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    2bLikeJesus reacted to TheSword in New Ministry/church Opportunity?   
    It's not a bad thing to include in an existing ministry. One church I used to attend streamed all services live for people that couldn't physically be there like you mentioned and it's a blessing to them. One big caution I would throw out there if the intent is for this to be the whole part of the entire church/ministry is that it neglects the need for Christians to gather, socialize, and exhort one another (Heb 10:25). Part of what makes a church beneficial, and really necessary, for Christians is being able to surround yourself with other Christians and help each other live a godly lifestyle. If no one ever meets physically the sense of community that is inherent in a church is missing. For that reason, I would recommend against it as a stand-alone ministry, but think it is a great augmentation to an existing church.
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Chase Tallent in Near Confrontation During House To House   
    First of all I would like to praise God that the man that led me to the Lord while going door-to-door didn't believe it was ineffective and useless!  I have been doing door-to-door witnessing now for over 20 years, the last 12 of which in an extremely difficult area of the Pacific Northwest.  I have been through it all over the years, "naked people answering, cursed, guns pointed, dog's turned on me, you name it" but I will still go because every once in a great while, we find that pearl of great price.  I can think of 5 very dear members/families of our church right now that were a direct result of door-to-door soul winning (please, I know it was the Lord that saved them not us, so calm down).  If there were only ONE member I could name it would have been worth it. 
    There are limitations though that I follow: 
    1.  I NEVER knock on a door with any kind of sign discouraging visitors.  Even just a "No Soliciting" sign though we are selling nothing.  
    2.  I never enter an enclosed space to get at a door.  It is popular around here for people to have enclosed porches with a door to keep wild animals away from trash cans, pet food, shoes by the door, and such but I will not enter but will only leave a tract on the door.  Something you city slickers don't have to deal with but is a real issue in the small logging community in Oregon where I live. 
    3.  I never go alone.
    4.  I never talk to children when the parents are not home and know I am speaking to their child.  
    5.  I will not allow the conversation at the door to stray from salvation.  If the person has a legitimate question, especially a concern that has made him angry with God, then I will do my best to answer the question and then quickly turn it to salvation.  In short, "if I don't strike oil within 20 minutes, I quit boring"
    6.  If I can see that it is obviously a bad time because I can see them entertaining guests or sitting at the dinner table with family, I always ask if this is a good time to talk. We had one man visit who said, "I would have cursed them and slammed the door in their face, like I usually do, had they said who they were and why they were there, but they were so polite and courteous in considering my valuable time, I had to come check you guys out".  
    Bro. Garry
    In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Opening Thread Posts   
    I start strife and argument when I post something in the Humor section intended to be purely entertainment and funny.  Some will argue with a fence post that isn't setting right.
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Opening Thread Posts   
    I start strife and argument when I post something in the Humor section intended to be purely entertainment and funny.  Some will argue with a fence post that isn't setting right.
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    2bLikeJesus reacted to HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Invicta - Chicken Tonight used to be sold here in America. I remember seeing it on the shelves, but don't remember ever trying it.  
    2bL - when our son was younger, he wasn't allowed to say he didn't like something. If he did, he got an extra helping.    Some people might think that's bad, but he learned really quickly not to say he didn't like it.  When asked if he wanted seconds, if he didn't want it because he didn't like it, he was taught to say, "I don't care for more, thank you."  And he always had to have a little bite of something even if he didn't like it - we called that a Thank You bite, to try and teach him to be thankful to the Lord for everything, even if he didn't care for the taste. Interestingly, he will now eat anything, even if he doesn't like it, if someone serves it to him. Well, except blueberries and creamed corn (one time when he was little creamed corn made him vomit - I never fixed it for him again). 
    candle - that sounds so nummy!  We had homemade chicken vegetable soup last night (I'm having more for lunch).  Tonight we'll have pizza. We bought some frozen pizzas the other day and decided to fix them tonight so we can have our oven on to help warm the house. Brrrrr..............
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Since I just had 14 teeth removed new dentures upper and lower put in on Friday, I am afraid all I can have for supper is a chocolate Protein shake.  It hurts to chew even a piece of bread right now.  Liquid diet for me for the next week probably.  Oh well.  I could stand to lose more weight.  Still need to lose another 50 lbs.  I have lost 60 lbs. since May 23, 2013.
  7. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Since I just had 14 teeth removed new dentures upper and lower put in on Friday, I am afraid all I can have for supper is a chocolate Protein shake.  It hurts to chew even a piece of bread right now.  Liquid diet for me for the next week probably.  Oh well.  I could stand to lose more weight.  Still need to lose another 50 lbs.  I have lost 60 lbs. since May 23, 2013.
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