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Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt

IFB Pastor Arrested for Illegally Carrying a Firearm.


In a recent incident in Woodbury, Connecticut, Dr. Peter Ventura, the pastor of First Baptist Church of Woodbury (Independent, Fundamental, Bible Believing Church), was arrested for illegally carrying a firearm. Ventura, a convicted felon, claimed he believed he had permission to carry the weapon based on previous interactions with police officers. This misunderstanding led to his arrest on June 25. Ventura was released on bond shortly after his arrest but the situation has sparked discussions about communication and legal interpretations regarding firearm possession by convicted felons (Fox61) (Republican-American).

Complicating matters, Dr. Ventura's status as a convicted felon prohibits him from owning or carrying a firearm under federal law. The Gun Control Act of 1968 specifically forbids the sale and possession of firearms by felons, and these regulations are strictly enforced to prevent firearms from falling into the hands of individuals who may pose a risk to public safety (CGAA). The gun in question is a Bryna, a pellet gun used for self control. 

During his arrest, police also questioned Ventura about his car, a silver Ford Taurus Interceptor that resembles a law enforcement vehicle. It was equipped with radios that he says he uses to check the weather and talk to truckers. It is not illegal in Ct to own a car that resembles a cop car.

The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding of firearm laws, especially for individuals with prior convictions. The case will likely proceed through the court system, where Ventura's claims and the legal interpretations of the permissions he believed he had will be examined in detail (Republican-American).

Ventura is gathering transcripts as evidence that the police told him it was OK to own a Byrna. His bond was set to $25,000 and is scheduled to appear in court in July 16.

church website: https://firstbaptistchurchofwoodburyct.com

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23 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

It's of a true concern that so many criminals have found a safe haven in the pastorate. 

That's sounds like you are using my wide brush here? 😅

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3 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

That's sounds like you are using my wide brush here? 😅

Not in the least. You see, I have not placed a wide brush statement. There was a qualifier....the word "many," and my statement is an indisputable fact backed up by evidence all throughout the Internet, media sources, and churches themselves. It's really time for you to act like an adult and stop trying to agitate not just me but others. Your "laughing" emoticon is a poor attempt and truly shows your lack of maturity and ability in accepting responsibility. Sad.

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To me you are applying standard for self interest. When I say many, you accuse me all the time of using a wide brush. It would be a blessing if you stop following me. It is weird 🫤

Edited by TheGloryLand

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22 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

To me you are applying standard for self interest. When I say many, you accuse me all the time of using a wide brush. It would be a blessing if you stop following me. It is weird 🫤

You, if I recall correctly, have seldom stated "many." I do admit that some of the time you do. But, for the most part you don't. Here again you're making false allegations of me "following" you. You're posting on a PUBLIC message/discussion board. There's nothing "weird" about me replying to your incessantly negative posts. Maybe a board where nobody is allowed to voice a dissent to your posts would suit you better. Just a suggestion. There's also always the option here at OB to "ignore" me. Have a nice day. 🙄

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