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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I rather have an Alta call, I know Jesus didn’t do it in the New Testament and there’s a lot of things Hedid, that we don’t do today,that we should. If the Holy Spirit is working during a message, why not share the gospel so they can fully understand, not just tell him or her to go home and think about it. Preachers don’t have any problem telling them to stay for the dinner after church. Why not give them the spiritual dinner first. this is in my humble opinion and there’s many ways to share the gospel of salvation.
  2. Christmas time is a good time do altar calls, for salvation. Catholic strongly celebrate Christmas. There is a good change for them to understand the true meaning of Christmas, if there is one or more visiting. Can we have someone here, show you from the bible, how to be Saved? Please Come
  3. Let there be light and it was good. The KJ was not made in cartoons, I am sorry BT
  4. Cartoons are not for real but some of them really touches on human lifestyles, they become people for the good and for bad. Charlie Brown stood out for good, was Charlie Brown a Christian cartoon, person or kid? Example of an evil cartoon will be the Simpsons, now we know they were not Christians. Everything has a good beginning but later the world twists it towards evil.
  5. Many years ago, I remember some Christians being against having a Christmas tree in the home. i’m not talking about the Jehovah witnesses. I’m talking about born-again Christians. No longer, people seem to not care about it now. Some Christians put them up and some don't, it is all for fun. We all know that the holidays are for sales to gain more business. Christmas time, faith believer, we all can fall into it, if you’re celebrating the birth of Christ December 25th. We all know that the date is not available to us, His birth. Giving out gifts any time of the year is fine for me. I don’t wanna be the Grinch that stole Christmas.
  6. In trouble again, can Trump make it to the end? Donald Trump gag order reinstated in New York civil fraud trial https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67580883
  7. What happened to the church image photo, I see just a ? marked in its place. Thanks
  8. You were correct, no Pastor will openly say he has his own assigned parking space. But I do know this is happening. It’s no big deal. Just an observation. ? for we shall not be a shame, in well doing. unprofitable
  9. Back to the topic everyone should visit a charismatic church, at least once. ?
  10. Some people love you others not. How to Love without anger. This is a challenge for many believers and nonbelievers. ?
  11. Just doing my job BT, not being quiet, like many of the faith are doing. You see, I can speak freely where others can not. They might lose their position in the church. I noticed you watch me very carefully, every post you have to say something about me. Which make me wonder what is your roll. You, not being a leader and moving from church to church. You see, stop judging me and I will not judge you. Just reply without judging me, like I dont agree with you. This is a fare and normal reply. Have a great service today
  12. I don’t worry about what is going on in the churches, but I do worry about the loss souls that attend them, aren’t they looking for truth. The truth is out there, but it’s getting harder and harder for people to find. I do believe that there are those who are not Baptists, that are saved. Example and the protestant and the charismatic movement. I believe a person will not lose their salvation because they spoke in tongues or danced in church. I see these as works, but not for salvation. So you may ask, what’s the problem then? I go back to the entertainment part that I mentioned.
  13. Do they remove the Baptist name from the church later? How to dance correctly in church is very hard to do in my opinion. The people that are doing this are mostly good people, looking for and to do more in the church. One of the biggest problems in the church today is much entertainment. This seems to be bringing in more lost sheep. They seem to like the loose gypsy-style clothing. I personally don't support dancing in church. Talking in tongue, I think the laughing churches are no longer around, but not sure. Too much confusion going on.
  14. I never heard of a Baptist Charismatic Church combined. Husband and wife preaching together, then fighting after church. Who’s gonna do the dishes? ? Are you aware of any recent Baptist Church opening up to dancing during service. ??
  15. Thank you and good answer, the main thing is, what’s going on inside. Amen
  16. Nice, the new metal church building. Are you sure that lightning that hit the old Church wasn’t looking for you? ?
  17. As time go by modern churches, Baptist churches, or others are changing the look of their buildings. We are no longer having the peak roofs, with the cross at its highest point. The new modern look are more efficient and hold more people. Are you ready to receive the modern and new look Church ? Here is one I found online just for example. Berean Baptist Church
  18. He removes his children of the faith, the chosen one's In the Old Testament. Will He do the same in the New Testament, removing His children, those that are Saved. Before the tribulation begins. The seven years of the Antichrist. I believe He will, why would He God, cast judgement on His children, those that are Saved? By leaving them in this world during the 7 years.
  19. All that free in bell buckle place’s sounds weird. ?
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