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Bible Senders 2010 Annual Report


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2010 Annual Report

We want to thank all those who helped us this last year. When I look around at all that happened in 2010 I am reminded of the words of Jesus in John 9:4 "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." The world in which we live is getting darker all the time. We must ask ourselves: How long do we have to reach the world with the gospel? While giving was down this year God opened up some doors that allowed us to send bibles and scripture to Ghana and Nigeria via containers in the States. This significantly reduced our shipping costs and allowed us to use the majority of our budget to purchase bibles. Praise the Lord!

From October through December we sent out 350 Bibles, 1,024 New Testaments 14,420 Tracts, 68 DVD'S, and 212 Books. These items were sent to the countries of Mexico, Ghana, and Nigeria.

Totals for 2010 1,819 Bibles, 1,073 New Testaments 204,220 Tracts, 116 DVD'S, and 376 Books.

Bible Senders Ministry to date: 14,964 Bibles, 2,968 New Testaments, 79,162 Scripture Books, 1,379,018 Tracts, 3,365 Bible Studies, over 665 Christian Films, over 4,641 Books and 386 Hymnals.

Here are a few requests we have recieved:

Hello Ryan,thanks for extending the good work you have been doing arround the globe to prisons in our country kenya.last year you send some 36 small print bibles to our prisoners.am kindly requesting for more this year to share with women in prisons who cant afford to buy.

Dear pastor Ryan, precious name our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour! We praying for the Lord continue us to send free bible KJV 1611 ot/nt use for the mission work in Bocaue. May God will provide us our request and faithfully use for the Lord work in bocaue. thank your generously and kindly support us our work in Bocaue. may Provide us! romans 8:28 saved by his grace, pastor ronaldo s. ballonado

I would also like to inform you of a special project we are working on. For those of you who are at all familiar with all the 2012 talk many people are discussing this topic. If you are not familiar just type in 2012 into your search engine and you will see what I am talking about. We have designed a tract entitled 2012 Is It The End? We are praying that God will use this tract in the coming months leading up to Dec 21, 2012 the date that many have claimed the world will end. We are asking that others would pray about funding this tract. We also need people who will be willing to distribute it. I am working with someone who I pray will be able to help me finish the site I have set up to answer questions of those who are seeking the truth. We feel this is a great springboard into sharing the gospel. I have attached the front and back of the tract. Again I ask you to pray what you would be willing to do to help with this project.

As always please continue to pray for our need of finances to supply missionaries around the world with Bibles and other materials.
God bless. The Olson's



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