Has nothing to do with a "calling" to preach.
And yet, that is the clearest and most obvious manner in which the Scriptures speak of a man going into ministry, at least, specifically, the office of bishop. The text, speaks of desire, our traditions speak of "calling".
I do not doubt, or even minimize your (rather common) experience, I'm just saying it is a story based upon personal and often shared experience which is not spelled out in the text in any meaningful sense. We must only consult our own feelings emotions etc....for that experience. We have no way to verify the validity of those personal experiences any more than a charismatic does.
One could utilize examples if we press the stories of O.T. prophets into service here, I suppose. Thus, arguing that it is "Biblical" in some ways. That's fair enough, as long as we don't press the similarities between preaching (and admittedly there are similarities) and the role of the OT prophet too far.
My only concern is that we put too much stock in "calling" as opposed to desire and qualifications which are specifics the Scriptures give.