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Steven Yeadon

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  1. Thanks
    Steven Yeadon got a reaction from Pastor Matt in What Happened to my Church?   
    I enjoyed your article Pastor Matt. I became a Christian five years ago, and I bounced around many churches in many denominations until I found a conservative independent Baptist church. It struck me the first night as great, it had great expository preaching and seemed aimed primarily at feeding the congregation with the Word .
    They refuse to allow any modern music, which I thought was extreme. However, I now see it was aimed at focusing everyone on the meaning of the songs and glorifying God. It also seems a stance against the entertainment model of church music. I think the important thing is to get those singing on stage or in the congregation to focus on God, to give Him fame and praise, and to be more about the meaning of the songs than the performance of them. It doesn't matter the music style or culture if these are everyone's goals.
    Every single church I went to that was entertainment-centered during so-called worship had issues in other areas that sent me packing eventually. Usually a deep misunderstanding of what the Word actually says and commands. 
  2. I Agree
    Steven Yeadon reacted to TheGloryLand in One Reason I Don't Listen to Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX   
    I don’t know Dr. Roberts or ever listen to him preach, but I personally stay away from all mega churches. Many of those mega churches preachers are too involved in politics and they earn way too much money. How much is too much? let’s say that person can pay their house off, with what they earn in one year. I’m talking about a big house. What amazes me is that Christians say they deserve it, the blind following the blind. Sorry for changing the subject a bit.
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    Steven Yeadon got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in What Happened to my Church?   
    I enjoyed your article Pastor Matt. I became a Christian five years ago, and I bounced around many churches in many denominations until I found a conservative independent Baptist church. It struck me the first night as great, it had great expository preaching and seemed aimed primarily at feeding the congregation with the Word .
    They refuse to allow any modern music, which I thought was extreme. However, I now see it was aimed at focusing everyone on the meaning of the songs and glorifying God. It also seems a stance against the entertainment model of church music. I think the important thing is to get those singing on stage or in the congregation to focus on God, to give Him fame and praise, and to be more about the meaning of the songs than the performance of them. It doesn't matter the music style or culture if these are everyone's goals.
    Every single church I went to that was entertainment-centered during so-called worship had issues in other areas that sent me packing eventually. Usually a deep misunderstanding of what the Word actually says and commands. 
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    Steven Yeadon reacted to Chase Tallent in What Happened to my Church?   
    This is sad, but not unexpected, as others have said we are in the last days. The local Church is a place of worship not a place of entertainment. Everything we do in Church should be done in a way that glorifies the Lord. What's striking to me is the amount of money these Churches spend on providing entertainment, especially considering the staggering number of homeless people. Thank you for this article, I share your concerns brother!
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    Steven Yeadon reacted to Alan in What Happened to my Church?   
    The article is excellent and the testimony by Miss Daisy breaks my heart.
  6. Like
    Steven Yeadon reacted to Miss Daisy in What Happened to my Church?   
    That’s exactly what happened to my old church. I’d left the area for about 15 years when I returned my old church was replaced by black curtains so it was dark as night in there. Rock concert music, fog machines and singers in mini skirts rocking out with a pastor with punk hair and ripped jeans. I still attended because they had a great youth pastor, who was in his forties and my daughter loved going to all the activities. Then the pastor decided the youth pastor  wasnt as hip and cool as he wanted the new image of the church to be and fired him. That caused a split from the older core members from the young crowd. We and a lot of the older crowd left. Discouraged by church politics I didn’t go for a few years until I went to my church now. The church I left has been plagued with infidelity rumors about new pastors and singing directors and the young girls singing on stage. But it remains the same rock concert appealing to the flesh and lust of lost sheep.
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