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Mary Magdalene, whom Christ cast out seven devils, was chosen by God to be the first person to witness the risen Lord Jesus. In this message we review the account of her meeting the Risen Saviour and show through her experience why she was chosen even though outwardly she would not appear "worthy" to be the first. We learn that none of us are truly worthy and yet God chose us also to be worthy of witnessing, confessing to others the evidences of the resurrection, and ultimately receiving our own resurrection in one eternal day.

In her experience we see Mary had been possessed by devils, involved in whoredom, did not believe Jesus rose again even after seeing evidence of the tomb, and after having an angelic experience and even seeing Jesus alive, did not believe, and yet Jesus still came to her first because she diligently sought him, even though it was in the wrong way and without proper understanding of scripture.

In all this we see God rewards those who diligently seek him even when they do so imperfectly and in the wrong way. This can give us hope because it means God helps us find Him and we don't need to find the perfect "incantation" to summon him or to receive His Son through faith no matter how imperfect or incomplete un understanding or proper comprehension.

(Preached Sunday morning, 4-17-2022, by Pastor John Young, at Maranatha Bible Baptist Church, 16990 S 38th St, Mendon, MI 49072, Between Fulton and Menden in Wakeshma Township, Near Kalamazoo and Battle Creek in South West Michigan, https://www.facebook.com/MbbcFulton)


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