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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. The Independent Baptist Church, don't have any Bishops, we have only pastors, evangelists, or we just say preacher. Now Bishop Tony, would sound pretty cool.... Have a nice weekend. ?
  2. This is a positive post, maybe not for you. I think this post had close to 50,000 views. Can a Christian Vote Liberal ...
  3. I ask them, some will say, they voted for Biden, because they did not trust Trump. Many Christians fear him. Can you blame them. I voted 3 times for Trump, counting the primary. I will no longer, that January 6th day, drew the red line. Sad Day for America.
  4. I will keep you B.T and your wife in my prayers. I think you’re doing the right thing on a second opinion. It is different, to me, that both of you have the same heart problem. I am not sure about it being COVID related. Since it affects everyone differently. We believe that our God can heal today, like yesterday. He hears his children.
  5. This is pretty easy, they are voting Democrat. The Democrat party openly supports, gay marriages, abortions, and more. So if you vote for Biden, you’re voting for all these other things, they openly support. So, you’re telling me that all your friends, and all your brothers in Christ, everybody you run into, are Republicans? like Biden would says, come on man.
  6. That time of the year again. Vote by mail. I can see all those Christians voting for the liberal party again. Supporting the party, that supports abortions, gay marriages, and for more marijuana. The Non Conservative Christians.
  7. John.12 [17] The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead, bare record. Like Lazarus, we were all dead in our sins, and called by Christ the LORD. To bare witness of Him.
  8. I like your reply, but the truth is, I’m still not sure what you’re saying is correct, for I myself, am a King James version Bible preferred, but not only. For just an example, I use a Spanish Bible, we cannot say, this Bible is not good. I can say, that when I’m in the English church, I use the King James, but when I am in a Spanish church, I use the Reina Valera Bible. and the other examples that I gave, like finding the right church, or spouse. We all have the free will, and choice to pick do, or even buy what we wish. I believe the Holy Spirit, keeps out of many decisions we make daily.
  9. I always understood that the job of the Holy Spirit, was to point us to Christ, and Christ alone. The Holy Spirit, doesn’t tell us to use this Bible, or use that Bible, go to this church, or don’t go to that church, date that woman, not that guy. These are just some examples. So,I believe that the Holy Spirit job is to point us to Christ, to serve Christ, and seek Christ.
  10. Can the Holy Spirit tell us, listen to this person, or that person. I don’t think so, but I thought to ask. Many times, I don’t know what is going on, with believers, that are on a different page.
  11. First, right off the bat, I don’t follow or listen to any person, that is a multi millionaire, flying around giving concerts, and selling books. I cannot understand why a mature Christian, cannot see this? Grown in a Christian home, and very well educated. Many have eyes, but cannot see, and many have ears, but cannot hear. Sad
  12. Some may say, here is the Glory land complaining again, but I’m not. During earthly holiday seasons, it’s OK, to try to reach out and give candy in a Family Environment Safe Way. Many churches will agree, and many will disagree. Times are changing, and not always for the better, but the Word and the gospel must be shared. Be Safe
  13. Sad to hear this, if we think, things are going hard on us. Look out your circle, others are in more need. Lord, bless these families.
  14. What does it means, in the Bible, when the word stiff neck is applied to those that are present.
  15. I shined my tires with Spam B.T… it makes them super slick.
  16. I pray that they find him soon, and well.
  17. Remember B.T not every one that reads the posts on this public Baptist form, are preachers, evangelist, and pastors. So,I believe you might be incorrect, regarding that everyone here, can recognize a false prophet.
  18. Don’t take my post personally, it’s in general, not you. Do do agree there’s much false teachings going on out there. Even in our denomination, their greedy people, some are Christians, and some are nonbelievers out there. Fake preachers, taking advantage of our humbleness and hard earned money. On their way to Hell. You always ask me for proof, open your eyes, this is not a secret. Our Bible tells us, that there will be false prophets and false teachers, deceiving many.
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