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A Burning Bush


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A Burning Bush

“And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.” (Ex. 3:2)

We need to be a “Burning Bush” for the Lord:
A burning desire to serve Him;
A “burning and shining light; (Jn. 5:35)
A burning within; (Luke 24:32)
Burning, but not consumed. (text verse)

The “burning Bush” was a peculiarity in that it;
Burned brightly;
It got Man’s attention;
It was not consumed;
It Had a purpose.

Our testimony:
Ought to “burn brightly”; (again, Jn. 5:35)
Ought to attract attention; (Mt. 5:16)
Ought not to “Burn out”;
Should have a purpose. (winning souls to Christ.)

A burning bush would also give out light;
Light- a refuge from darkness;
Light- a comfort at night;
Light- a guide to our path;
Light- Created by God. (duplicated by man)

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