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Pastors that use Apple Laptops, iPhones, and Tablets...

Go to solution Solved by Jerry,

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Maybe smarter in tech usage. A lot of modern technology dumbs people down. Less reading, more entertainment. Less hard working study, and more quick clicking for the answer (and I find that causes many to not value the information when it comes to Bible study). Though there are thankfully some that do appreciate God's Word that much more because now they have an ability to study it more easily that they did not before. (I know you were not necessarily referring to studying the Bible through technology, but that is something that has been on my mind and in my personal conversations with friends recently.)

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12 minutes ago, Jerry said:

Maybe smarter in tech usage. A lot of modern technology dumbs people down. Less reading, more entertainment. Less hard working study, and more quick clicking for the answer (and I find that causes many to not value the information when it comes to Bible study). Though there are thankfully some that do appreciate God's Word that much more because now they have an ability to study it more easily that they did not before. (I know you were not necessarily referring to studying the Bible through technology, but that is something that has been on my mind and in my personal conversations with friends recently.)

The only plus I can see in the usage of such things is that you can have it at the tip of your fingers if you don't have a hard copy Bible or study materials available. But, as several in our mens Bible study found out, the things on the internet sites aren't always accurate. I agree with Jerry here, that it does seem to dumb down the average, or even the above average student of the Word of God. It's also much easier for the devil to slip in things that we don't need to be concentrating on unless we're contending for the faith.

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iPhone 15 and the latest coming out tomorrow, when this post was started, I believe the iPhone 11 were the hot sellers. Then they cost over $900 and higher. Today they are worth around $300 what an investment, 6 to  8 hundred dollars less. The iPhone 11.

I wonder how much these smartphone are really worth new? 

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9 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

iPhone 15 and the latest coming out tomorrow, when this post was started, I believe the iPhone 11 were the hot sellers. Then they cost over $900 and higher. Today they are worth around $300 what an investment, 6 to  8 hundred dollars less. The iPhone 11.

I wonder how much these smartphone are really worth new? 

Many of my friends who purchased the iPhones have stated several times now that if they had the decision to make over again, they would have stayed with the Android phone. I never bought an Apple phone and I am glad I haven't.

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As an Android developer, I exclusively use Android. Android offers a wide range of features, and when I use my kids' iPhones, I often feel limited because it lacks many fundamental features present in the core of Android. I won't even begin to get into the GUI and the fact that iPhones don't adhere to universal standards.?

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20 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

iPhone 15 and the latest coming out tomorrow, when this post was started, I believe the iPhone 11 were the hot sellers. Then they cost over $900 and higher. Today they are worth around $300 what an investment, 6 to  8 hundred dollars less. The iPhone 11.

I wonder how much these smartphone are really worth new? 

Made in China, too, by slaves ?

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14 minutes ago, Pastor Matt said:

Here Apple quote 

Apple’s claim

“You can always turn off device analytics.”

On Apple’s device analytics and privacy legal page, the company says no information collected from a device for analytics purposes is traceable to a specific user. iPhone Analytics may include details about hardware and operating system specifications, performance statistics, and data about how you use your devices and applications. None of the collected information identifies you personally

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5 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Here Apple quote 

Apple’s claim

“You can always turn off device analytics.”

On Apple’s device analytics and privacy legal page, the company says no information collected from a device for analytics purposes is traceable to a specific user. iPhone Analytics may include details about hardware and operating system specifications, performance statistics, and data about how you use your devices and applications. None of the collected information identifies you personally

Android phones are generally considered less secure than iPhonesthanks to Apple's focus on encryption. But both are more susceptible to hackers thanks to their popularity.Jul 28, 2023

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Of course they're going to say that. You think they're going to come out and say we're insecure? No IT company does that. I don't go by what companies like Alphabet or Apple say, but by what IT security companies say. The reality is they all do spy on you as the data shows.

1 minute ago, TheGloryLand said:

Android phones are generally considered less secure than iPhonesthanks to Apple's focus on encryption. 

This has not been true for a couple of years now. For starters, Apple forces sms (non encrypted) to non Apple users because they refuse to use universal standards. SMS is 50 years old and only still around because Apple forces it for non Apple users. 

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