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"The Gathering of the Nation of Israel"



As the prophet Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea prophesied, one day, the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, will gather the remnant of the Jewish race, back to the land of Israel. The gathering of the nation of Israel, as prophesied by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:29-31, will exceed the gathering of the children of Israel by Moses as recorded in the book of Exodus. The gathering of the children of Israel from Egypt by Moses will pale in comparison to the gathering of the children of Israel by the Lord Jesus. 


I do hope that this message will be a blessing, and an encouragement to your heart and life.



Edited by Alan
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Bro. Alan, is this sermon yours or by someone else? I ask simply because I do not know what you look like and therefore do not know who the speaker is.

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Bro. Jim,

Yes, this is me. I guess now everyone will know what I look like. I normally have not, since this time, put any videos of myself up on Online Baptist due to a couple of reasons. Due to the seriousness of some of the doctrinal problems within independent Baptist churches I decided to put up this sermon of myself instead of a written sermon.

This in one of the English prophecy messages that I did at our church, Victory Baptist Church, in Hua Lien, Taiwan awhile back. We have an American English teacher visiting our Chinese work on Taiwan that was being influenced by Pastor Steven Anderson and he wanted to honestly know what is going on as he was confused. So, I did a series of Prophecy studies, in English, on the side. The series of messages helped my friend here on Taiwan as he studied the verses that I mentioned.

Hope it is a blessing. If there are any questions on what I said, why I said it, or if you agree, I am open for questions or discussions.


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Hope the devotional music by Christian Hymns & Gospel Music is a blessing to all of you.


In Christ,


Edited by Alan
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I put "CC" or "subtitles" on the study, on Matthew 24:29-31, "The World-Wide Gathering & Mourning of the Jews" in order to have a printed text to read.


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Hope you enjoy the relaxing photo of a fine fishing location in Bennett Springs State Park, Missouri. Bennett Springs State Park is near Lebanon, Missouri, has some fine fishing (Rainbow  & Brown Trout) areas, hiking trails in a scenic country setting.

The attached link is to the Bennett Springs Fish Hatchery located in the Bennett Springs State Park:



Photo by Alan

Edited by: Linux - GIMP 2.0

Fonts - Linux: Adine Kirnberg

May God richly bless all of you.


Edited by Alan
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