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All four of our children have served in our Armed Forces (and two of them still serve).  As each one of them walked out of the door of our home headed for boot camp...I handed them a personal letter that I'd written to them...to read as they flew across the country.  The following is a copy of the last letter that I wrote...to our oldest son.  It was so very difficult for this momma to watch her "babes" go off and far away from home with the potential of being put in harm's way.  Indeed, we endured thru seven or eight deployments between them.  I found this copy folded and placed in a little Bible that I had tucked away in a drawer. 



I never dreamed that I would be writing one of these "going off into the military" letters to you like I wrote to your siblings. I'm very proud of you, and always have been. You have been such a wonderful gift from the Lord...my first born. My heart threatens to fail me at times for the maternal need to somehow protect you from all the dangers and the evil foe. However, you are a man and you have your own wife to cleave to, and your son to raise up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Yes, I've let you go on the "outside", but I cling to you in my heart and pray for you in ways that only a mother can.

As of today, your life will change forever. You will never be the same. You will be exposed to this world in ways that you've never been exposed to before. You will see things, hear things, and experience things that will most likely shock you at first. The best advice that I can give to you, is to keep praying without ceasing. When you are being yelled at, called names, put down, and basically trashed...keep praying. Whisper silent words up to the Saviour, and never forget the very Foundation you have in Him. As they drill into you and work on breaking your own will, as they push your flesh almost past endurance, keep remembering who you are and where you came from. Let them break your will, but don't let them affect your spirit. It is their job to make you a soldier...and that you shall become...but remember, you are first in the "Army of God". It's true..."Onward Christian Soldiers"...and you can be a shining light no matter where you are or what your situation is.

Dear Son...words fail me though my heart is ready to burst because of all of the emotions and feelings that I have. There's so much that I want to tell you and warn you about, yet I must simply entrust you to the Lord, for in His hands and in His will is the very safest and best place to be. We've been in the"last days" for a long time, and so now I wonder if we are truly now in the "last moments". "Everyday with Jesus should be sweeter than the day before": as we live on for Him regardless of where we are or what is going on in our lives. Everyday presents new opportunities to testify of His indwelling presence whether it be thru word, deed, or in our very countenance. Everyday we should be desiring that He would renew our minds, and transform us more and more into the likeness and image of the Son. Though every single minute in boot camp will be controlled, you can still silently whisper calls of help to the Saviour. He is the best Friend that you will ever, ever have and He greatly desires to be there for you in every way. I've personally memorized the following verses...and I hope that they will also become very dear to you:

"Now thanks be unto God, which ALWAYS causeth us to TRIUMPH in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by US in EVERY PLACE. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved..." (II Cor. 2:14, 15a)

My beloved son, my tears ever flow as my heart desires the very best for you and for your family. Know my love, which is like no other love you shall receive...that of a mother's love for her child. I carried you, I bore you, and even thru many mistakes and failures I've raised you the best I can to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength first...and then to love your family, God's family, and the people of this world as yourself. Know that I shall yet continue to thicken the very callouses on my knees for the kneeling in prayer for you. As I told your siblings...when you are far away and feeling alone and you just need a hand to hold...."here is mine" (my handprint on the other side). I love you, my son...my son, my son!

Go with God and Godspeed...and don't forget who you are and always remember home.



Edited by WellWithMySoul
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