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Everything posted by heartstrings

  1. Yes, when we go out in the world, turn on the television, that stumbling block is everywhere. But one sin does not excuse another. Not to change the subject but, this relates to something that's been disturbing to me for a long time: preachers and pastors saying stupid stuff from the pulpit which is NOT Biblical. To "preach" that a man has an excuse for abusing a woman because of how she dresses is, in one respect, similar in outcome to "preaching" that a woman has an excuse for not submitting to her husband if he will not "lead". It DIVIDES people. Both these teachings are unbiblical and they are WICKED things to say or even imply because they sow discord among/between brethren (in this case men and women). No one has an excuse for their sin, no matter what another person does. . Preachers should preach against it, yes, but keep it Biblical. When they preach against ladies' immodest dress, in the same message they should admonish the men not to look and visa versa. If we strive to keep such matters fair, honest, Biblical and Holy like Peter and Paul did, the Holy Ghost might just show up in the sermon.
  2. Ever since "Sandy Hook", I have been sceptical of the validity/reality of these "shootings". The Dems' conspiracies and schemes have no limit as I see it
  3. I know that many young girls wear whatever they wear because that is how they are being raised and they know no better, at least not until they get older. We all do better if we are influenced/taught in the "spirit of meekness" instead of someone pridefully spouting stupid stuff. And methinks that focusing on clothes and sex all the time can get the "spouter" into trouble too. Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man [or woman] be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
  4. Of all the fellow workers I have had over the years, the ones who treated me the worst were other men. You know, historically, we as men have been taught from an early age that we are to be tough, to never cry, things like that. I'm reminded of a foreman I had once, who gave me a hard time most every day. I don't know why because I always made it a point to do my best, to work hard and do a good job. It was a church pew factory. One day at break time, he began trash-mouthing my Father in front of all the other men. I waited a little while until I caught him alone at the water fountain and I laid into him. I let him know just how much that was not appreciated. The owner of the business came up on us and broke it up. The owner never reprimanded me for my part of the kerfuffle and the foreman never said an unkind word or treated me bad again. He treated me with respect after that. When I left that job the owner practically begged me to stay. Offered me more money and asked me to work part time. Why is it that men treat each other so? Another time, I was asked by our pastor to "ring a bell" at the end of Sunday School to alert the other classes that SS was ending. Having never "rung the bell" before, I went into the utility/storage room and could not find the bell. I searched around up and down and I guess I took a little too long because the pastor came storming in and said IT'S UP THERE!. When he pointed, he hit me in the head, never said "excuse me", "I'm sorry" or anything, just stormed back out. We men are "tough" you know. I guess that's why there are more homeless men than women, more suicides and things like that. Men also die earlier. Stress is a killer you know. That same pastor would pin roses on all the church ladies, come Mother's Day, and run the men down to the dogs on Father's Day. He would tell us were to be "leaders" and not "dictators" and to love our wives and all that(which you should) but he would treat his own wife with disrespect. For example, we were at his house one day and, during the meal, he started fussing at his wife about the meat loaf. Personally, I thought the meat loaf was exceptionally good, and I don't even care for meatloaf. I think his problem was more about control. He was a controlling man. As for toning down my rhetoric, I apologize if I offended you. My whole point again, is that husbands and wives are equally responsible for building up, or destroying their families. Pastors are getting this wrong by placing all the blame and responsibility on husbands while essentially giving wives a pass by saying things like "If husbands will lead, wives will follow". That is unbiblical. A husband is responsible for his God given role; a wife is responsible for hers as well. Either one has the power to destroy or build a family.
  5. I believe that #3 can be answered pretty easily with the Word of God: 1 Corinthians 3:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
  6. Quoting from my original post.... Yes, I said "all" from the beginning and that wasn't directed at you. It was before you even entered the discussion. Maybe that wasn't the best choice of az word but I will stick with that statement because, as I see it, for someone to say (as Voddie Baucham has) that "as the father goes, so goes the family" is putting all the blame on the father. But I did not direct personal attacks on your character, such as accusing you of "dishonesty",
  7. No sir, I'll just be frank with you. The "head" is the "boss", AKA the one in charge. You can "lead" all you want to, but on those rare and unfortunate occasions, when nobody wants to "follow", a "boss" has to put his foot down, so to speak: Not a pleasant thing in most respects. And what happens when the "head" puts his foot down? Well, if the wife isn't in a "submitting" mindset a the time, there's going to be backlash. These little articles imply that husbands are to just "love and lead" only and that the wife and kids are just waiting and anticipating to be "led". No they're not. Just like husbands occasionally fail at their responsibilities, wives do too. Otherwise, the command to "submit" wouldn't be in there. All I'm saying is, yes, preach the "responsibility" like the Bible does. Don't place it all on the husband, when the Bible doesn't. The writer in your article/link mentioned the "lording it over" subject. I was addressing that. So, I reiterate, "lording it over" shouldn't be an issue if everyone is doing what they're supposed to.
  8. Yes, I already mentioned that. That Bible passage does not present the husband as "more responsible" and it does not call him a "leader". It calls him the "head". Neither does it tell him to "lord it over" the wife. He shouldn't have to because it tells her to "submit". The last verse of the chapter sums it up perfectly.....Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
  9. What Bible passage tells us that the husband is more accountable? And you say he is responsible for trying to bring his wife back into the fold? Because here is a scripture which tells the WIFE to do that very thing for the husband. 1Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
  10. Ok, where does the Bible say this? Suppose you love your wife "as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it" As Ephesians 5 says, and you work hard to support her and the kids, bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, but your wife refuses to submit? Are you responsible for her actions? And if you supposedly bear the responsibility, then why does did God find it necessary to command wives to "submit to" "their own husbands" in no less than 4 verses in Ephesians 5? Unless someone can show me some Bible scripture saying that the husband bears the majority of responsibility, I still say the responsibility is equal.
  11. I believe this man is a calvinist, but I think that's irrelevant in this context. Whenever I see these statements come up, I wonder which scripture it comes from. I was reminded of this verse. "Proverbs 14: 1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." That verse says, basically, that a woman has the power to build up her family and the power to destroy it. We need to get away from this unbiblical stuff about putting all of the responsibility and blame on one sex and forgetting the other. Paul didn't do that, neither did Peter or any of the others. Both Mom and Dad or either one, can either ruin their family or prosper it. It takes teamwork. What the Bible DOES say, is that the husband is the "head" and the wife is to "submit". But our feminist-powered world hates that so pastors and preachers apparently cave to it and the husband is reduced to a mere "leader" who has little or no authority but is still responsible for everything.
  12. The Bible says that God is love. Calvinism makes God out to be a narcissist. The Bible says that Jesus went to the cross "for the joy set before Him". Calvinism says that God's main goal is "glory" at the expense of predetermining people to Hell before they were ever born. with no hope or recourse, . Why give ear to somebody who pushes Calvinism? Find somebody who preaches sound doctrine. If you're saved you can tell the difference.
  13. Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. We have some evil, vile and dangerous politics being promoted and implemented as we speak. I would say it's a preacher's job to expose such. He may not be free to openly promote one party over another but, they know who they are.
  14. Here are several which look good. https://www.comparecredit.com/credit-cards/tips/pay-0-interest-bt/?utm_source=adwords&utm_campaign=9123839991&ad_group_id=97900330251&utm_content=677655076716&utm_medium=search&acquisition=prospect&ad_position=&network=g&ad_extension_id=&placement=&geolocation=9011629&kw=balance transfer credit card&kwid=kwd-11247981&kwmt=e&product=credit_cards&glcid=Cj0KCQjw-5y1BhC-ARIsAAM_oKlXGQYEgXwKEoejpPgnzs38U2MfneNPiR3rJz3d3FebcY5iPACHIBsaAgV3EALw_wcB&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-5y1BhC-ARIsAAM_oKlXGQYEgXwKEoejpPgnzs38U2MfneNPiR3rJz3d3FebcY5iPACHIBsaAgV3EALw_wcB
  15. We pay the balance on our cards monthly so we pay no interest. Actually we make 1%, ,2% and up to 5% bonus on some of them
  16. Been carrying cards for years, have 10 in my wallet right now, and none has sprouted horns yet. Credit cards are simply another form of money. Down through history, money took many forms and I'm sure somebody complained about our paper money and promissory notes (checks) at some point in time. It's the love of money which gets us in trouble.
  17. When I was a teenager, I worked in the cornfields, loaded hay and all that. I pulled the weeds, "turned" the vines, loaded watermelons on trailers and trucks, operated the forklift and tractors in a big local watermelon operation. While the melons were growing, we built a dock in the middle of this huge watermelon field. We loaded the melons in the field in big palletized boxes set on flatbed trailers and, when each trailer was loaded it was towed to the central location where the boxes were offloaded and loaded straight onto waiting semi trailers at the dock. All I remember seeing, out there, were mostly white guys and blacks. There were no Mexicans/central Americans or girls out there. My tan was nearly as dark as a Mexican's. We took those jobs because it was available, and because our parents taught us to work. We were farm boys. But it seems few young folks want to work like that anymore, or even work at all. It could be because our farms have gotten larger and fewer so, kids are not raised up that way anymore. But, in my present line of business, I'm seeing people move into the area, buying 20, 30, 40 acres of land or more. Some still have young children and, from me, they are purchasing farm implements. Those kids will be taught to work.
  18. They fought tooth and nail the first time Mr. Trump ran for office, fought him the whole time he was in, and are fighting him now. They threw everything they could muster short of accusing him of tearing the labels off pillows and mattresses. If he goes in again, I believe it will have to be the American people who vote him in. But what with all the cheating practices the Commie-crats have instigated and established, that will depend on the Hand of God methinks. God is actually the one who "setteth up" rulers in this world, at least that's how I understand it from what the Good Book says. As to the "lesser of two evils", I am not about to support or facilitate the establishment to totalitarian power of a party which pushes and promotes abortion, homosexuals, abolishment of second amendment rights, communism, the demise of Israel, persecution of Christians, the destruction of the family, and the downfall of America. So, I don't so much vote FOR Trump as I vote AGAINST all of that.
  19. Lost a Facebook friend yesterday. Nice lady I've known for years. I had posted this photo of a bear which was killed on the highway about three miles from our house. This lady, who claims to be a Christian, posted this statement : " I hope it hurt their car really good and they don't have insurance lol!!!!!" and "we keep encroaching on their living spaces". I thought I replied respectfully enough and a local pastor did as well but she is serious about this. She posts stuff about animal welfare all the time. But her particular posts are actually very mild compared to some of the similar statements I've seen on the internet. People are posting about wishing people dead who mistreat animals, like leaving dogs in hot cars, that sort of thing, which I think one shouldn't do, of course, It seems that, today, the more people love animals the more they hate their fellow man. I heard the man who hit the bear is suffering a broken leg in addition to his damaged vehicle.. I'm not joyous that the poor bear met it's demise but then, I'm not grieving over it either. I feel sorry, rather, for the poor man whose leg is in a cast now. Is the animal worship we have in American society, today, similar to the depravity of animal worship of the Egyptians and others mentioned in the Bible?
  20. I've long considered him a sound Bible preacher, though I haven' agreed with everything I've heard from him. I hate to see any good man fall. I hope it all works out good for him.
  21. Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. I remember one of the last sermons one of my former pastors preached on Fathers' Day, He scolded the men up one side and down the other, In front of our wives and children. I don't think my kids or wife were learning to have any "honour" for me that day. As the husband and father, they heard what a lowdown despicable failure I was as he angrily raked us over the coals. I also remember being with this pastor in a store, calling a store clerk the "N word" when he could have been witnessing to the man, so I wonder if I should follow his example?. I also recall that the whole 20+ years he was pastor at our church, his son never once visited him.. Anyway, every year moms received flowers and praises. but when "Father's Day" rolled around, dads got dishonor because, for the past 20+ Father's Day sermons we were shown to have never measured up. Maybe he was preaching to himself? There are 52 weeks in a year: 51 other Sundays a year to "reprove and rebuke" whoever you want. I can say "whoever you "want" because I'm pretty certain the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with some things said from pulpits. But, go ahead, say nice things about Moms, they deserve it, and it's certainly Biblical to do so, but Deuteronomy 5:19 says to honor Fathers too. I know that's speaking of how children are to treat parents; I get that. But pastors, preachers: if you're going to say anything on our day, about us, how about finding some way of teaching our kids to honor us. Because we already know that we are sadly lacking and don't always "measure up" and guess what: We know that Moms fail sometimes too. Study your Bibles a little more; Peter and Paul rebuked and admonished BOTH mothers and fathers but they did it in the same letters. From that, I am inclined to believe that they would have preached it that way too. We all have faults and need correction but to correct at the same time, lets us know that neither is better than the other. It's really worldly to do as the world does. The world treats men and fathers like we're dishonest, unfaithful, "toxic masculine" jokes and characterizes us as buffoons; I'm told that "Homer Simpson" is an example, though I've never watched that show. .
  22. ....and the father-in-law, of the lady above, Jeff Easter's Dad, wrote this song...........
  23. Someone told me that C.H. Spurgeon was a Freemason. I haven't found definitive information on this. Was he? Thanks
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