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    Alan got a reaction from 1Timothy115 in Thoughts On Psalms 119 ALEPH   
    King David, from a child, realized that the testimonies, the statutes, the commandments,  the law of God, the judgments of God, the word of God as written and as spoken by the prophets, were good and just. Therefore, King David delighted, from a child, in the word of God more than he did in riches and the things of this life.
    It seems to me that we need to meditate, to love, to delight, and to follow the scriptures with all of our heart.
  2. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Joseph and his Jewish Dreams   
    I uploaded the "CC" or, "Closed Captioning," or "Subtitles," (some folks call the written text different words), onto the Genesis 37:1-11, "Joseph and his Jewish Dreams," video.
    I do hope that "CC," or subtitles, are a help to those who cannot hear properly or cannot fully understand my words.
  3. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Joseph and his Jewish Dreams   
    In December 2017 I made this video, in English, on Taiwan, on Genesis 37:5-11. I do hope that it is a blessing and an encouragement to your life.
    "Umbrella Rock." On the East Coast of Taiwan.
    Photo by Alan
  4. Thanks
    Alan got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in Joseph and his Jewish Dreams   
    In December 2017 I made this video, in English, on Taiwan, on Genesis 37:5-11. I do hope that it is a blessing and an encouragement to your life.
    "Umbrella Rock." On the East Coast of Taiwan.
    Photo by Alan
  5. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in "The Gathering of the Nation of Israel"   
    Hope you enjoy the relaxing photo of a fine fishing location in Bennett Springs State Park, Missouri. Bennett Springs State Park is near Lebanon, Missouri, has some fine fishing (Rainbow  & Brown Trout) areas, hiking trails in a scenic country setting.
    The attached link is to the Bennett Springs Fish Hatchery located in the Bennett Springs State Park:

    Photo by Alan
    Edited by: Linux - GIMP 2.0
    Fonts - Linux: Adine Kirnberg
    May God richly bless all of you.
  6. Like
    Alan reacted to Chase Tallent in UNASHAMED: Romans 1:16-17   
    Bro. @Alan,
    Thank you for your input and teaching me how to upload my sermons. God bless!
  7. Thanks
    Alan got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in "The Gathering of the Nation of Israel"   
    Bro. Jim,
    Yes, this is me. I guess now everyone will know what I look like. I normally have not, since this time, put any videos of myself up on Online Baptist due to a couple of reasons. Due to the seriousness of some of the doctrinal problems within independent Baptist churches I decided to put up this sermon of myself instead of a written sermon.
    This in one of the English prophecy messages that I did at our church, Victory Baptist Church, in Hua Lien, Taiwan awhile back. We have an American English teacher visiting our Chinese work on Taiwan that was being influenced by Pastor Steven Anderson and he wanted to honestly know what is going on as he was confused. So, I did a series of Prophecy studies, in English, on the side. The series of messages helped my friend here on Taiwan as he studied the verses that I mentioned.
    Hope it is a blessing. If there are any questions on what I said, why I said it, or if you agree, I am open for questions or discussions.
  8. Like
    Alan reacted to Jim_Alaska in "The Gathering of the Nation of Israel"   
    Bro. Alan, is this sermon yours or by someone else? I ask simply because I do not know what you look like and therefore do not know who the speaker is.
  9. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in "The Gathering of the Nation of Israel"   
    Bro. Jim,
    Yes, this is me. I guess now everyone will know what I look like. I normally have not, since this time, put any videos of myself up on Online Baptist due to a couple of reasons. Due to the seriousness of some of the doctrinal problems within independent Baptist churches I decided to put up this sermon of myself instead of a written sermon.
    This in one of the English prophecy messages that I did at our church, Victory Baptist Church, in Hua Lien, Taiwan awhile back. We have an American English teacher visiting our Chinese work on Taiwan that was being influenced by Pastor Steven Anderson and he wanted to honestly know what is going on as he was confused. So, I did a series of Prophecy studies, in English, on the side. The series of messages helped my friend here on Taiwan as he studied the verses that I mentioned.
    Hope it is a blessing. If there are any questions on what I said, why I said it, or if you agree, I am open for questions or discussions.
  10. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Cain: A Model For Modern Christians   
    Yes, in spite of his environment, and his parents, and his conversations with God, Cain went bad and chose evil.
    A fruit tree without fruit is not much value. Jude 11-16
    You are correct, a lot of people, saints included, do not want the punishment that they deserve. Folks try and justify the sins in their life, or, try and minimize their sins with no true repentance, in order to get rid of punishment.
    Cain is a warning to the saints and to the sinners.
    I appreciate your quote from 1John 3:10-12 and how God tried to inform Cain that he should love his brother Abel instead of hating Abel. Excellent ending. Thanks!
  11. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Thoughts On Psalms 119 ALEPH   
    King David, from a child, realized that the testimonies, the statutes, the commandments,  the law of God, the judgments of God, the word of God as written and as spoken by the prophets, were good and just. Therefore, King David delighted, from a child, in the word of God more than he did in riches and the things of this life.
    It seems to me that we need to meditate, to love, to delight, and to follow the scriptures with all of our heart.
  12. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Fruit in the Life of Joseph   
    Thank you Jim. I appreciate your thoughts. It was a blessing in my heart already in preparing the devotion.
    In this particular passage, as Joseph thought about the toils and afflictions that he went through, he naturally believed that it was God who brought about the fruit in his life. Joseph, as was Christ, among the other fruits of the Spirit previous mentioned, had inward peace, longsuffering, and temperance in their lives. 
    Now, God, through prosperity, and then through adversity, is going to mightily use Joseph in the lives of not only the nation of Egypt, but in the lives of his own household. The fruits of Joseph, as the fruits of Christ, will be far-reaching in every aspect of the word.
  13. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Fruit in the Life of Joseph   
    Hope the following selection of Hymns are a blessing to your heart.
    May the Lord bless all of you.
  14. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Fruit in the Life of Joseph   
    Hope you like the photo. The photo was taken on the East Coast of Taiwan.

    Photo by Alan - Not Copyrighted
    Edited by Linux - GIMP
  15. Like
    Alan got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in Fruit in the Life of Joseph   
    Thank you Jim. I appreciate your thoughts. It was a blessing in my heart already in preparing the devotion.
    In this particular passage, as Joseph thought about the toils and afflictions that he went through, he naturally believed that it was God who brought about the fruit in his life. Joseph, as was Christ, among the other fruits of the Spirit previous mentioned, had inward peace, longsuffering, and temperance in their lives. 
    Now, God, through prosperity, and then through adversity, is going to mightily use Joseph in the lives of not only the nation of Egypt, but in the lives of his own household. The fruits of Joseph, as the fruits of Christ, will be far-reaching in every aspect of the word.
  16. Like
    Alan reacted to Jim_Alaska in Fruit in the Life of Joseph   
    An excellent devotion Bro. Alan. All that you brought out regarding fruit in the life of Joseph rings true. I have heard and taught on the life of Joseph and especially on Joseph as a type of Christ, but had never considered the fruits he bore as such.
    Thank you for a wonderful blessing in posting this devotion.
  17. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in God Raises Up Joseph   
    May the Lord bless your hearts with some fine instrumental music courtesy of, "Christian Hymns and Gospel Music.
  18. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in God Raises Up Joseph   
    Glad to know that the devotion on God raising up Joseph was a blessing to you. 
  19. Thanks
    Alan got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in "The Wise Counsel of Joseph, Genesis 41:1-36   
    It is my hope that the Lord is using the series devotions on the life of Joseph in Egypt to encourage and strengthen your walk with the Lord.
    Ocean Waves on the East Coast of Taiwan north of the city of Tai Tung.

    Photo by Alan
    Edited by Linux GIMP 2.8 Video Photo Editor
  20. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in "The Wise Counsel of Joseph, Genesis 41:1-36   
    I do hope that the piano hymns are a blessing to your heart.
    The music and the scenes of Colorado are the courtesy of Kaleb Brasee
    May God bless all of you.
  21. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Believing on the LORD Jesus Christ (By Bro. John Young, Green Meadow Bible Baptist Church, Kalamazoo MI)   
    Thank you for the fine message on Romans 1:16 & 17 concerning the gospel of Christ; true belief in Christ, repentance, humbleness in the sight of God, and salvation in the work of Christ, and His righteousness, alone.
    Thank you also for your four thoughts in soul-winning efforts, your love for soul-winning, and bringing out the fruits of repentance. Keep up your soul-winning preaching and efforts. "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good." Ecclesiastes 11:6
  22. Like
    Alan reacted to Jim_Alaska in "The Wise Counsel of Joseph, Genesis 41:1-36   
    A wonderful devotion and commentary of Joseph Bro. Alan. I have always loved the story of Joseph, not just for the story, but also for the inspiration his life is in so many ways. It is not limited to simply old testament history, but gives us today the inspiration to overcome under even the most adverse of life's situations.
    While Joseph is certainly a type of Christ, when viewed in this capacity he exhibits the power and determination to use his life situations for God's glory as well as the saving of his people. He used the adversity for good even while experiencing the heart wrenching things he went through.
    Like Christ, he was forsaken of his own brethren and yet was able to use his affliction for the salvation of his own, as well as the countries surrounding Egypt. Although God had, in Pharaoh's dream, pronounced judgement upon the nation Egypt, He also made a way of escape in the person of Joseph. We find this parallel in the very person of Jesus Christ, which Joseph is a type of. Jesus has been forsaken of his own, sold out and abandoned and yet has been appointed by God as the savior of not only his own, but also of all who will come to him for council in faith. 
  23. Like
    Alan got a reaction from John Young in Do Not Interpretations Belong to God?   
    I do hope that the "Relaxing Instrumental Hymns," uploaded by, "Christian Music World," is a blessing to your soul.
    May the Lord bless all of you.
  24. Like
    Alan got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in Do Not Interpretations Belong to God?   
    I am glad to hear that the devotion was a blessing to you. As with many other saints, the life, the character, and the moving incidents in the life of Joseph, are an inspiration. 
    Throughout the life of Joseph, we can see God moving His hand in the life of Joseph to use him for the deliverance of the Jewish race, the deliverance of the Egyptians, and we can see the character of Christ.
    Truly, Romans 8:28 is evident in Joseph's life, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."  As Joseph loved God, so should we.
  25. Like
    Alan reacted to Jim_Alaska in Do Not Interpretations Belong to God?   
    Well done Bro. Alan. The life and testimony of Joseph should and can be an inspiration and source of Godly instruction for all true believers, even us these many centuries later. 
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