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Music a Christian discipline

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In a former post that was properly closed by Bro. Matt, a fellow said:

I like rock music.
There. I just couldn't take having to keep it to myself any longer. I like rock music.

Can I be transparent here? I do too, that is, the old Ben, that God snatched out of the burning trash heap! My flesh likes all kinds of stuff, but the problem is if I am going to be a disciple of Christ then music, like many other areas of life has to be subject to discipline.

War Eagle, if you are still here, you need, just like I did, and still do, have to ask the Lord to grow me and be willing to submit to the Holy Spirit of God as he reveals things to me, and music is one of these areas.

I know and understand the arguement, "All music was once new." And, this is true, however, all music is not the same. A timeless principle is to be able to discern the "spirit" behind the music. Be honest and look at it's roots. The "rock" world, from whence did it come? Church? Godly men and women? Bible themes? No, if you do some study, it is the grand child of the blues. This music found it's way into bars, clubs, and joints across the South. As it spread, influencers came in who were not the friends of God nor His people.

Now jump forward many years and suddenly you have generations who no NOTHING about it's origins and the "spirit" behind it. It was and still is a music of rebellion. One must do diligent search if he is to find out about the root of this music and it's affect on those who submit to it's message...it is preaching.

I recommend wathching the documentary: They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll. There are four parts and it is very shocking and very informative. If you can watch this and conclude there is nothing wrong with rock music, you had better do some deep soul searching to see if the voice that leads you is the voice of Jesus, the gentle Shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep.

Bro. Ben
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Good post!

My flesh still likes lots of music that isn't edifying to listen to; which can actually be very harmful. Being born again means I am to subject my flesh to the Lordship of Christ in my life. I'm to feed my spirit, not the flesh.

Look at how folks act at rock concerts. Look at the music folks choose to listen to when they want to feed their flesh, to feed violence, sexual sins, and other sins.

Discipline is not something most American's, even American Christian, want to hear about, let alone practice. However, Scripture is clear that we are to discipline our flesh, we are to practice self-discipline.

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