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Jerry Bouey

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The Companion Of The Way by H.C. Hewett is probably the best devotional book I have ever read in my life - by devotional, I mean the character studies in this book have challenged me and drawn me closer to the Lord in a way that no other Christian book has. I hope these 12 character studies (plus the Foreward and Introduction, which are part of the studies) truly bless you in your walk with the Lord.

Entries in this sermon

The Companion Of The Way Ch 12 John

The Companion Of The Way 12 - The Steward Of God's House - John (Revelation 1) I. THE SETTING -- THE LORD AND HIS CHURCHES When the aged Apostle John was permitted to suffer banishment do the dreary isle of Patmos, he might well have mused upon the inscrutable dealings of the providence of God. Must he who had known the wonder of being pillowed on the bosom of Christ come to rest his head on that rugged shore? This, indeed, was fellowship with the Lord Jesus, who dwelt of e


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 11 Paul

The Companion Of The Way 11 - Strength Of The Toiler - Paul (Acts 26) The path of testimony which Paul trod for so many years began with the experience wherewith that of Stephen ended, with the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven. Not only was the Lord pleased to answer the martyr's prayer by the conversion of one implicated in his death, but He raised up this very man to carry on and to amplify, both by his preaching and by his writings, the witness to Christ in glory


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 10 Stephen

The Companion Of The Way 10 - The Face That Welcomed - Stephen (Acts 7) I. THE SETTING -- THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING The triumph of Stephen was the first great crisis in the history of the Church. For Israel, too, it was a crisis, for in the death of the first Christian martyr the nation's probation ceased. Even after the cry of apostasy, "We have no king but Caesar," and that bitter taunt, "He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him," the Divine patienc


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 9 Daniel

The Companion Of The Way 09 - The Light Of Evening - Daniel (Daniel 10) I. THE SETTING -- THE UNBLEMISHED YEARS The story of Daniel is given to us in Scripture in a series of character studies exquisitely drawn. These begin with a youth standing with three companions, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, at the crossroads of life, and making choice of the path of the will of God irrespective of earthly loss (chap. 1). The next three scenes show us the interpreter of dreams and of ha


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 8 Three Hebrews

The Companion Of The Way 08 - Companion In The Fire - Three Hebrews (Daniel 3) I. THE SETTING -- THE DAUNTLESS THREE Among the captives taken from Judah to Babylon in the days of Jeconiah were a number of youths of noble birth. The names of four of these are recorded in Scripture with special honor. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah left for all who should follow in the path of faith the lesson that there are no days when it is too dark for God to work and no circumstances i


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 7 Ezekiel

The Companion Of The Way 07- Sanctuary Of The Exile - Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1) I. THE SETTING -- THE DIVINE COMPENSATION Nowhere in the records of the divine presence is the kindness and faithfulness of God more evident than in those that relate the story of the exile of the people of Judah and of Jerusalem. On account of the evils wrought by King Manasseh wherewith he polluted the house of the Lord in Jerusalem and filled the city from end to end with innocent blood, God delivered th


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 6 Isaiah

The Companion Of The Way 06 - The Holy Sovereign - Isaiah (Isaiah 6) I. THE SETTING -- THE PREPARATION OF THE PROPHET The spiritual experiences of the men through whom God gave His Word provide a fascinating and fruitful study. The writers were chosen and prepared by divine skill to be fitting vehicles for the communication of the message of life. Not only did they pass on the Word in its inspired perfection, but each was wrought to noble sympathy with that which he declared and


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 4 Joshua

The Companion Of The Way 04 - The Supreme Commander - Joshua (Joshua 5) I. THE SETTING -- PRELUDE TO CONFLICT The years of Israel's wandering had passed. The feet often weary on the desert way stood at last in the land of promise. Nought had failed of all that the Lord had spoken to His people. Moses, their leader, had been called to Mount Nebo, where he was shown all the land which the tribes should possess, and was thence called to Heaven, there to rest till upon another mount,


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 5 Elijah

The Companion Of The Way 05 - Bread Of The Weary - Elijah (1 Kings 19) I. THE SETTING -- REACTION AFTER VICTORY Though more than five hundred years elapsed between Joshua's wars and Elijah's ministry, the two periods were strangely linked by the tragic facts of the history of Jericho. When the city was destroyed, Joshua pronounced the solemn words: "Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstbo


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 3 Moses

The Companion Of The Way 03 - Dweller In The Thornbush - Moses (Exodus 3) I. THE SETTING -- THE TRIAL OF FAITH A new phase in the history of the people of Israel began with their deliverance from Egypt. They entered it a family, they came out from it a nation. The long years of bondage were overruled of God to evidence the faithfulness of His care and the indestructibility of the people with whom He had made His covenant. That the experience in Egypt would be one of servitud


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 2 Jacob

The Companion Of The Way 02 - The Patient Wrestler - Jacob (Ge 32) I. THE SETTING -- GRACE AND GOVERNMENT In the life of Jacob we see exemplified the discipline by which God deals with the waywardness of His people and leads them on to His purposed goal. How effective it was in Jacob's case is seen in the golden sunset of his life and in his last words to his sons. Speaking to Joseph, he said: "God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me . . . the G


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Ch 1 Abraham

The Companion Of The Way 01 - Friend With Friend - Abraham (Genesis 18) I. THE SETTING -- A MAN AND HIS GOD About midway between the fall of Adam and the Cross of Christ, it pleased God to reveal Himself to a citizen of Ur, in Mesopotamia, by the name of Abram. The impact upon Abram of that appearing, and its consequence in human destiny, are beyond our power to estimate. The true focal points of history are not the wars of nations, not the uprisings of earth's great ones for th


Jerry in devotionals

The Companion Of The Way Foreward And Introduction

The Companion Of The Way 00 - Foreward & Introduction The Companion of the Way by H.C. Hewlett 1962 Moody Press Chicago, Illinois ~ Out of print and in the public domain ~ Chapter 1 - FRIEND WITH FRIEND - Genesis 18 - Abraham Chapter 2 - THE PATIENT WRESTLER - GenesisĀ 32 - Jacob Chapter 3 - THE DWELLER IN THE THORNBUSH - Exodus 3 - Moses Chapter 4 - THE SUPREME COMMANDER - Joshua 5 - Joshua Chapter 5 - THE BREAD OF THE WEARY


Jerry in devotionals

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