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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. What would kamela Harris do if she was president?
  2. Do Independent Baptist leaders follow and support MacArthur teachings. I personally don't follow him. I believe he is ok, he sounds like a good talker and storyteller. You feel like you're in school and not a church when he preaches for me. I'll have to visit his sermon page, he sounds very smart and easy to understand. Any input to share about him. Do you listen to him and follow?
  3. Some interesting news I like to share with my friends here. New bitcoin leader? https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/donald-trump-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-price-regulation-b2587771.html
  4. I remember the Popeye cartoon the hamburger guy. I will gladly pay you Friday, for a Hamburg today. Brainwash to borrow from childhood.
  5. The world is changing, people are changing, and so are churches. I know there are many Christians who rather not talk about this. This is happening and many Christians are not happy to hear them doing this, during a service or from the pulpit. myself being a independent voter agreed that this should not be happening. The church is a place of fellowship, worship, and praise to the creator, and growth in the faith. I’m sad to say pretty much all my favorite preachers are falling into this. I know things are not looking good and they are worried but by using the pulpit, I humbly think they’re wrong doing this.
  6. Watching Trump speak at one of his rallies, where many Christians were present. He said I love Christians. I am half Christian. This remind me of those Christians that lose their salvation and those who are not sure that they are saved. Poor Trump, hopefully, he repents and comes to the truth with Hindu J D Vance. For a better America. The other liberal side, they are simply blind.
  7. For those that need more information Federal Reserve data showed that fewer than half (47%) of credit cardholders carried a balance at some point in 2023. That's down a percentage point from 2021 and 2022 but is down even further from 2020, when that rate was 50%.
  8. Also spending your cards up to the limit can get us in trouble. Most sadly, fall in this category and are paying high interest.
  9. Many years ago, I would remember visiting churches that will preach on credit cards, saying that it was of the devil. Today everything has changed, churches love credit cards now, and even put them up on the screen so you can scan your card or phone with their I.D. scanned. The Love of Money.
  10. Not many replies to this old post, Let me try a new audience.
  11. The new smartphones generation has a part of this problem, not all but the parents that are putting a smartphone in a five year old child's hands, is not helping.
  12. I am not sure why they really want to come here to the USA because when I look at some reports of American leaving the US make me wonder. What's happening? The U.S. government doesn't formally track how many Americans leave the U.S. but the most recent estimate puts the figure at nearly nine million. This figure represents a doubling of the 1999 figure, placed at 4.1 million.
  13. This is not something new. This is happening all around the world, people want easy money and don’t want hard labor work. My wife is Dominican, the last time I was over there, the Haitians were doing all the work that was labor and low-paying jobs, those that the Dominicans don't want to do. Something similar to what we are happening here.
  14. Here is a solution for you According to fwd.us, immigrants can benefit the U.S. economy in many ways, including: Filling labor shortages Immigrants can help fill positions in industries and states that have struggled to find workers. For example, New York State has a labor shortage in home health care, and the New York State Department of Labor has identified 39,456 jobs open to migrants and asylum seekers. Creating jobs Immigrants can help create jobs and raise wages for everyone. Filling undesirable jobs Immigrants often take low-paying jobs that most U.S.-born Americans won't, such as caring for the sick, elderly, and children. Boosting innovation Immigrants are more likely to start their own businesses and obtain patents, which can boost the country's productivity and innovation. Playing important roles in key sectors Immigrants play important roles in many sectors of the economy, including healthcare, food production, construction, and emerging fields like semiconductors and artificial intelligence. Those that AI will like this reply.
  15. I see that there is a big problem, who’s going to pick up the watermelon, vegetables and fruits. Who’s gonna do the irrigations, groundskeepers, roof installers, office cleaners, dishes? Not us
  16. Repulican post found on the internet Why we need immigration. Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives. What is the truth behind all this? $ The love of money
  17. This is what I said about A I 1 week later and many still think this was all planned by others. Technology is making humans, less human. Wait for AI to kick in full force. Dum and Dumer for Beginners, by artificial intelligence. Nothing about killing just that technology is making humans less human. You could be replying to BT. I have him on my blocked messages, so not really sure what he’s up to lately.
  18. Sorry can not see it Sir. That's okay others might.
  19. I forgot to mention there will Christians? That will be blind to other believers' faiths and non-living ways.
  20. Thank God, we worship the only God through Jesus Christ, who doesn’t live in any building yet. They will rebuild, and get some of that Insurance claim money, building a more modern and most likely a Mega Stadium. That is in style now
  21. Who Are They Serving … Christians can have different perspectives on artificial intelligence (AI) and how it relates to their faith. Some say that Christians should care about the future of AI and use it to align with their faith-based values, while others say that AI and the church should not intersect.
  22. 1 week later and many still think this was all planned by others. Technology is making humans, less human. Wait for AI to kick in full force. Dum and Dumer for Beginners, by artificial intelligence.
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