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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I believe that pastors should also tithe, why not? They are not higher than the angles, that don't tithe. Christians must understand that they are men, sinners, repented, saved and serving God, just like you and me. Pastors, have a little bit more of responsibility. ? Christians that are treating their pastors as a higher superior, are sinners. Ask Moses'
  2. Also going crazy putting stuff on Twitter every day, and getting involved personally with others, made Trump look bad.
  3. Yes sir, I understand the monthly tithe. Some pastor don't put anything at all into the plate, not sure what going on there. It is nice to hear from the pastor you mentioned who gave and did not get paid to preach, he will be blessed here for it. in a different post regarding Pastor getting paid. This is also a problem. They get these crazy packages that includes cars houses to live and more. I don’t agree with all this, but I do agree that they get paid well and that they cover their own needs.
  4. But he asked the members, if they can leave the closer parking for visitor… ?
  5. Amazing also, the church is a social club. ? this is not good.
  6. Just checking, it is not a sin to have a parking that is closer, than the handicapped parking. ? If he, the pastor is fat like me, further might be better.?
  7. 12. Always remember, when we are going to church, we are serving the Lord Jesus, not the pastor of the church. Brown-nosing will not get you into heaven.
  8. 10. Don’t come late every Sunday, you know what time the church service starts, and please wait to the service is completely done. Don’t leave before it has ended. 11. if there’s gonna be baptismal or someone getting baptized, please don’t leave, believe it or not, we are eyewitnesses. ?
  9. 8. No too, stop using your smartphone during the service, if you’re not using it with the Bible only. 9. Yes, to be friendly and welcoming the first time visitors. ?
  10. Don't forget what Trump, did on January 6th he was behind everything going on. We can't be blind to this. I voted for Trump, but no more. We gave him a chance, and he blew it away, serving in his last year he was terrible.
  11. 5. Yes to dressing properly. I don’t want to see your holes in your pants. 6. ladies, that wear dresses are outstanding, and do well. 7. Man, please don’t come to church wearing shorts and flip-flops.
  12. 3. No to cutting your fingernails sanding them. 4. No to, come to Church with a runny nose, or blowing your nose, stay home. Don’t shake my hand. Thank you ?
  13. Thank you for replying. There’s a time for fellowship, time for eating and time for just sitting back and relaxing, but when we go to the worship part of the service, the service center is to worship, listen to the preaching, and to bring our tithe and offering. All the other things are done before or after the services, not during.
  14. 2. Yes to singing, praying, Bible study, giving, and fellowship.
  15. While having my cup of coffee, and replying to the last post. Drinking coffee during church. Let's talk about do and do not, during the worship services. 1. No chewing gum and making bubbles. ?
  16. Absolutely, but outside the worship center, or at home before coming to church. I wake up early to do all these things you mentioned. The church is not a social club. Sorry for being a little rough, but the truth shall make us free.
  17. Only water should be permitted inside the worship service center, I cough bad sometimes and have my water bottle nearby, just incase. Keep those Bibles dry and smartphones. ? Food and drinks eating, are just troublemakers. Having coffee areas outside, are just fine.
  18. If there is good open finance, everything you mentioned is good. But if not, don't give. Christians that don't care, this does not help. The fear of ministering God's money has gone In many churches, it is very easy for them to spend your tithe. Like your local government does, no fear and wasting. Sad ?
  19. The Rapture is near, if World War 3 breaks out in Israel. All we need to hear now is, more News regarding estrstererals sighting ??
  20. What I understand today, that they are still the people of God. Sinner yes, lost in the wilderness. Jesus is coming soon, to rule over there first. They are still the chosen to fulfill prophecy and complete the book Revelation.
  21. Sounds like America, the way it has turned to immoral lifestyles and living. America's sins are much higher, for we have the true gospel and they don’t, at this time. So our sins are greater.
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