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    Landmarkheritage reacted to robmac68 in What preachers do you listen to? Are they heretical?   
    Charles Lawson in I think Knoxville... zion4131 has a youtube channel that posts his sermons
    Gregory Miller from Worthington, OH...used to be on youtube but now posts elsewhere...he has some good expository messages...
    Dare I say I still check out Brian Denlinger's KJVM youtube channel from time to time.  
    Todd Friel has a youtube channel "wretched" that has some good content...I'm pretty sure he is Southern Baptist
    Voddie Baucham, definitely SB, has a great message on "Why I Believe the Bible is True"  that, in my opinion, anyone who claims the Bible is true should listen to.  If you find it on youtube, try the 43 minute version rather than the 30 min or 58 minute one.  Also, good home-schooling messages.
    There are some A.W. Tozer sermons that can be found on youtube that are always good.  If can't find sermons, has some good books.
  2. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Invicta in Jehovah witness invited me to their Easter Service   
    i would't go to any church that had an egg hunt
  3. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Competition between independent Baptist preachers   
    I know of many pastors, IFB, SBC, GARBC, et al, that fellowship with other pastors, or even "crossing the lines" to fellowship with IFB if they're SBC, or fellowshipping with SBC if they're IFB...or even landmarkers (usually Missionary Baptists) who fellowship with those in the SBC, GARBC, or the IFB churches. Since all of these Baptist churches are independent, autonomous bodies, they're free to fellowship with whomever they chose...or not. No sin either way. I know our church doesn't hold to Calvinistic positions, yet we fellowship with two churches that are....We've realized that salvation is in our faith in Christ alone, and his shed blood alone for the forgiveness of sins, his burial, resurrection for our victory over death, and his ascension for our promise of a home in heaven being prepared. People need to learn how to get along and stop accentuating their differences, especially if it is a tertiary issue that doesn't affect our salvation. 
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    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from BrotherTony in Hello   
    No, I believe that the office of the pastor is meant for males only as outlined in the scriptures by Christ and his apostles
  5. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to SureWord in Hateful Christianity????   
    If you speak the truth you will be considered hateful in this wacked out country.  There's no way around it. II Chronicles 18:4-17
  6. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Baptist here don’t talk about what’s going on in Jerusalem or Israel   
    This sounds like the same anti semitic sentiment I hear from some of my KKK neighbors. A lot of blanket.statements with no proof posted. Sorry, though some of it may be accurate, it sounds like someone sees little green men behind every tree.
  7. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to SureWord in Baptist here don’t talk about what’s going on in Jerusalem or Israel   
    0ver 50% of Israelis identify as atheist.
    They have been persecuting Christians over there recently.
    They have the highest % of homosexuals in  the world per population.
    Preaching of the gospel is essentially banned. You can preach it to a degree but no proselytizing. They have sought to outright ban it on punishment of imprisonment.
    They are enemies of the gospel wherever they go.
    The Zionists among them like to fund both sides of a war until they see who will come out on top.
    They have a history of plundering nations economies (George Soros)
    They were the largest block of slave owners % wise during the American Civil War. Nearly 50% of Jewish families owned slaves.
    The ADL was started to protect a murdering pedo.
    Karl Marx was a Jew.
    Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic bible, was a Jew according to his daughter. She admitted that he also didn't believe any of it but was in it for the shekels. In fact, I was surprised how much of the Occult is derived from Judaism i.e. Talmud and Kabbalah. 
    The Ukrainian Genocide ordered by Stalin was headed by two Jews. I'm still waiting for Spielberg to make that movie.
    The little man getting Ukraine wiped out now is a Jew. The average age of a Ukrainian fighter now is 40. And yes, the little man is ironically surrounded by Nazis and trannies. Russia is the bad guy, though.
    They are all for "diversity and inclusion" in other countries except their own. We know what that phrase ultimately means. 
    They overwhelming occupy top positions in liberal media, Hollywood, politics, the judiciary system and major hedge funds and banks.
    The porn industry was started by an orthodox Jew.
    They knew 9/11 was coming(The 5 Dancing Israelis aka Mossad) and made no warning. The owner of the Twin towers, a Jew, made sure him and his son were out of the building that day when they were there everyday. He took out extra insurance on them two weeks before also.
    People are worn out with the fighting over there. God is to lead them back to Israel some day but not by the hand of a British Mandate in 1918.
    Many of them might not actually be Jews but rather Khazars who were the nobles of Turkey and controlled the Silk Road. They converted to Judaism. These could be the "false brethren" the Bible speaks of.
    By the way, it's already coming out that the weapons used by Hamas were received from Ukraine (i.e. USA). In fact, all the weapons on both sides probably came from us. I wouldn't be surprised the Deep State is behind this attack since the Biden Regime despises Bibi. Biden did allow Iran to access their 6 billion just before this attack occured. Iran is a huge supporter of Hamas and now the Taliban wants to head over there to fight.
  8. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Salyan in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    I understand where you’re getting at, but the title really does offend me. 😊
  9. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Salyan in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    TGL, it is heresy to state that Mary was the mother of God (specifically that term), or to call her the Virgin Mary, considering that she is no longer a virgin. You can call her Mary, mother of Jesus. 
    Those terms are Catholic heresies, and have no place on this board. Please stop using them immediately. 
    And actually, I don’t think people are lost just for not believing in the virgin birth. It’s kind of part and parcel of the story of salvation, but they have believe that Jesus Christ  died for their sins,, and was raised  again, according to the scripture as well. But you have a point that it’s good to learn from all the people in the Bible, and not to exclude her. 
  10. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Jim_Alaska in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    It leaves that doctrine in the same place as all other Roman Catholic doctrine. There is not one doctrine that they have not polluted with their man-made heresy.
    Not only is there no "assumption" but there is no "Blessed Virgin". Mary stopped being a virgin the moment she had a child, as do all women.
  11. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Jerry in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    Yes, at least six children by Joseph (four sons, and at least two daughters because they are referred to as sisters(.
  12. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    I agree! I almost asked him if he was raised Catholic, Russian or Greek Orthodox, or Anglican. She had several children after Jesus.
  13. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Jerry in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    Morales, why do you keep calling her the Virgin Mary? She was only a virgin until the birth of her first child. She was a virgin - but is never called the Virgin Mary in the Bible. You are referring to her in a Catholic sense that is not right or appropriate.
  14. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Hello   
    Welcome to OB. 
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