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Silverhair last won the day on April 29

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About Silverhair

  • Birthday 11/27/1949

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  1. Now how I missed that one I do not know. Funny how we can miss things that are right in front of us.
  2. We can add these two that speak to the work of all three in salvation. Mat_28:19 Tit_3:4-6
  3. A sermon for our times. We will all be called to stand for the truth. But most will not be willing to hear it.
  4. The Trinity and the work of the trinity in our salvation is laid out in this one verse. {1Pe_1:2} Those that wish to deny the Trinity would have to explain away the clear words found here. God the Father sanctification of the Spirit the blood of Jesus Christ The Trinity at the best of times is a challenge to explain. I heard it explained this way: There are three who's; Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit and one what GOD. The Bible is clear when it speaks of: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But states that there is only one God "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!" Deu_6:4 cf Mar_12:29 If we were to use math, it would not be, 1+1+1=3 this would be polytheism. It would be 1×1×1=1 this is monotheism. God is a Triune God. Trinity is clearly shown in the bible. See Act_2:32-33, Act_7:55, 2Co_13:14, 1Pe_1:2. The Trinity is clearly seen in the baptism of Christ Jesus Luk_3:22 So to answer your question; who is the one true God? God is a Trinity so whichever you speak of; Father, Son or Spirit you are speaking of the one true God. I hope this helps clear up a hard to grasp concept.
  5. He is just a an anti christian troll so I put him on ignore. He is not worth the time it takes to respond to him.
  6. My comments were not meant as an attack on you. I have dealt with many KJVonly's and they consider all MV's as flawed. Again not saying you are as such. The MV's have the advantage of more and better manuscripts with which to work.
  7. The question is not why some say the KJV is out of date and hard to read rather the question is why do you not trust the modern language bibles. Do you think they were not good translations? Does matter if the person reads the NLT, NASB, NKJV etc as long as they are reading God's word. If they are immersed in His word the Holy Spirit will guide them to His truths.
  8. Odd that you would choose that label "thinking" since you do not seem to do much of it. Just curious, since you do not believe what the bible says re the Trinity. And Christians hold to the Trinity I have to conclude you are not a Christian or at best a pseudo christian. So why do you bother coming on a Christian board. Is it just to spread your false religion? Since what I have seen of your comments it adds nothing to the study of scripture it seems best to just put you on ignore.
  9. From the perspective of calvinists anyone that does not hold to their view could be called a heretic. {A heretic is a person who differs in opinion from established religious dogma or an accepted belief or doctrine.} https://www.merriam-webster.com As for false teaching, that is teaching contrary to scripture. Note I did not say their opinion of what scripture says but rather what the text actually says. We have clear examples of people changing the meaning of words or using text out of context to support their view. That is false teaching. I do not know enough about either Piper or McArthur to label them as heretics but I would call them false teachers as they should know better then to call the 5 points of calvinist biblical.
  10. On my Android phone I use MySword but am swinging over to Blue Letter Bible. On my laptop I have E-Sword and BLB but mainly use E-Sword. Lots of free resources and others that are real cost effective. I looked at Lagos but it was expensive and much more than I needed.
  11. I think the term heresy is over used as a pejorative in the attempt to shut the other person's ideas down. That is why I would not say calvinism is heretical but it is most assuredly in error. This is the definition for heresy found at dictionary . com "opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine". As you can see it can be used from both parties as they determine orthodox or accepted doctrine from their own perspective. But when I say something is in error in relation to scripture then they have scripture to contend with.
  12. You must not realize that when he points to Platonic and Socrates world views he should have included Gnostic & Manichean views also. These are all pagan views that were brought into the church by Augustine. The views he is promoting are against the teaching of scripture.
  13. I would be inclined to call most calvinists confused. From what I have seen in dealing with them they do not even fully understand the foundation of their theology. The problem is that most calvinists do not hold to actual calvinism as articulated by Augustine & Calvin etc. That would be very close to heresy as they still would not deny the sufficiency of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. So while what calvinists teach is in error it is not heresy. Just bad theology.
  14. Calvinists are not teaching heresy. What they are teaching is an errant view that is based on a misreading of scripture. All calvinists believe in the sufficiency of Christ in their salvation. By using your logic "we are certainly saying X doctrine is false when compared with the Bible." All of us could at sometime be said to have taught heresy by some group that disagrees with our views. I have been called a heretic more then once by calvinist's because I disagree with their view. I would say the JW's Mormons and Islam are all teaching heresy as they deny the work of Christ for salvation. Again calvinism, as the people I have dealt with understand it, is errant but it does not reach the level of being heretical but taken to what I see as it's logical conclusion it would step over that line. Following is a quote from Dr. Roger Olson April 19 / 2024. It is a good article that has good insights re calvinism. "I will say it again, I consider Calvinists authentic Christians with defective theology that, if taken to its logical conclusion, makes God monstrous. Fortunately, most Calvinists do not take Calvinism to its logical conclusion and/or settle into some kind of inconsistency, claiming that God loves even those he predestines to spend eternity in hell for his glory." Roger E. Olson https://www.patheos.com/blogs/rogereolson/2024/04/why-calvinism-cannot-be-true/
  15. FYI I am not a calvinist but I have dealt with calvinist's on other boards. Calvinism is not heresy. I would say that most have a great love for God but they error in their understanding of the means of salvation. Some are just a "bit" more zealous in their support of the TULIP / DoG. Where they error is they start with the calvinist philosophy and then search scripture in the hope of finding a verse to support their view even if they have to twist the text or change the meaning of words. It seems you encountered a more zealous one who trust what some man tells him the bible means rather than actually trusting what the bible actually says.
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