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  1. Reader, When a person hears the "Gospel", as, "faith comes by hearing" ... then this faith is proof something happened in the heart of the Believer that God SEES... as "God sees the heart" And what is that, that God sees that has happened inside you? God sees your "repentance" ....that is of the kind that God accepts, and that is not repenting from sin....but its repenting from UNBELIEF. See, God is not looking for people who are willing to "clean up"... as = ""Jesus came into the world to save SINNERS" See that Reader? God is looking for FAITH IN CHRIST...and then God will clean you ............So, God is looking for FAITH.....as that proves you have repented from your UNBELIEF.... and God takes that FAITH, and accepts that one time FAITH = forever..... and then He does this... A.) He takes ALL your sin, and puts it on Jesus, "God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".... = as if Jesus is YOU THE SINNER, and then Christ dies on the Cross, for ALL YOUR SIN.. and then,,. God takes that Righteous LIFE that Jesus LIVED.. and God gives it to you... "imputs it".. ."charges it to you", as if you lived it all your life. This is to become "a New Creation, In Christ". See that? That is : SALVATiON.... Its Jesus becoming our wrong and our sin, and us, = through God's Grace.... God gives us His own RIGHTEOUSNESS, as if we were always righteous, and will always be.. RIGHTEOUS. = to become BORN AGAIN. This is the "imputed righteousness" that God gives you the INSTANT you trusted in Christ, and you remain "made righteous".. having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ".... = FOREVER. Welcome to : Salvation Its a "GIFT"..... an Eternal Gift. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reader Let me simplify it even more.. God is Holy and we are not. So, for God to have us, is for God to join Himself to us : Spiritually. See, "God is A Spirit" and we are a spirit in a body that is not connected to God because our SIN does not allow God to have spiritual union with us. So, See the 2 fold issue? 1.) You have to become as RIGHTEOUS as God, before HOLY RIGHTEOUS God, can join Himself to you, so that you become BORN AGAIN SPIRITUALLY. 2.) Your SIN is blocking God from having you rejoined to Him in "Spiritual Union". So, GOD had to solve = these 2 issues for you, as you can't deal with your own sin, and you can't become righteous. A.) God became a man to die for all your sin, so that He can then give you HIS Righteousness. And that is what happens when you go to God with Faith in Christ. God takes the Blood and Death of Jesus and makes you sinless, as "Jesus is the ONE TIME... Eternal SACRIFICE for SIN" AND then, once your SIN is dealt with by the BLOOD and DEATH of Jesus........as He has now died for them all..... God then gives you "the Gift of Righteousness" that is "The Gift of Salvation". See that? That is to become BORN AGAIN... as a "new Creation".. "in Christ". AS = "ONE with GOD". See how simple that is, yet how amazing is this Gift of Salvation? Jesus dies for your sin so that God can now give you His RIGHTEOUSNESS... and then He can Join Himself to you, as you have now and forever... become.. AA.) = "The Righteousness ... OF GOD...... IN Christ". This is to be BORN AGAIN.. as a "SON/Daughter of God". A "new Creation".. "in Christ". ing is this Gift of Salvation? Jesus dies for your sin so that God can now give you His RIGHTEOUSNESS... and then He can Join Himself to you, as you have now and forever... become.. AA.) = "The Righteousness ... OF GOD...... IN Christ". This is to be BORN AGAIN.. as a "SON/Daughter of God". A "new Creation".. "in Christ".
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