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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. With the new climate change, this can become a tropical Island.
  2. The church is the body of believers correct, not no building or temple made by man hands. if your church building burns down to the ground, Everyone is safe. You just fine. a new location. In the Old Testament, tithing was, and still practice today. The New Testament, does not mention that we must tithe, but that we should give with a cheerful heart. That it is better to give than to receive. The bible does not say, give only to the local church. It tells us to pay our taxes, and those that earn their wages their fair share. Now stealing may apply here for many christians. If a christian is not a member of any church at the moment, and give to a family in need, is he or she stealing. We as christian members, or churches often turn our looks away, from those that are in need. The need is not just in a building (church) doors, but outside the fence-line .
  3. Give with a cheerful heart, the church has needs, but not only the church. The church will survive, with you giving or not.
  4. As the end times are getting much closer, is it really necessary to give all the tithe to the church. I know that there are bills to be paid, in the church. But when there is so much need around us, is it a sin to give a brother in need part of your tithe. I don't think Jesus, would get mad for you helping someone in need. Am I lost christian, by doing this? Some churches have shown down completely with this COVID, on there out reach ministry's. Tithe and offerings not being put to work. P.S Don't tell your pastor, he might get mad.
  5. COVID Spreading all over again, take away 50 percent for flu and bad colds virus. Still too many cases.
  6. Can someone in Admin, Block Mr. Bro. Tony, from posting to me. He is a attacker and scaring members away. And he is not a independent Baptist.
  7. You need to get Saved my Russian friend. NPR is not for profit, and is excepted all around the world. I guess the world is lost for you Mr. Fox Tony only.
  8. NPR is a great news source, thanks. But since they lean more liberal. Many of members here most likely don’t follow. I hear them every morning but change when they give LGBTQ update junk.
  9. You guys are funny, the late night Baptist show… Here issssss Tony. ?
  10. Looks like all the world’s governments and leaders got together to full their citizens, of this fake virus and all vaccines. To control the World with this fake virus, and vaccines. To control all humans. All those fake millions of death, all the fake hospitals, filled with people with just a flu or bad cold. Millions of employees working overtime for nothing. People wherein fake mask, and making someone very rich. Lockdowns to destroy the economy. This is extraordinary
  11. Outsiders sometimes can see better then the insiders, for many follow traditions of man. And cannot see. Like some Independent Baptist churches are changing their names, also removing the word Fundamentalist. Seeking to gain the more, more membership. More members, more money. You are right in that not all that say their Independent Baptist, are today.
  12. I can understand those not wanting it, but to call it of the devil is a totally other route.
  13. I have spoken to many of my Baptist friends and they support the vaccine, but not on this website for some reason. Only time will show the correct decision, and all fake news will come to the light or the truth, regarding getting the vaccine.
  14. Are the Southern Baptist still strong today, compared to its roots 25 years ago, Bro.Tony. Their preaching, not their membership. Have they open up to woman preachers and gay marriage yet, and quiet to abortions. I wonder how much of that 140 millions of dollars really reach mission.
  15. Stop seeking those easy to go churches, those that have more bibles and translations that are pleasing to the ears. Those churches, that have those Million of dollars fund raisers. Those churches that are slowly turning gay. There are many that need to repent and turn back to the true bible preaching church. Come back this 2022 DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME
  16. Correct, and Jesus died just once, to save us.
  17. I forgive you, many people have after stuff, after they had COVID. I am not a pot stirrer.
  18. There are those that vote republican like my self, but, I will not vote for a sorry republican. I Voted 2 times for Trump, he was good. But for the 3 time, this is a NOWAY. He did poorly at the END or last 6 months. This is a big problem with fanatics voters, They will vote for a bad person, if he or she is for their party, no matter what. This is wrong in my opinion.
  19. Those same people that don't support our government here, are the same people that say, if you don't like it here you can move to a different country.
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