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Kienyui last won the day on June 29

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About Kienyui

  • Birthday 08/10/1989

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  1. Lord, I decree and declare positive changes in my life starting this week. My past, my present situation and my predictions is is a lesson, not a life sentence. Let my life see good in Jesus name, Amen.
  2. Could it be that I don't know how to pray? Have my sins been forgiven? Could it be that i am destined for destruction? Why will praying for years yield no fruit?
  3. If you wake up and realize you a death. You didn't suffer, were not sick.
  4. Drowning. It comes in waves. It form ripples, crests and troughs. It never stop. A chain of polymers. No deletion, insertion or substitution. It has an initiator, enhancer but no terminator. It is pain. Drowning in shame. Without mercy.
  5. http://sharevideo1.com/v/MXdtbGJQQmNqVHM=?t=ytb&f=co
  6. Thank you @BrotherTony. I am not happy at anything but know that you actually spend so much time reading and replying to my post detailing every aspect of it. I am also happy to know how much you care. Truly when I invaded the internet, I was fade up with life. My intention was to tell my story to who ever wanted to hear so that just maybe one or two could sympathize with me and help me out in my situation. Nomatter the resistance I met, I pushed very hard but yet it yield no fruit. I am not here to tell my story anymore. If I have survive from 2016 till date, it means that man up there cares. Despite the hunger, the sicknesses, the physical wounds, homelessness, he has always been there. At some point in time I became a nuisance to Christian forum with incessant demands. I was champion of negativity and was ban in almost all the forums. My writeup is another way of unleashing my frustration on the internet. Through the time I have been writing to Christian groups, I learned a lesson. It is not an obligation for Christians to help and fellow Christians. If they must do so, it is the willingness of the Christians and the conviction of the holy spirit. You asked if I depend on the lord for food. Depending on the lord for food is as difficult as Mathew 19:24. If I am not working, will God send food from heaven? Absolutely no. God forgive me but I stole food at some point. I live in a foreign community, my community was razed to ashes. I am in a community where the people are so hostile to strangers. Nomatter how much you try, they still hate to see you. A place without a home, a job. A place with zero tolerance. I have heard of many assistance to those affected by the crisis but it all end it all condition offices while the masses continue to suffer. We are used here as slaves. We are force to work on their fields without payment and we have nowhere or no one to complain to. I really will not want to tell my story further. I have been banned in several forums because of this. Except you permit me. Permit we write when it is morning here. It is 11pm here and mosquitoes are following my torch light. I live in an uncompleted building and light attracts mosquitoes. Love and prayers
  7. When I was growing up, I use to think that when I will be big, I will build a charity home to Carter for the poor. Today, I am the poor looking for bread in the trash. Many think that helping the underprivileged is charity. It is an issue of justice. The poor are suffering injustice, they are not free people. The world have derived a better way to deny a poor man justice. They call it scamming. Each time they ask for food, to escape and not give us food, they call it scam. Christian preach love but thousands of their neighbors go to bed hungry. Being poor in a community is a sin. The poor are unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody. Every time you go on leisure, each time you go on holidays, each time you throw away food, old clothes and use households equipments, you are perpetrating injustice to the poor and hungry. Why can we not sit down to eat with all those who haven’t eaten. Why can you not Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need, the remainder is needed by others. Anybody who give bread to the hunger is a God. Hunger has made many thieves. Hunger have made many to go to the street in protest. Hunger have produced terrorists, murderers etc. People everywhere can have three meals a day if we want. We can all have quality education. I have the audacity to challenge our leaders to end hunger and see how all human crisis, killings, stealing and lies telling will die a natural death. I have the audacity to challenge church authorities to fight hunger and worship will be so exceptional If the society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. We will continue to live on chaos . If the lord has blessed you, pray that the Lord makes you worthy to serve those throughout the world who live and die in poverty or hunger. Give them their daily bread, and give them love, peace and joy To me, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind. Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world. Pluto said “The god of love lives in a state of need. It is a need. It is an urge. It is a homeostatic imbalance. Like hunger and thirst, it’s almost impossible to stamp out. We were created to use material things and love people and not to use people and love material things. Love is the climax of Christianity and the highest quality of God’s character. If I can give a million in church but refused to help a hungry brother, then my Christianity is deformed and my giving is a transaction inspired by greed. Many of us give to charity organizations who out out of 100% will give just 10% to the poor. They used it to buy cars, open business and intimidate the poor. When the lord shows a man mercy, he should not be tempted to think that his neighbor is lazy. There are people who fasted for days without hearing or encountering God while some were eating when Jesus visited them. There is election by mercy. Most people think we have committed a sin when we ask for mercy. The mercy of God is deeper than forgiveness(Psalm 102:13). Man is but man, even the best of man is still man. My prayer is always that “Oh lord show me mercy.” Many will call be names but they are not my God. Psalm 119 41. Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word. 77. Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight 156. Great are thy tender mercies, O LORD: quicken me according to thy judgments. Amen
  8. American should not allow the devil to destabilize their country. No one of you knows how painful it is live in war. Pray for your nation. Because of war, we are homeless, helpless and frustrated. I could never believe I can go for a night without food. Here I am, not able to sleep with warms singing songs of praise in my stomach. If you have ever been hungry? Truly hungry? Not the hunger one gets in anticipation of a meal, but the kind that pinches the stomach when you know no food is forthcoming.
  9. I have been committing this sin for months now. I know it a sin. I have to do it to survive
  10. Mistakes are correctable. Righteousness and humility are two qualities a Christian should pursue. Pride should never be part of their attitude. I am not proud of my altitude, my doing and my action right now. I am push by circumstances. Remember what Jesus Christ said in Mathew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” May God bless His words in your heart. Happy Sunday
  11. Almighty Father in Heaven, I don't know what to do anymore but to seek for Your face. You know me from within and what I feel in my heart right now. I need You, God. I need Your help. I ask You to release a miracle over my life right now. You are a God of mercy and You know I cannot do it on my own Thank You, God, for listening to my prayers and for releasing this miracle over me. I ask this in Your name, Amen.
  12. The wonders of his Grace. He took my sin, my guilt and shame. He gave me his name Happy new week
  13. I may not have to eat but many have died of hunger. I may not have a home but many are not alive.
  14. I’m limited, I’m a beloved child of God. I’m not perfect, God’s grace is enough. I gave my best, I trust God with the rest. I accept my total dependence on God. I honor the reality of my limitations. My Wish God, I don’t want to disappoint anyone or make a mistake. I don’t want other people to suffer. But You ask me to be brave. Help me trust You with what’s not mine to control. In Jesus’ Name Amen
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