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Any Christian Doctors Here?


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I have a question about diabetes. My papa collapsed a few days ago. We know that he is diabetic because of the signs and symptoms. After getting conscious, he cannot walk anymore and lose strengh in his thigh, waist and legs. He is not paralyzed because he can still feel but the lower part of his body is very weak that he cannot walk alone and have to be assisted by my brother.

Is this because of diabetes? or there is vitamins and minerals lack in his body? We will go to the doctor tomorrow for check up but just like to ask opinion if this is related to diabetes. He is always thirsty and losing weight.

Please advise and pray for his situation.



Edited by Jeny
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I have a question about diabetes. My papa collapsed a few days ago. We know that he is diabetic because of the signs and symptoms. After getting conscious, he cannot walk anymore and lose strengh in his thigh, waist and legs. He is not paralyzed because he can still feel but the lower part of his body is very weak that he cannot walk alone and have to be assisted by my brother.

Is this because of diabetes? or there is vitamins and minerals lack in his body? We will go to the doctor tomorrow for check up but just like to ask opinion if this is related to diabetes. He is always thirsty and losing weight.

Please advise and pray for his situation.


There could be other problems than diabetes, Jeny.

There are many things that cause weight loss, Crohn's disease (intestinal inflamation) is one cause.
Yes, diabetes is another.
Ulcerative Colitis (inflamation of the Large Intestine) is another possible cause.

Take your doctor to a doctor. There will have to be tests run to determine what is going on.

If the doctor suspects UC, then he may order a colonoscopy or a barium enema... or both.
If he suspects diabetes, he will order blood tests where he can see the glucose levels. A hemoglobin A1C can measure the success of the glucose level over time. If the levels are high, an arterial blood gas will be measured to rule out DKA (Diabetic ketoacidosis)
If he suspects Crohn's, he will order at least one, if not all of the following: a CBC, Chem 12, Lipase, X-ray, CT Scan, MRI.
Crohn's usually affects those between the ages of 15-35, so that may be ruled out right away.

But the fact that he has trouble walking after his collapse may be an indication that he has had a stroke. Get him to a doctor ASAP.
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I'm not a doctor, but have had T2 diabetes for 12 years. Those symptoms sound like diabetes. In the UK, he would go to hospital for checks & stabilisation.

Have you a blood glucose monitor - they are free from the manufacturers with a few test strips - or you may get help from another diabetic.

I was diagnosed when I went to the Dr with a numbness in one thigh - diabetic neuropathy. After 7 years muscle pain became so serious that I thought I could become disabled. I went on a low carbohydrate diet, & my condition improved rapidly. In 3 months I was playing tennis again. 4 years on I am still well & active & free from symptoms.

You will find a very helpful forum where you can get ready answers from people's experience:

I post as IanD.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks to IanD and Standing Firm in Christ for the response. My father is indeed a diabetic. It is type 2 diabetes. He is under medication right now, and the doctor advise us to have him undergo ct scan which is a little bit delayed because of financial reason. We do not have glucose monitor yet. Can you advise us what are the things to look out, or things to avoid or things to do with a diabetic person. My father is at home just taking the medicines that the doctor prescribed, we can't afford to stay at the hospital for a long time so we decided just to take him home. I always check with him and he said that he feels better but I know that stroke is a traitor.

Hope you can give me some advise.

Thank you so much and God bless you.

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Type 2 diabetes many times can be controlled with weight loss, dietary discretion and exercise. At times Type 2 diabetes requires oral hypoglycemic medications and rarely insulin.

Make sure your dad keeps tight control of his blood sugar. This reduces the risk of most complications.

He can lower his risk of heart related complications by taking a daily aspirin and by aggressively managing other risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, cigarette smoking, and obesity.

Your dad should visit an eye specialist and a foot specialist at least once a year to reduce eye and foot complications associated with Type 2 diabetes.

Make sure you keep fruits at hand for your dad. They help.

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This link gives details of my presentation last Tuesday - what I said is on the second page.

You can join the forum & ask specific questions. Most have already been asked!

Trust your father will improve now he is diagnosed. Manufacturers are ready to give away meters & a few strips in the hope that you will keep buying their test strips.


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