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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Indeed everyone is different, Indeed everything is the same. While I work in the Jail, for many years, I seen beautiful Ladies with their children, families, visiting ugly troublemakers, husbands, in jail. I wonder, what does this model female, see in this man. Eyes are in the beholder.?
  2. Interesting even if he’s in jail. Are these the phonetic voters?
  3. I’m not sure this time around ?? https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4025948-evangelicals-should-think-twice-about-supporting-trump-in-2024/amp/
  4. You can have someone living by your side for many years, but not really know them completely. Everything is just borrowed or ours temporary. Even our loved ones, can amaze us. Tell me who you are hanging around with, and I’ll tell you who you are. Men can’t let their guards down, there can be someone saying she a sweetheart and she is falling for it. Men cheated on their wife more in the past, but the rolls have turned, now the woman are leaving their husbands for a new man or woman. The devil is hard at work to destroy the family. Take care
  5. Thanks, this is what I thought, but are these the 144,000 that also is mentioned elsewhere?
  6. During the tribulation period the first 3 1/2 years of the antichrist. Those saints that will be persecuted. Why were they not removed from earth, during the rapture?
  7. Love you too, are you ready to take over for pastor Dr. Stodder, when he retires?
  8. I notice that they become story telling speakers, that many like to hear. They will never mention Hell or ? blood sacrifices.
  9. They see truth in you, and are aware. Yes, our memories do slip on all of us. But sometimes it’s for the better. My silence, and looking into their eyes, made them not visit me anymore.
  10. Thanks, I thought the spirit works the same in the new born Christians, when it comes to weeding out. I know that spiritual growth is different for everyone. The preacher does preach on these things, false teachings and teachers on television. Most of them are coming from Mega churches and Mega attendance concerts. Jet owners
  11. I agree, and thank you very much. Have you ever run to a brother or sister in Christ, that said, he or she listens to for example, Joyce Myers. Why can’t Christians realize, who is doing it for money, and the lifestyle of the ones they are listening too , are also false teachers. Many Christians don’t even check the back grounds, to see who they are listening to these days. Sad
  12. The Bible shows us and talk’s about those that are blind, and those that don’t come to the truth. What does the Bible tells us about those that come to the truth, knows the truth, but are still blind to many things.
  13. Who is my neighbors? Do I have to love them all the same, or just love those that treats me well. There are many angry people out there. Many believers and nonbelievers the same. Christians that don’t practice this are hurtful to the ministry. These should not be placed to serve in the church. If they cannot serve outside the church. Two different Worlds
  14. The more volunteers a church haves the more work can be done, for the Lords Army. Don’t always keep the same main soldiers in the front line. Rotation is good and healthy.
  15. For we we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Here or over there.
  16. In my experience while having wine many years ago, trying to talk about the Bible or Jesus, didn’t go well. You definitely feel like you are doing something wrong. Remember many Countries drink wine, while having their dinner at the table. Are they lost, I don’t think so, my humble opinion.
  17. If all those things I mentioned, is done to the body, the temple of the spirit of God. This is not good, for we are picking and choosing what sins are approved.
  18. There are many things that Christians should not do, like drinking to much wine or smoking. Eating to much food or taking to much medicine. What we put to much of, into and on our earthly bodies, can be sin.
  19. They believe Christians can coverts to JW, she at this moment don’t visits the services. She stays home, he doesn’t asks or makes her to visit. She knows the truth, there are many Christians in this situation. Maybe one of the 2 will be left behind. According to scripture, the nonbeliever.
  20. Thank you for replying, as a former alcoholic/bartender took the class, but never put it to practice. Normally the first drinks best drinks aged, are served first, later replace with a Less quality drink or even watering it down some with ice to make it last. I understand that God does not want a man to become drunken, but it happened in the Bible, and to think that God serve wine with alcohol sounds very evil. This man was satisfied with what was served.
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