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bro. Mark

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About bro. Mark

  • Birthday 06/03/1990

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  1. I struggle with this, because even all the verses posted above, don't say anything about repenting from sin. It seems Baptist are split on this, but the one side tends to automatically associate repentance with sin. But even in the old testament, God himself repents. So repentence is clearly not just about sin. Plus, imagine telling someone that God loves them, and that you are saved by grace and faith. But wait, you're not actually saved by grace, you're saved by being able to magically stop sinning. If we could stop sinning, then Jesus died for literally nothing. Repenting from sins is definitely part of the journey. But for salvation? I don't see it in Scripture. But whenever I mention this, people post endless verses that have the word repent in it, but zero of them even mention the word sin, or repenting of sin for salvation. Repenting of your sins to be saved is clearly a works based salvation. But once you're saved, sinning becomes so much easier to defeat. But it's a process. If you have to stop sinning to be saved, none of us on this forum is saved.
  2. I've never heard of him, but if you guys approve! So many books for free! This will keep me busy for a while. Thank you. Oh awesome! I'm going though the site now. Much appreciated
  3. Literally just watched a sermon from Jack Hyles as I try to figure out IFB pastor's I can trust to learn from. He literally said women wearing shorts is why they get raped. And that "men will be men" and that every man in prison for rape, there should be a half naked woman in another cell. I knew instantly he is not the pastor I'm going to listen to.
  4. I'm looking for some solid IFB approved books to read, outside of the bible of course. I love reading theology and such, as I used to be eastern Orthodox. And all we did was read books haha. So I'm looking for some good baptist books to read! What do you recommend?
  5. I am! I loved the replies. It was so helpful as I transition from the NIFB "movement" to just IFB.
  6. Absolutely. It's weird to me that people actually believe that voting for one demon over another is somehow the christian way. Jesus would not have any part of it. Could you imagine Jesus going to the voting booth to select some lying adulteress greedy family wrecking person, just because the other one sucks more? They kept mentioning voting is the Jesus thing to do. But, that's clearly just a way to force tradition into scripture. I'm pretty sure Jesus says not to support and praise and enforce evil. What do you think voting for them is doing, if not literally participating in their evil?
  7. Hey guys. I didn't come here to offend or to bicker with brothers over a really non important matter. Rather you're political or not, you're right. No judgements. I assumed we were having a discussion until the belittling and name calling began. I'll bow out of this, and just focus on the Christ's Kingdom. Not this one.
  8. I disagree. Because one doesn't vote, doesn't mean that can not have discussions. That's some old school American nationalism speaking. "Do this or you're not a real American", similar to " if you don't this you're not a real christian ". I believe I have a valid reason not to vote. Not to mention, it seems our votes don't actually matter. The powers that be will always get who they want in. But that's another topic. No. Every political member are liars and thieves. I'll let the world play their made up left vs right games. I'm just visiting, my king is Jesus. Ill let the USA play their games designed to divide and conquer. Im not going to be part of it.
  9. Nah. I'm staying out of it. Trump is an adulterer, fornicator, he literally makes a huge portion of his money from his casinos, so he's promoting gambling addictions. He is not the "christian" leader. In the wordly sense yeah he'd make a great president. But I can't really mix Christ with trump too well
  10. Absolutely will.Have time tonight. Thank you. That would be wonderful. Thank you.
  11. Not to go too deep into this, but I've been a NIFB for a long time now. But slowly God has been showing me how much pure hatred and anger this sect is. Granted, in my flesh, I loved it. I loved being RIGHT and angry and even "Godly Hateful". That screaming bold preaching made my flesh feel so good. But it made my soul and heart lose sight of Christ and his love and mercy. Anyways. I'm stubborn, but im willing to learn. There are 3 doctrines the NIFB held, which i still do, but 95% of IFB do not. So please send me any links, videos etc. Because I need to UNbrainwash myself from a decade of possibly wrong teachings. Which are: 1. Dispensationalism. After watching the documentary " Dispensation of Heresy ", i just can't accept this IFB doctrine. Replacement theology is what I've always known. But i want to learn from people outside of the NIFB on this topic. 2. Pretrib Rapture: to be honest, I haven't looked too much into this outside of the NIFB documentary " after the tribulation ". This one.I'm not fully sold on or against. 3.Reprobates: it is heavily taught that homosexuals can't be saved. And even that our government should be killing them off according to Scripture. Or they should end their own lives.. This has caused nothing but pure hatred from me as well towards this group. But now I'm starting to think the reprobate doctrine maybe wrong.. As in, I don't see why a homosexual couldn't be saved. I'm starting to see that, the sin is evil, but Christ can save even them if he saved someone like me. These are just 3 BIG topics that I'm.finally willing to learn about, and to put away my NIFB biases. Pray for me, and all of the NIFB movement. It really is a religion of hate and can really suck you in.
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