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  1. You misunderstand my post. Perhaps read it again. I believe Donald is my brother. I have never stated anything that could remotely be inferred as having no tolerance nor respect for those who believe differently. I am under no obligation to respect nor agree slander and defamation are acceptable, be tolerated, or excused. TGL does not disagree Donald Trump is Christian. TGL posts falsity he thinks shows DT himself saying he is not a Christian. And from what has been posted by at least one other in this thread, false witness is typical of TGL. Yet, it is let to persist. And as a side note, many Catholics I know would disagree they are not Christian. As I've said before, God knows who are his own.
  2. I've said that I consider Donald to be a brother in Christ. God knows those who are his. I think we expect fellow believers to fit a certain image to qualify as what we would judge to be a Christian. However,we too would then and are then able to be judged by the same criteria we hold out for others. As regards TGL, I do not agree with your perspective. Democrats in office lie and have led this nation deep into the darkness of open borders, an impossible economy and inflation, and more. That isn't the responsibility of the electorate. That is the shameful responsibility of the elected. They are at fault. While TGL is but one amid the electorate who manufactures lies regarding party candidates, Donald Trump and Vance. And I do not think this provides an example of concern for the direction this country is taking. Rather, their behavior is an example of why we are falling further into the direction of darkness. Immorality has become a feature to be proud of and pursue as if there is integrity in that. I think TGL putting words into Donald Trump's mouth after posting a video where we may witness that Donald never said those words is something we must pay attention to. We can hear that DT never said what TGL stated. And the same goes as regards his false accusations against Mr. Vance. What he states is not true! Stating Donald and Vance are not Christians is a lie. Continuing to pursue and defend that falsehood leads one to consider it is the liar that is not the Christian. Because,quite frankly, that's not how we are to behave. I think he should be ashamed. Yet, he appears proud,defiant,and defensive when his sins are pointed out. That's not right. And yes,I'm new. However, it doesn't mean I am unable to recognize proud unrepentant sin filled hubris and hatred for Trump and Vance. It is hatred,in my view. Because love doesn't manufacture a web of lies as TGL has so to smear our Republican presidential candidates. I feel TGL is a shame. Sadly, he is not ashamed.
  3. I was 10 and taken to a Baptist church by my family. We were there forany months. The pastor was a good man, Pastor Bowman. One Sunday night I felt led to answer the call and walked to the front with others and gave my life to Christ. I was later Baptized in a lake in our hometown.
  4. I was trying to update my profile by adding stock pictures. However,they ran into an upload problem. Do the stock images no longer work in upload to profiles here? Thank you for any help .
  5. Thank you @HappyChristian. Thank you Brother. Thank you sir .
  6. Glad to meet you. I've been in relationship with Yeshua since I was a child. I enjoy Bible study and discussions and look forward to our talks.
  7. That's the same visual I got.
  8. That's not Holy Spirit. She wanted to dry her hair.
  9. I'd have to say those evangelicals are not as aware as they need to be. September 2, 2024 https://westernjournal.com/kamala-harris-butchers-bible-quote-twists-meaning-sacrilegious-purposes " President Kamala Harris managed to send a video greeting to a Christian conference quoting scripture out of context about Jesus Christ, and then didn’t even bother to mention His name...." Continues at link
  10. He started a thread for that very reason. He thrives if we pay his sins attention and reply. Ephesians 5:11 "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Indeed. What a perfect pair. Kamala, of Indian Scottish heritage yet scrubs those family lines to the side so to be perceived as black when she needs votes. And she's an avowed Marxist Communist. And hard VP pick is pro-LGBTQ and now investigated for fraud. Can you imagine if that pair get into our White House? And after what Harris and Biden have done to this country all these years? God forbid.
  11. Commy Kamala sure can pick 'em. What happened to vetting a candidate before bringing them into the VP slot? NY POST: Tim Walz hit with House subpoena for records on $250M Minn. COVID fraud
  12. It is sin to slander and bear false witness against Donald Trump and Mr. Vance. I'm going to ignore your sins now. You feel no contrition because you persist in them. That's your shame.
  13. The Biden White House coke scandal. Yes, hard to forget that when Commy Kamala behaves as she does. Remember when Hillary was running for office? It was reported that the DNC which she largely controlled enlisted volunteers to Troll political discussion forums on her behalf. I don't think that was a one-off. I think that's standard now days. TGL could be that . Christians don't slander people. They don't lie.
  14. Re:Your video: Trump never said he's half Christian! Bearing false witness is a sin. Please stop!
  15. There are a lot of updates to this initial story by now. However, I wanted to throw two pennies in and restart this topic to ask, has anyone considered that all three Abrahamic faith involved in this have similar end times prophecies? That are written down. Making for the ability to follow the script, sort of speak. Imagine, as someone has already claimed regarding bypassing Israels iron done, that all this was let to happen by those in Israel and elsewhere. Our government knew about the 911 attack long before it happened. Look how America changed in the aftermath. Government became more controlling. What would happen to the world if something near to the great tribulation or Armageddon were to occur? All set up and put into play by the agenda of men. The world would change the way America did after the terror of September 11. Great Britain changed after their terror attacks . And in all cases the respective citizens adapted. Imagine a global event accomplishing the same thing. A new world order. Imagine global martial law. No,they can't fake the second coming in all that. However,they can make it appear as if the prophecies are occurring. And after it doesn't turn out as predicted in full that, phew that was close, moment would lead many to accept whatever alleviates the fear and restores some sense of overcoming.
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