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One Reason I Don't Listen to Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX


I used to enjoy listening to Dr. Robert Jeffress several years ago, but he started to turn more political in nature in 2020 having former President Trumps Veep in his church "to give his testimony." Now, I've got nothing against having a political leader in to give their testimony of salvation...but it seemed to be more of a Trump rally than a worship service. This past week or so, Dr. Jeffress has decided that he can decisively say that there is no Scriptural reason for a person NOT to get the vaccines....I think he's crossed a line and is trying to take the position of the Holy Spirit in people's lives. I'm seeing quite a bit of this in nearly every sect of the Baptist church, and I truly find it disheartening. Preachers are NOT the "end all" or the decision makers for their members. They are to shepherd their flocks, not try to play the Holy Spirit, convicting others to do something. It's NOT his job. Of course, this is just MY OPINION. Others are allowed to have theirs....below is one of the articles that give an account of what Dr. Jeffress said. Some of the ones I could have used have disappeared as if to stop any damage that could be caused to Dr. Jeffress' ministry because of his speaking out. I also find this disconcerting. Dr. Jeffress is SBC, and a former SBC President. 


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Paul Chappell had Dan Quayle come to his Church but he was the FORMER VP and I do not think he was candidating for office (this was around 93 or 94, right before I got there). He also had JC Watt speak and often had other government dignitaries making appearances during special events and so forth. I was going to say that I never heard anyone actively "Candidating" for office but then I remember LA County Sheriff Lee Baca who was up for reelection at the time and was DEFINITELY doing some political posturing as he was addressing the congregation!

I said all that to say this: My personal view is that I would not have someone who was an active candidate for political office addressing my congregation. You are just asking for trouble especially if you are a conservative, fundamentalist church hosting a conservative political candidate.

In this day and age, I believe it best to avoid anything even resembling political posturing and especially with the Trump candidacy. This may not be popular but I am also for removing the flags from our auditoriums and forgoing "God and Country" Sunday and so forth. Christianity is not an "American" or "Western" thing nor is it exclusively a "Republican" thing! We need to express solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters around the globe and ESPECIALLY those in countries that are adversarial to the United States! I believe it is good to express our support for Israel but we also need to acknowledge the fact that there are Palestinian Christians (genuine brothers and sisters) who are caught in the middle and suffering greatly as a result of the current warfare! Same goes for the Christians in Iran, Russia, China, and so forth!

Off my soap box now...

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