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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I’ll break the ice here today. I imagine some or all of you here are watching the news, the news about what’s going on in Israel. There are some that support Israel, in politics, and in the religious faith. Those that are in the religious faith of Christianity that don’t support Israel our lost. They are still the chosen people from God, and we have been bless for what they have shared with us. I’m not saying that they are all saved, but that they are still the chosen one. ?
  2. If you give money to your son, so that he can buy an automobile to go to work, and he decides to buy a motorcycle and gets wet every day. That is his decision, poor decision. You don’t have to buy him an automobile later.
  3. Tithing on the last days. I know that some here will not agree. Churches that do not manage their tithing and offering well, members should stop supporting there. Give to those who manage it correctly. For example, a church putting a new sign in front. It cost, 10 times more, than the one already there. This is not helping Jesus at all, or His ministry. Don't feel you have to support all the bad decisions that they make. Just don't give ? Help is needed everywhere, give wisely
  4. Now, if you can get Sir. Pence up stop. I will Vote for him. Trump, look to dangerous in my opinion. 3 1/2 years of greatness, the next can be 3 1/2 years of Hell on Earth. Under Trump leadership. I did voted for Trump, twice. ?
  5. Pence can work, but Christians don't support him, for some reason. Maybe it's because he is not liberal enough.
  6. I believe all of the politicians support freedom of religions.
  7. We who are true Christians, care for the lost souls so that they might come to Christ. We all know that evil will take over all around the world, for a season. We that are true Christians cannot delay this, in any way by putting someone in the Office. If both parties support gay marriage, abortion, and immoral lifestyles, which one are you gonna vote for ? are we just joining the crowd of non-believers? ??
  8. I watch and listen to the news and shake my head, listening to these conservatives and watching what they’re doing to each other. I know the independent Baptist Church support Republican and those that are conservative, which were very good at one time, but now it's a different story. I don’t believe that Christians should vote for the lesser of two evils. Is this a Christian thing to do? many of these politicians are lying just to get our votes, so why vote? I know that many of you will say, this is the right thing to do and it's our duty. Is it really our duty to vote for false leaders. ???
  9. There is still some good country music out there. ? it is hard to listen to Hymnnal only. When you are not in church
  10. It would be nice if the Church has special cleaning all the time, there are other viruses, the flu, and for those that don’t like cleaning their hands. Most churches don’t have fresh air intakes or open their windows. But everything costs money and to have it done right, it’s better to pay someone responsible to do it. Volunteers are not as good as they used to be, in my opinion. ?
  11. How do you know that you are called to preach? Gut feeling, someone told you should, your dad is a preacher, so keep it in the family. It's easy and pays well, I studied for so many years too, It is not a physical job, You like to control people. You had a dream to become one. Finally, God has called you to preach. ?
  12. It is a package now, it looks like. All in one, disciple, membership, baptism, tithing, serving. This can take 2 months?
  13. It's taking much longer to get baptized. Some classes to get baptized, are ridiculously long. My last church was around 2 months of training. I shake my head, wrong….?
  14. There will be new mirrors installed for those that use lips ? stick. ?
  15. I found this online it’s pretty good. Conservative Christianity, also known as conservative theology, theological conservatism, traditional Christianity,[1][2] or biblical orthodoxy[3] is a grouping of overlapping and denominationally diverse theological movements within Christianity that seeks to retain the orthodox and long-standing traditions and beliefs of Christianity, it is contrasted with Liberal Christianity and Progressive Christianity which are seen as heretical heterodoxies by theological conservatives.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]Conservative Christianity should not be mistaken as being synonymous with the political philosophy of conservatism nor the Christian right which is a political movement of Christians who support conservative political ideologies and policies within the realm of secular or non-sectarian politics.[15][16][17][2]The two major subdivisions of Conservative Christianity within Protestantism are Evangelical Christianity and Christian Fundamentalism while the Confessing Movement, Confessionalism, and to an extent Neo-orthodoxy make up the remaining within Protestantism.
  16. The reason I brought up this verse is also to mention those teachers/pastors who are trying to help God. When God, does not need their help, but needs them to listen and follow Him. Pretty much He is Lord of all. By trying to do much for good, they are doing wrong. I like the tract, God's simple plan for Salvation.
  17. 11. Because of false teaching, there is much confusion. 2Pet.2 [1] But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
  18. Sometimes people don't lock the door correctly, and then sorry. ?
  19. We went to a Dollar General store to buy some things for the home. I wanted to use the restroom but ran into these two signs. I was not sure which door to open, being afraid that there might be a woman using it or something, weird feeling. I didn't use it. We are living in troubled times.
  20. Sorry, I am at iOS 16.6 but since I got the 11 iPhone Pro Max, I might not do anymore updates because they’ll might slow it down. This is another way they get people to buy newer phones too.
  21. If you put your socks on first, your right foot then your left foot sock, then you put your right shoe on, and then your left shoe. Tie them if necessary, you are normal. If you put your right sock on, then you’re right shoe on, and tie, then your left side sock, left shoe,and tie. Something is wrong with you. ?
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