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Jerry Bouey

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The Companion Of The Way by H.C. Hewett is probably the best devotional book I have ever read in my life - by devotional, I mean the character studies in this book have challenged me and drawn me closer to the Lord in a way that no other Christian book has. I hope these 12 character studies (plus the Foreward and Introduction, which are part of the studies) truly bless you in your walk with the Lord.

Entries in this sermon

The Companion Of The Way Ch 11 Paul

The Companion Of The Way 11 - Strength Of The Toiler - Paul (Acts 26) The path of testimony which Paul trod for so many years began with the experience wherewith that of Stephen ended, with the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven. Not only was the Lord pleased to answer the martyr's prayer by the conversion of one implicated in his death, but He raised up this very man to carry on and to amplify, both by his preaching and by his writings, the witness to Christ in glory


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