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  1. Within The Holy Bible, neither the word “Scripture[s]” nor “inspiration” are EVER - not even once are they - applied in reference to any object that is so called ‘The Original’. There is no such as ‘The Original’, though they may be fun to tout around as an imaginary debunker/fact checker against the words of God. Before proceeding, let me repeat once again: Biblically, neither ‘inspiration’ , nor ‘Scripture[s], is ever a reference to any such thing as this supposed imaginary object known as “The Original”. If the Scriptures are not accessible today (in view of the fact that there are none of “The Originals”), then, that makes the Holy One of Israel a liar and a fraud - which He absolutely is NOT. If the Lord God did fraudulently lie, I would spit on my Holy, God inspired, Authorized Bible and duff it into the trashcan, at this instant… See ? Some of us aren’t spineless, fence-hopping compromisers who strive vigorously to toe the line, seeking the love/approval of those we deem smart & civilized, because we presumptuously assume that it helps ‘share the love of Christ’ to those who will pity you for your lack of conviction & character anyways. See? Besides, when you do this misdeed, you’re thereby causing the Lord to ask “Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love? therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways.” - (Jeremiah 2:33) and thats exactly what has been done, they’ve turned a unfathomable heresy into mainstream Christian doctrine. Proceeding on, here’s a few prompt, yet unequivocally veracious, examples cited below come and see 1. When groups of saints (aka the early church) were in Berea searching the Scriptures, did they have a pile of “The Originals” in their hands? You mean to tell me that (likely) thousands of saints, who were not even dwelling in Israel, somehow were simultaneously carrying 1 piece of papyrus called “The Original”, all at the same time, thousands of years after “The Originals” were written? Let’s get real here; this modern apostate ‘cliche’, which is used to slander God the Holy Spirit by claiming His Words are no longer inspired, is absolute heresy. Im only surprised that so many professing Christians, whom the Lord was supposed to give a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7), are deluded enough to believe this antiBiblical nonsense; not only so, but they claim those of us who don’t, are the heretics Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 2. When The Lord Jesus commanded people to “search the Scriptures” (John 5:39), assuredly, He was not referring to anything of the kind, called “The Originals” ; either He was lying, sinning, and bearing false witness OR we all have access to the Scriptures today, just as they did then, without one “original” in sight. 3. When the Ethiopian eunuch was reading the Scriptures (Acts 8:32), we can conclude with veracity that he did not have “The Originals” in his hands - therefore, what he was reading isn’t uninspired? Meaning, God Himself just lied again (Titus 1:2) ? Doubtful 4. when Moses and Pharaoh were discussing the release of Israel into into the wilderness, what language were hey speaking? Egyptian. What language was this convo written in within the so called ‘originals’? Hebrew. The so called ‘originals’ are a translation themselves. So how can’t translations be inspired? Saying so voids the entire Old Testament and half of the New Testament. The Lord Jesus spoke Arabic or Syriac, but the New Testament is written in Greek lol, so they’re also a translation too. Every time someone quoted the Old Testament within the New Testament, in Greek, they were translating. Yet, y’all claim translations can’t be inspired you’ve thrown out ‘between 50%-75% of the entire Holy Bible. If you always lose something in translations, then consequently, that means the Holy Spirit lost something in ‘The Originals’ themselves. MOST IMPORTANTLY 5. When Paul commended Timothy for knowing and cherishing the Scriptures since his youth, also giving props to Timothy’s mom & grandmother for doing the same (2 Peter 3:15), either Paul was being a lying, deceptive humbug OR both Timothy, his mom, and grandmother all simultaneously had access to the Scriptures - which were absolutely and unequivocally NOT anything called “The Originals”. Yet, in the very next verse, the Lord God tells us that, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” - 2 Timothy 3:16. - Wow. Consequently, we have Gods Seal upon the translation, which is called the “Scripture”, supreme to that of ‘the originals’ because God never once called any original text inspired. Meaning, the Authorized Bible can be (and is) inspired. All scripture, right? Scripture is never any original, right? Alright then. If anybody disagrees with this, then, I guess the Lord God lied again, according to the recognized, Christian-infidel scholars & their benighted pupils? (side note: Why does Satan and his subjects hate The Authorized Bible so much, while they couldn’t care less about these new modern [per]versions.) Are we supposed to believe professing Christians who study Greek before learning how to read 3rd grade English (as is contained in the Authorized Bible) above & beyond our belief in God, or otherwise, were divisive heretics? Well, label me a divisive heretic then; at the Judgment Seat of Christ I won’t be the one being rebuked for believing what my God said, but, on the hand….. To say the least, I salute any & all Bible Perverts & Bible Rejectors, known as godly scholars, along with their Bible Rejecting subjects To stand in such zealous devotion for the great cause of spouting blasphemies with boldness is courageous My next post will be an essay on the Scientifically Inspired Authorized Bible, which also happens to be Morally, Psychologically, Ethically, Historically, Factually, Geographically, Theoretically, and Mathematically inspired; it will include numerous revelations that are only contained in The Authorized Bible, for the new corruptions & [per]versions do not contain them. I may even include a few of the errors (out of the well over 5,000) contained in the new scrap books, commentaries, Private Interpretations, cup coasters, toilet paper rolls, and comic books being released under the guise of actual ‘bibles’, even though they are not. Surprisingly, it turns out that these books, which don’t even have longevity of a carton of milk, unintentionally obscure the very passages they’re so willingly assisting to make “so much clearer” than they were 2 weeks ago when the promoters/salesmen/conmen released their previous version. We’ve got over 380 translations on deck, produced within the last 50-80 years, and not one of them can even touch the garment of the Authorized Bible, as they become disregarded menstrual cloths within 2-3 months, in despite of the fact that the Words of God are supposed to be eternal - instead these expire within 2-3 months… tops
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