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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. We humans do unprofitable things and conversations every day.
  2. Let’s see if anyone openly confess they have their own mark parking. This would be nice, and would please others.
  3. This is a HUMOR Post, and page.? Please don’t quit.
  4. Trump is still struggling, keeping quiet and stop attacking fellow members and leaders. He’s back posting on Twitter or X who wants go through all this again, not me. Along with getting in trouble all the time and all this crazy posting stuff, I think he lost it. Thanking Trump for serving his 4 years is good enough for me.
  5. Lucky guess, he can spray paint it over and put first time visitors parking. ?
  6. If the pastor is asking members to please leave the closer parking for visitors, but he still parks closer than anyone, Is he practicing what he preaches. ??
  7. China is on the moon now. They said, it’s not made of cheese ? sad day.
  8. Some light at the end of the tunnel… ? https://thebaptistpaper.org/louisiana-baptists-celebrate-newly-elected-house-speaker-mike-johnson/
  9. Can Biden make it, 4 more years? He looks like he is ready to take a knap all the time, ?? then eight more years of Pamela.?? Only in America, you have people who are qualified to be president, but don’t want to be. Who would want to put their family through the interview, and the torture faults rumors from the mob.
  10. It is every parent’s desire that their son or daughter, future husband, or boyfriend be Christian. But is this our job to do so? I don’t see any problem and trying to help, example. Oh, Robert seems to be from a nice family. What do you think Susie? Did you help your daughter or son find their love mate… A positive post by the glory land, for my friends here.?
  11. I believe your pastor was correct, when he said, the children of Israel. I believe the rapture will take place before the seven years of tribulation on earth. Now, for those that believe the rapture will happen during the seven years might think differently. I have heard preached, that the Christians will not be here during the antichrist controlling, during the seven years.
  12. I went back to history search looking for mission posts. I ran into this one, amazing how some people are here very friendly, then they’re gone. It’s like first time visitors to a church. They visit 2 time's, and then gone with the wind. ?
  13. Finally some cool air down south, in Central Florida. ?
  14. Being Christian, we are still subject to all the things that are happening around us and this world. We must love those that do good to us, and of those that do bad to us. This is not easy to do. But God gives us the strength through the Holy Spirit to live our lives to the best of our abilities. We must learn how to get along with each other no matter the position of the other person, keep your eyes, and ears open too, if it is true or not. This does not make the other person evil if they are incorrect. Neither gives you permission to spank the other person with your belt. Simply, we just know where that other person stands..
  15. We ought not to close our eyes to negative things happening all around us. We must stand firm with our beliefs and faith. Those that listen to Joel Austin, have no negative things to worry about. Listen to him, all love.
  16. This is the strongest Republican Party that I ever seen. Watching the Circus and Congress at Washington DC, today on TV. I’m glad that I’ve switched to a independent many years ago.. embarrassing ?
  17. I can not make changes at this time, you can remove Jerusalem. The title may sound negative, but truly all wars are negative.
  18. Regarding the hospital, why would Israel shoot itself in the foot? They are having a hard time right now, trying not to kill civilians. The world is watching them and protesting. Most likely it was others.
  19. Thank you for sharing your views, and I do agree with you and Sureword. That many or all that there, are sinners in Israel. If all were removed then Christ, would come back the second time to whom. He is coming back there to Israel first correct, after the rapture? The Saints, have been already removed from Earth.
  20. How can a christian be pro-Israel, and say that he or she supports them, but at the same time say they are not the chosen ones anymore? That those who are living over there are not pure or worthy of defending. For they are sinners and don't have the true gospel. Is Jesus coming back to save them or not? Are they still the chosen ones? I believe that they are still lost, but are still the chosen people picked by God, to the end of time. ? those that repent for salvation, with us gentile who are now saved.
  21. Christ is coming soon, He said, 1Cor.16 [2] Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.
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