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They Don't Want Equality

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Saw this clip in a news article concerning a family in Ireland protecting their religious liberty:

“If supporting same-sex marriage is a protected political opinion, so is supporting traditional marriage."

This is a profound statement. Our government needs to grasp this truth and put an end to the sodomites ungodly attacks on bridal boutiques, bakeries, marriage chapels, and yes, sadly, even our pulpits. This nation has gotten so far from its standards and morals because of left-wing liberals, that it is sickening.

Sodomites need to repent, turning from their sinful lusts and fall on their knees before God. If they have no heart to repent, they need to push their agenda amongst their own and stay out of the Christian businesses. They cry for equality, but equality is not what they want. Equality is merely a subtil tactical diversion. Their agenda demands acceptance of sin, something no true child of Almighty God should ever agree with.

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Not even 10 years ago would we have seen the trespasses on religious liberty of the protected class that is the religious occur as it is now.
And while sodomite factions doing so scream tolerance and condemn bullying of their kind, they fail to demnostrate tolerance for the religious who are opposed to their behavior. And they resort to bullying in order to send their message.
The secular government needs to stand for the rights of the religious before condmening them for invoking their faith and values in business. And also for daring to demand in some cases that those businesses under attack by the gay agendaists attend 'sensitivity courses', in order not only to be allowed to stay in business, but to in effect learn to abdicate their religious values and cleave instead to the secular ones that forced them into those classes in the first place.
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