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Southern Baptist Messengers vote to keep pastorate as "men only"


I was so glad to read that the churches that fellowship in the Southern Baptist Convention voted to disallow women as pastors. Seems like Rick Warrens petitioning and passing out handbills at the meetings in NOLA didn't help him much. Other churches with female "pastors" were also not allowed to rejoin the ranks of churches in "friendly cooperation" with the churches of the SBC


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On 6/16/2023 at 5:30 PM, Pastor Matt said:

So does this make Rick Warren an Independent Baptist now??

I'm really not sure what to call him. He doesn't seem to stand for the fundamentals of the faith. I think I would consider calling him an apostate leader of a renegade group of heretics. If that's too strong for some people's sensibilities I guess that's just too bad. I call them as I see them compared to scripture.?

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I really wanted to go to the convention just to vote on this matter! Our Church is small though and only allowed for one delegate so it was just our pastor who went but I made it clear how I though he should vote on the matter but thankfully, it was like preaching to the choir!

This (among other things) is something that may end up splitting the SBC. We have two State Conventions: The Baptist General Convention of Texas and Southern Baptist Texas Convention which is far more conservative.

There is, of course the BFM 2000 which added strong complementarian language and bars women from holding the office of a Pastor. The more moderate and liberal congregations reject the BFM 2000 and hold to the Baptist Faith and Message of 1963.

I am currently considering a chaplaincy program with the SBTC which strictly prohibits women in chaplaincy positions requiring ordination. If a woman wants to have a role as an ordained chaplain, the BGCT is happy to accommodate.

I am glad they sent Rick Warren and his ilk packing!

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I was glad that they decided to disfellowship him and several others as well. I wasn't sorry to see him, nor the female "pastor" from Louisville Kentucky told that they weren't to be considered in friendly cooperation with the other churches that associate as SBC. It was high time they shored up the language of the BF&M2K.  Now the churches who claim to be in good standing need to face the larger issues such as the garbage going on with the NAMB/Kevin Ezell, Lifeway and the ERLC, two organizations that no church under the SBC umbrella should be associating with because of their support for abortion and the large payouts being given to misleading and lecherous leaders, and even the IMB that places themselves above the Holy Spirit and his leading and working especially in war afflicted areas. The missionaries in some of these countries should be able to be led by the Holy Spirit whether to stay or temporarily leave instead of being forced to leave with threats of having their support stopped. These types of issues are what make me question the working of the cooperative program altogether. 

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