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  1. Big Jim....accuser of the brethren. If the title of this forum was IGNORANT ONLINE BAPTISTS I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT TO EXPECT. YOU AND YOUR SMUG SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE NOT WORTH MY TIME. YOU CONDEMN EVERYONE BUT YOUR LITTLE 5 MEMBER POSSE OF APOSTATES. SAYING MEN ELECT THEMSELVES, SAVE THEMSELVES , SPURGEON DAGG AND ALL CALVINISTS are heretics are over the top. YOU DID POST YOU JUST NEED YOUR BIBLE AND THE SPIRIT...Yeah, you are full of yourself. I can here to help, but you BIG JIM ARE READY TO CENSOR ME IF i PRESENT THE HISTORIC FAITH, TELLING ME NOT TO PRESENT HISTORIC TRUTH ,WHEN YOU AND EVERYONE WHO POSTS ON HERE ARE BLIND AS BATS. I have dealt with online morons before on two other sites. You cannot answer the historic faith. Supposed pastor scott opposes the words of Jesus. Tony cannot use a verse and yes Tony I remember you from other sites where you did the same empty accusations, but Cals were not silenced like Big JIM wants... Big Jim, Big hypocrite. Jim you are impressed with your title a ADMINISTRATOR,LOL YOU ARE SO Full of yourself, but not once could you give an answer. So you silence anyone who challenges your little posse.....you cannot answer so you censor. It was you who have been hostile from your first post to me , as well as all your little posse, no wonder this forum has like 10-11 people. Closed minded bigots, attacking anyone who offers anything. You mock the few quotes offered and yet you could not provide anything close to what was written. Enjoy your little echo chamber. You desire to Censor me, so soon I will start my own site, where small minded hypocrites like you cannot censor the historic faith, and I will comment on posts from this site and point out the Christ dishonoring heresies that get put out in public. BIG JIM GETS TO CENSOR TRUTH HERE,BUT THE TRUTH WILL WIN OUT.
  2. Big Jim....accuser of the brethren. If the title of this forum was IGNORANT ONLINE BAPTISTS I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT TO EXPECT. YOU AND YOUR SMUG SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE NOT WORTH MY TIME. YOU CONDEMN EVERYONE BUT YOUR LITTLE 5 MEMBER POSSE OF APOSTATES. SAYING MEN ELECT THEMSELVES, SAVE THEMSELVES , SPURGEON DAGG AND ALL CALVINISTS are heretics are over the top. YOU DID POST YOU JUST NEED YOUR BIBLE AND THE SPIRIT...Yeah, you are full of yourself. I can here to help, but you BIG JIM ARE READY TO CENSOR ME IF i PRESENT THE HISTORIC FAITH, TELLING ME NOT TO PRESENT HISTORIC TRUTH ,WHEN YOU AND EVERYONE WHO POSTS ON HERE ARE BLIND AS BATS. I have dealt with online morons before on two other sites. You cannot answer the historic faith. Supposed pastor scott opposes the words of Jesus. Tony cannot use a verse and yes Tony I remember you from other sites where you did the same empty accusations, but Cals were not silenced like Big JIM wants... Big Jim, Big hypocrite. Jim you are impressed with your title a ADMINISTRATOR,LOL YOU ARE SO Full of yourself, but not once could you give an answer. So you silence anyone who challenges your little posse.....you cannot answer so you censor. It was you who have been hostile from your first post to me , as well as all your little posse, no wonder this forum has like 10-11 people. Closed minded bigots, attacking anyone who offers anything. You mock the few quotes offered and yet you could not provide anything close to what was written. Enjoy your little echo chamber. You desire to Censor me, so soon I will start my own site, where small minded hypocrites like you cannot censor the historic faith, and I will comment on posts from this site and point out the Christ dishonoring heresies that get put out in public. BIG JIM GETS TO CENSOR TRUTH HERE,BUT THE TRUTH WILL WIN OUT.
  3. your fearless leader has threatened to remove me if I post the truth of calvinism, I will be on Christian chat, or carm where they are not closed minded little bigots like the know nothing BIG JIM. Big Jim....accuser of the brethren. If the title of this forum was IGNORANT ONLINE BAPTISTS I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT TO EXPECT. YOU AND YOUR SMUG SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE NOT WORTH MY TIME. YOU CONDEMN EVERYONE BUT YOUR LITTLE 5 MEMBER POSSE OF APOSTATES. SAYING MEN ELECT THEMSELVES, SAVE THEMSELVES , SPURGEON DAGG AND ALL CALVINISTS are heretics are over the top. YOU DID POST YOU JUST NEED YOUR BIBLE AND THE SPIRIT...Yeah, you are full of yourself. I can here to help, but you BIG JIM ARE READY TO CENSOR ME IF i PRESENT THE HISTORIC FAITH, TELLING ME NOT TO PRESENT HISTORIC TRUTH ,WHEN YOU AND EVERYONE WHO POSTS ON HERE ARE BLIND AS BATS. I have dealt with online morons before on two other sites. You cannot answer the historic faith. Supposed pastor scott opposes the words of Jesus. Tony cannot use a verse and yes Tony I remember you from other sites where you did the same empty accusations, but Cals were not silenced like Big JIM wants... Big Jim, Big hypocrite. Jim you are impressed with your title a ADMINISTRATOR,LOL YOU ARE SO Full of yourself, but not once could you give an answer. So you silence anyone who challenges your little posse.....you cannot answer so you censor. It was you who have been hostile from your first post to me , as well as all your little posse, no wonder this forum has like 10-11 people. Closed minded bigots, attacking anyone who offers anything. You mock the few quotes offered and yet you could not provide anything close to what was written. Enjoy your little echo chamber. You desire to Censor me, so soon I will start my own site, where small minded hypocrites like you cannot censor the historic faith, and I will comment on posts from this site and point out the Christ dishonoring heresies that get put out in public. BIG JIM GETS TO CENSOR TRUTH HERE,BUT THE TRUTH WILL WIN OUT.
  4. YOUR HERO BIG JIM HAS THREATENED TO REMOVE ME IF i SPEAK THE TRUTHS OF CALVINISM WHICH IS THE HISTORIC FAITH. SO I WILL NOT STOP SPEAKING THE TRUTH; SORRY YOU OPPOSE YOURSELF BY OPPOSING THE ACTUAL TEACHING OFjESUS. Big Jim....accuser of the brethren. If the title of this forum was IGNORANT ONLINE BAPTISTS I WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT TO EXPECT. YOU AND YOUR SMUG SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE NOT WORTH MY TIME. YOU CONDEMN EVERYONE BUT YOUR LITTLE 5 MEMBER POSSE OF APOSTATES. SAYING MEN ELECT THEMSELVES, SAVE THEMSELVES , SPURGEON DAGG AND ALL CALVINISTS are heretics are over the top. YOU DID POST YOU JUST NEED YOUR BIBLE AND THE SPIRIT...Yeah, you are full of yourself. I can here to help, but you BIG JIM ARE READY TO CENSOR ME IF i PRESENT THE HISTORIC FAITH, TELLING ME NOT TO PRESENT HISTORIC TRUTH ,WHEN YOU AND EVERYONE WHO POSTS ON HERE ARE BLIND AS BATS. I have dealt with online morons before on two other sites. You cannot answer the historic faith. Supposed pastor scott opposes the words of Jesus. Tony cannot use a verse and yes Tony I remember you from other sites where you did the same empty accusations, but Cals were not silenced like Big JIM wants... Big Jim, Big hypocrite. Jim you are impressed with your title a ADMINISTRATOR,LOL YOU ARE SO Full of yourself, but not once could you give an answer. So you silence anyone who challenges your little posse.....you cannot answer so you censor. It was you who have been hostile from your first post to me , as well as all your little posse, no wonder this forum has like 10-11 people. Closed minded bigots, attacking anyone who offers anything. You mock the few quotes offered and yet you could not provide anything close to what was written. Enjoy your little echo chamber. You desire to Censor me, so soon I will start my own site, where small minded hypocrites like you cannot censor the historic faith, and I will comment on posts from this site and point out the Christ dishonoring heresies that get put out in public. BIG JIM GETS TO CENSOR TRUTH HERE,BUT THE TRUTH WILL WIN OUT.
  5. I never said that, here is what was posted; 1._____ God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor hath fellowship with any therein; nor is violence offered to the will of the creature, nor yet is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established; in which appears his wisdom in disposing all things, and power and faithfulness in accomplishing his decree. ( Isaiah 46:10; Ephesians 1:11; Hebrews 6:17; Romans 9:15, 18; James 1:13; 1 John 1:5; Acts 4:27, 28; John 19:11; Numbers 23:19; Ephesians 1:3-5 ) Again you do not understand what you are critical of; 2._____ This effectual call is of God's free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in man, nor from any power or agency in the creature, being wholly passive therein, being dead in sins and trespasses, until being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit; he is thereby enabled to answer this call, and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it, and that by no less power than that which raised up Christ from the dead. ( 2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 2:8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Ephesians 2:5; John 5:25; Ephesians 1:19, 20 ) this call always is effectual.
  6. Where is your scripture? I was an unsaved RC. Living in sin. Bought a second hand bible because Catholics did not use a bible, we used what was called the missal. I read for about 4 months...knew nothing. I did not know the numbers were chapter and verse. Did not know ot nt...nothing. Eventually found the nt. Knew some of the stories. I was doing this in secret, i was ashamed i was reading the bible. Told nobody. The Spirit of God was convicting me. Did not know how to pray...just remembered the man in the gospel asking for mercy.That was my prayer, i am guilty,have mercy on me. Kept reading,cults came after me right away..mormons, jw, Called a friend, told me to get kingdom of the cults by walter martin....that started things for me.
  7. I will answer in detail in a couple of hours. For clarification let me ask you some questions. 1] sin exists.....did it take God by surprise? 2]Does God have control over sin? 3] If Jesus was the Lamb slain before the world when there was no sin,why did He have to be slain? 4] Can anything exist or take place that God does know about? 5] can anything take place that was not ordained to take place? 6] Is the God you worship a victim who reacts to sin and rebellion,rather than use the evil of fallen angels, and fallen mankind, to ultimately bring glory to Himself?
  8. Has anyone posted a Calvin quote? If so tell me where it was posted?
  9. They ....the leaders and teachers would not offer the biblical Christ to the children. Jesus rebukes them. Unsaved men will never seek the true God. They will be religious but not submit to Jesus or His word... He tells them...ye would not. HS....if all men everywhere want to repent and believe the gospel God would welcome them. They do not want to. That is why God in grace and mercy elected a multitude to come to Jesus.
  10. I cannot get the link to open... Google 1689 confession of faith....chapter 3 on God's Decree. This well thought out statement answers your concerns...I am working now but will discuss it more in detail later. I tried to post it from my phone but it did not open.
  11. Fatalism is from carnal philosophy of men who would teach what will be will be with no personal being in control....the idea of fate. The Biblical teaching that you oppose teaches that God is in total control of whatsoever comes to pass. There is not one random molecule or atom outside of God's control
  12. You violate the commandment yet again in this post. I have found several people who are confused and I offer correction in a direct manner. I said only you do not use scripture in your responses to me. I think you mentioned Jn3:16 one time...not even sure if it was to me. I offer good links that most Christian's would enjoy looking at and studying. I know that God has given gifted Pastors and teachers to the church so I do not despise them but enjoy them. You refer to it as a long diatribe. This indicates you are not well read and cannot be bothered to look up the verses that would teach you truth. Jim said he does not care what commentators have to say.He has his bible and the Spirit.He is of course welcome to do or believe what he wants. He calls Gods decree of election nonsense...denies the clear teaching of scripture in several places claiming men elect themselves by believing, then they are elect. This is a false hood and I will offer several scriptures on that thread later on. I have asked you to pick a topic and discuss it. You have not. I do not need to read your false accusations,9th commandment violations. Keep them to yourself. If you do not come with posted scripture I have no need to read posts with no substance.
  13. Charles Bridges in His commentary on Proverbs tells us this in Prov.4:23; This keeping of the word will be life to those that find it. Vigorous and healthy will be the soul, that feeds upon this heavenly manna. We shall not then bear our religion as our cross, as a cumbrous appendage. We shall not drag on in Christian duties as our chain. Godliness will be to us an element of joy. The functions will be free and lively. The spirit will feel a vital glow. The mind will be enriched with Divine wisdom. The heart will be established with gospel grace. 23. Keep thy heart with all diligence (above all keeping, Marg.); for out of it are the issues of life. 24. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. 26. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established, (all thy ways shall be ordered aright, Marg.) 27. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. Invaluable are these rules as our safeguard. Assaulted as we are at every point, every inlet of sin must be strongly guarded—the heart— the mouth—the eye—the feet First—the heart—the citadel of man—the seat of his dearest treasure. It is fearful to think of its many watchful and subtle assailants. Let it be closely garrisoned. Let the sentinel be never sleeping on his post. "Take heed to thy way, and keep thy soul diligently." Can then I keep my own heart? Certainly not. But, though it be God's work, it is man's agency. Our efforts are his instrumentality. He implants an active principle, and sustains the unceasing exercise. The first act of conscious faith will be to "commit the keeping of the heart to our faithful Creator." Then in his strength and guidance diligently improve all the means of preservation. Watch unto prayer. cherish a humble dependent spirit. Live in the atmosphere of the word of God. Resist the admittance of an evil world, even in its most plausible forms.6 Here lies the conflict to the end. 'The greatest difficulty in conversion is to win the heart to God, and after conversion to keep it with him.' 'What is there'—asks Mede—'that will not entice and allure so fickle a thing as the heart from God?' 8 Above all If the heart be seized, the whole man—the affections, desires, motives, pursuits—all will be yielded up. The heart is the vital part of the body; a wound here is instant death. Thus—spiritually as well as naturally—out of the heart are the issues of life. It is the great vital spring of the soul— the fountain of actions—the centre and the seat of principle, both of sin and of holiness. The natural heart is a fountain of poison. The purified heart is "a well of living water."12 As is the fountain, so must be the streams. As is the heart, so must be the mouth—the eyes—the feet. Therefore above all keeping—keep thine heart. Guard the fountain—as they keep the precious wells of the east—lest the waters be poisoned. Not less necessary is it to keep the outlets of sin! What a world of evil does the heart pour out from the froward mouth!3 Commit therefore both heart and mouth to Divine discipline. Then let prayer and faith be the practical principles of Christian watchfulness. Not only shun— but put away—yea—far from thee—the perverse lips. Their evil—be it remembered—extends beyond ourselves; so that even; should the peace-speaking blood speak peace to ourselves, still will remain the painful sense of injury to our fellow-creatures—perhaps without remedy. Next to the heart and mouth—keep thine eyes—"the light of the body"—the directive faculty of the soul, yet too often a most dangerous inlet to sin.6 Therefore like Job—"make a covenant with them." Place them under heavenly restraint.8 Let them look right on —straight before us. Had Eve done so, she would have looked on the command of her God, not on the forbidden tree. Had Lot's wife looked straight before, instead of "behind her," she would, like her husband, have been a monument of mercy. Achan was ruined by neglecting this rule of wisdom.11 David's example may warn the holiest men in the world to have a watchful jealousy. In asking the way to Zion, be sure that your "faces are thitherward." Take the racer's motto, "This one thing I do"—Eye the mark, and press onward to it.14 Lastly, keep your feet. Oh! has not experience, no less than Scripture, shewn your need of a circumspect walk? Snares are laid out for every path—yea for every step in your path; for your meat, your drink, your calling—perhaps more than all—for the service of God. What deep pondering should there be in a path so beset with danger! Every step should be carefully weighed. Joseph pondered, and thereby established his way. Peter, neglecting to ponder, was fearfully sifted. David also, looking at the trial of the path, instead of pondering its direction, brought shame upon himself; like the trouble, which Christian made for himself in the smooth exchange of Bye-path meadow for the rough and strait road. Here then is the voice of wisdom. Beware of mistaking presumption for faith—temptations for Providential appointments. Never forsake a plain for a doubtful command. Estimate every step by its conformity to the known will of God. Dare not to advance one step without God. In his path you may fearlessly "tread upon the lion and adder." But who shall venture into a path of his own choosing without a wound? See that "your feet are straight" like those of the Cherubim.2 "The pleasures of sin" lie on the right hand and on the left. The eyes therefore, looking right on, escape the sight. The pondering foot is established in steady perseverance; and by marking small deviations, and never turning out of the straight path to avoid a cross—is removed from evil. May we all have grace and wisdom to ponder these sound practi
  14. On a message board it is important not to violate the 9th commandment. We should not violate any commandment but the danger on a message board is the 9th. Here is the question framed out from The Baptist Catechism, with Commentary written by Pastor W.R.Downing, used by permission Quest. 60: What is the Ninth Commandment? Ans: The Ninth Commandment is, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” (Ex. 20:16) Quest. 61: What is the significance of the Ninth Commandment? Ans: The Ninth Commandment requires both the maintenance and the promotion of truth between human beings, and of our own and of our neighbor’s good name, especially in witness– bearing . See also: Gen. 12:11–13, 19; 20:1–14; 30:31–33; Ex. 1:15–21; 22:10–12; 23:1; Lev. 5:1; 19:11, 15–16; Numb. 35:30; Deut. 1:15–17; 13:1–18; 17:6–12; 18:20–22; 19:15–21; 22:13–21; Josh. 2:2–21; 1 Sam. 16:1–5; 19:1–5; 2 Sam. 17:15–22; 1 Kgs. 21:1–13; 22:6–28; 2 Kgs. 5:5–27; 6:8–20; Job. 5:21; 27:3–6; Psa. 5:6; 12:1–5; 15:1–4; 112 27:12; 31:6; 35:11, 16, 20–21; 50:16–20; 55:21; 58:3; 116:11; 139:4, 23–24; Prov. 6:16–19; 9:7–8; 10:18–21; 11:12–13; 12:6, 13, 18, 22; 14:5, 7, 9, 14:15, 25; 18:8, 21; 19:5; 25:9–10, 18; 26:18–28; Eccl. 5:1–8; Isa. 5:23; 59:13–15; 63:8; Jer. 18:18; 20:10; Hos. 4:2; Zech. 8:17; Matt. 5:33–37, 48; 7:1–6; 10:17–20; 11:16–19; 12:34–37; 26:59–62; Jn. 8:44; 14:6; Acts 5:1–10; 24:5–6; Rom. 1:25; 3:8, 13– 14; 1 Cor. 4:3–5; 2 Cor. 2:17; Eph. 4:25, 29–31; Col. 3:8–9; 4:6; Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:13–18; 10:28–29; Jas. 1:26; 3:5–13; 1 Pet. 3:16; 1 Jn. 2:21–23; Rev. 21:8, 27; 22:15. COMMENTARY As with the preceding three Commandments, the analysis is twofold: first, a perpetual negative declaration prohibiting falsehood, and second, a positive implication, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” i.e., maintain and promote truthfulness and equity to all those with whom we come in contact or have any relation to—within the bounds of Scripture. The Third Commandment forbids perjury against God, the Ninth forbids perjury against our fellow man. The Fifth Commandment guards the rights of authority, the Sixth guards the rights of person and life, the Seventh guards the rights of marriage and family, and thus of society; the Eighth guards the rights of property. The Ninth Commandment guards the rights of both name and reputation, and so necessarily guards the system of justice which is absolutely essential to society itself (Psa. 11:1–4; Isa. 1:17, 23, 26). The purpose of this Commandment is to secure the truth among men, which is absolutely essential to preserve individual life, reputation, justice and society. When truth is considered relative, i.e., existential or apart from God– ordained absolutes, the very foundation of society is potentially destroyed, for human society is based upon the presupposition that men are speaking the truth to one another. The nature of falsehood derives from the devil. He put forth the first lie (Gen. 3:1–6), and is called the father of lies (Jn. 8:44). Satan or the devil is described in Scripture as the destroyer (Rev. 9:11), adversary (1 Pet. 5:8), deceiver (Eph. 6:10; Rev. 20:10) and slanderer or accuser (1 Tim. 3:6–7; 1 Jn. 3:8; Rev. 12:10). His intent is to destroy God’s law–order by opposition, deceit and accusation. Every lie reflects this devilish principle. Thus, every liar is in league with the devil and is set against the law–order of God. Fallen man turned away from God and thus from any possibility of absolute and objective truth or reality. Fallen, sinful man has purposely “exchanged the truth of God for ‘the lie,’” and thus the whole realm of humanity is based on a universal principle of falsehood with its depraved results (Psa. 58:3; Rom. 1:18–32). This principle of falsehood may be relatively mild in the form of flattery or social politeness, or malignant in the form of perjury and other malicious lies—yet it remains the one pervasive characteristic of fallen mankind. To secure the truth, man must turn to the objective, authoritative Word of God, to Divinely–ordained absolutes, i.e., to a “revelational epistemology,” 113 i.e., a practical theory of knowledge and truth based on Divine revelation. See Question 13. The only approach to truth and knowledge is in and through the Word of God (Jn. 17:17; Rom. 1:18–25). God is not only true, he is the Source of all reality, truth and meaning. Apart from him, there is no truth— only empirical speculation at best and at worst, utter [spiritual and moral] irrationality. Silence may be sin. One must exercise godly discernment as when to speak and when not to speak. Sometimes, it is sinful not to speak, and at other times, sinful to speak. Under certain circumstances, one must speak out for the truth or commit sin (Ex. 23:1–2; 1 Sam. 19:4–5; Psa. 50:18; Prov. 12:22), and at others, remain silent to protect one’s self or another from those who have no right to know certain information (Prov. 11:9–13). At other times, we must discern how much truth ought to be revealed or concealed (1 Sam. 16:1– 5). We must seek to maintain a clear conscience before God in accordance with his Word (Acts 23:1). God created man in his image and likeness, as a rational, morally– responsible being to exercise godly dominion over creation. To fulfill this mandate, man was created with the faculty of speech to commune with God and communicate with his fellow man. Sin has dreadfully perverted the use of the tongue. The very instrument created to praise God turns to curse him— and to curse one’s fellow man. The tongue reveals the fullness of the heart or inner being and expresses its depraved nature. (Matt. 12:34; Mk. 7:21–23; Rom. 3:13–14; Jas. 2:2–12). Speech is “the exhalation of the soul.” The believer is mandated to exercise dominion over his heart and tongue (Prov. 4:23; Rom. 6:14–18; Gal. 5:23; Eph. 4:22–25, 29–31; Jas. 1:26; 2:2–12). All government necessarily begins with self–government, and self–government necessarily begins with regeneration. A changed heart is necessary for a changed tongue, and a sanctified personality is essential to mortifying the sins of the tongue (Rom. 6:12–13; 8:13; Col. 3:5, 9–10). Do we lie?
  15. I care about what Jesus taught. 39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. 44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Jesus identified the time they will be raised up...at the last day. He said it 3 times
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