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  1. Rebecca's post in Update your American Passport Soon was marked as the answer   
    It's a good idea to have an updated passport if you ever want to travel outside your home country in the future (business, vacations, missions trips, etc) as it's such a hassle to get new ones issued. If it's already updated when you need to make travel plans it's one less problem to deal with.
  2. Rebecca's post in Can you please explain how you can be a Christian Democrat today? was marked as the answer   
    I have family members who are both democrat and Christian, it's not impossible or shocking. Did you know that there are republicans who support abortion? Did you know that there are democrats who do not support abortion? Did you know that there are many, many Christians who are neither democrat nor republican? This is because most individual people don't blindly follow their chosen party, they each have their own convictions, thoughts, and ideas that may or may not line up with everything their party is known for.
  3. Rebecca's post in Is it getting harder to find a Christian woman… was marked as the answer   
    As a single woman, I could say the same of Christian men, where are they? But I already know the answer. They are out there serving God. The same is true of Christian women, we are out there serving God. If you can't find us, it's because you're not looking in the right places. 
    Remember what God told Elijah when he despaired that he was the only one left serving God? God said there were 7,000 others out there serving Him faithfully. (II Kings 19:14-18) The world may seem to us as if there are no good Christians left in the area in which we live, but God knows the truth. He knows the number of people around the world and in your town who are faithfully serving Him.  Just like in Elisha's day, we aren't the only ones.  
    Also, the attitude that "head of the home" = "control" is offensive and unbiblical. Of course I don't want someone controlling me, that would be oppression, not freedom in Christ or a loving marriage. The two terms are not equal. 
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