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Not ashame

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With so much mental and emotional anguish, I wondered why God had allowed all of this. I wonder how God will put a human being in a situation I am today. Why 1. wouldn’t God fix this?  
2. Why does God allow sickness?
3. If I am created in God image, is my suffering insult to God who created and loves me?
4. Did Christ death also wipe my own sin? John 3:16
5. Why will God allow the underprivileged to be treated in a less favourable way because of race, gender or disability. What is the essence of Mathew 7:12

I remember Amos 5: 24 but in our world those with wealth or influence are corrupt and unfair, taking advantage of the more vulnerable people in society.

I remember the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31-46,  Jesus taught that people should help those in need - whether they are hungry, thirsty, sick or disabled. 
6. What about Luke 10:25-37 where Jesus addressed issues of racial prejudice and discrimination. 
Why will the world behave as if we are suffering because of our sins. When I came online, I expected to have spiritual mentors and kind Samaritan that could atleast spare a loaf of bread for me. People are floading my inbox with messages daily, insulting, quoting scriptures and sending me to hell.  God knows, He is my witness I am only tired of suffering, sorrow and tears. I throw away my pride, embrace shame and come online, neglecting the stigma and started asking for bread. If you have sleep hungry for one or two nights or if you ever spend a night with a hungry baby, you will understand me better. If you are a true child of God, God will have a way of talking to you and can you you to change my story.
Nomatter what happens, God will always be glorify. Pray for me
Love and prayers

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