was perfect in this respect. There is no way to argue with someone's "calling". One can only note their desire and see whether they are qualified. If someone is not qualified, it follows, then, that they are not "called"..... "Called to Preach" for instance, is, I think, something of an imperfect and confusing misnomer the Bible-Believer should divorce themselves from.
    1 point
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