I realize this may be a somewhat questionable question because of the topic, but I feel it's necessary to ask. Here's some back story before I ask the question.
I'm an assistant pastor at my church. I'm also the RU director. I had a guy, last year, get busted for being in town in drag. People told me they saw him. I confronted him, not in a harsh way, but in a Biblical way. He told me it was true. I've been working closely with this guy for a year now. Very few people knew about it. He came to me later and thanked me for confronting him and said the Lord was dealing with him. I thought "amen, that's what we are supposed to do." He's got 15 months sober from alcohol. Two weeks ago, he showed up to a church function, in a service capacity (usher/security) with makeup on. Some of our members asked him if he was wearing makeup, which is a legitimate question to ask as far as I am concerned. He denied it. Essentially, I have confronted him and his sin again, but he has dug his heels in and says he sees nothing wrong with it. Of course I showed him from the Bible from Old Testament to New Testament how it's not of the Lord to do it. It's not just the blurring of gender lines but also the rebellion, disregard of God's word, and literal pride associated with him wanting to "express" himself. He also has a homosexual-encounter past. I believe the Lord can deliver anyone from anything, truly. There are tons of layers here from his wife, who I think is a lesbian, to him replacing alcohol with being in drag, to him watching porn etc.
My question is, has anyone else had to deal with this? I know adultery is pretty typical but cross dressing is a new one for me. I know it's wrong Biblically, both the cross dressing and gender bending, but it's also pride. I wonder if anyone has any advice on it. He "left" the church but I still have hope and faith the Lord will drive him back to Him.