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Sermon Comments posted by Ronda

  1. Thank you for the Chinese lesson as well as the teaching, brother Alan.

    And brother Jim, What a wonderful joy to have been used of the Lord to help lead Wu Cheng to salvation in Jesus! It's been a while since I have felt that thrill of exhilaration and pure joy that we get when someone isn't just interested, but actually believes and accepts Christ, even more when they (as had did) has the desire to evangelize his Chinese friends and family. (And as you said, his thirst for God's word being insatiable, you knew he truly had come to Christ). While there have been several people take an interest in God's word lately as I witness to the unsaved world, sadly, they are soon "turned off" (so to speak) when they find out that God isn't going to guarantee to grant their every wish nor fix all their worldly problems. 

    I spent a good deal of time answering (with scripture) questions from a secular  friend. She had (sadly) been watching a TV evangelist and was under the belief she would be healed and receive riches and prosperity in this life if she found a "prayer partner" to "pray in agreement" with her. It angers me greatly the harm that these false teachers and wolves have done. It was rather a long ordeal trying to deprogram her. And so I first started with the gospel. Sadly, she wanted to SKIP that.... and as you know we can't do that. Over the course of a few weeks, I then also explained to her that God doesn't work like waving a wand over us and fixing all our problems here on earth... but rather I took her to the scripture pertaining to eternal rewards instead. There is much more to this account, but in a short summation she really wasn't interested in eternal salvation, she (sadly) still was of the belief she is a "good person", even though I'd used much scripture to explain to her that we are all sinners in need of a savior, and all our good works of what we call righteousness are like filthy rags to God. I explained Rom.3:10 to her, and many others. I also explained that Jesus was the one and only acceptable propitiation (payment) for our sins, etc.  She just wanted interested... she wanted immediate gratification, and all her worldly problems fixed "right now". She'd been brainwashed by the TV evangelist into believing if she just had someone to "pray in agreement" with her, all her worldly woes would be over :(   She wanted immediate health and wealth... she didn't want to admit she was a sinner in need of  savior, and there are no short-cuts to that! She wasn't willing to believe that Jesus died for her sins, was buried and rose the third day (1 Cor.15:1-4), in fact as long as she still thinks she is a "good person", it's not likely she will see her need for salvation at all, no matter the scriptural warnings. 

    And that is one of the "better" experience I've had of late... most often I am cussed out, threatened, given "facebook jail" (24-72 hour bans) for posting Bible verses that offends anyone, and mocking... always the mocking from those who believe their "god" is false science (1 Tim.6:20). I truly hope it is not this way for everyone, and that there are still some coming to Christ in the world. These are truly the perilous last days forewarned of in 2 Tim.3:1-7,13. Not just that, but a marked increase in those whom God Himself has turned over to a reprobate mind (Rom.1:18-32).  Receptivity of the unsaved is at an all time low that I've ever seen in my lifetime. And hostility towards the gospel, or even any of God's word, is also increasing greatly. Nonetheless I will keep posting the gospel and scripture to the unsaved world in the places they most need to hear it, it may be that I plant or water, and it's up to God whether there be an increase. 


  2. Psalm 2 6-12 in context

    6 "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
    7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
    8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
    9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
    10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
    11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
    12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him."

    Yes, the Son is clearly speaking of Jesus! But I believe the chapter is speaking of the millennial kingdom, not addressed to the church.
    Addressed to: Israel, and to the "kings and judges" on the earth whom He gives instruction.
    The Son, Jesus, is He whom will rule with a rod of iron during the millennial kingdom.

    Revelation 2:27 "And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father."

    Revelation 12:5 "And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne."

    Revelation 19:15 "And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."

    All Things Work Together for Good

    I can relate to your devotional message very well. Is there a "like a whole lot" button? What may appear to be the worst experience or circumstance you ever endure can be the biggest blessing ever given. Relying fully on the Lord brings us into a deeper relationship with Him than we ever might have had if circumstances were as they were previously. Most of my life I THOUGHT I was relying on the Lord. But after certain events transpired, I realize now how fully now I do rely on the Lord for all things. His grace IS sufficient! 

    Peace in the Midst of the Storm

    The peace of God is something which cannot be explained fully to an unsaved person. What wonderful comfort we have with the Holy Spirit indwelling us and comforting us (John 14:16). When physical, financial, familial, and all concerns seem to be overwhelming, the peace of God gives us such comfort knowing that Jesus has overcome the world, and that we, through Him, have overcome as well. We need to always bear in mind that this life (in corruptible bodies) is merely temporal (2 Cor. 4:18). Truly a speck of dust in comparison to eternity.  I would like to contribute to brother Alan's devotion by quoting 2 very comforting and powerfully assuring verses which have been a blessing to me throughout the years:

    John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

    Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

    Pleasing God & Peace

    YES! Brother Jim... I do not see these in the "activity" threads until someone makes a comment on one.  This started happening a few months ago, when some sort of "update" was done.


    Pleasing God & Peace

    I have no idea how I missed this devotion back in November (no, I no longer go anywhere for Thanksgiving so I wouldn't have been "busy" as most are during that time).  I apologize! This is an excellent devotion, brother Alan. One of my all time favorite verses is in regard to peace. 

    Philippians 4:7 " And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."   This verse I pray often in thankfulness to the Lord. This most wonderful peace He instills in our hearts through Jesus to keep our hearts and minds... this most precious peace which truly is beyond all understanding and human comprehension, has  sustained me through many many difficult trials in life. I often wonder how a non-believer can possibly cope with so many of life's struggles without this peace in our hearts and minds! It could be why the suicide rate is so high among the worldly... the cares of this world can easily creep in unless we have the Lord's perfect peace in our hearts and minds through Jesus. It's not even something I can explain to an unbeliever... but I do try to tell them about it when witnessing to them. Such thankfulness for the peace of God. Also I am at a loss for words to describe how deeply this verse touches me.  I also love John 16:33, and it also is a huge comfort to know that Jesus has overcome this world, and we (in Him) can overcome as well.  Through tribulation, suffering, trials, and hard times... the indescribable peace of God keeps our hearts and minds when we place our full trust in Him.  2nd only to salvation in Christ, the peace of God comforting my heart and mind is what I am next most thankful for. 

    Again, a wonderful devotion. Amen and amen again!

  3. Brother Jim, I also commend you on this excellent message!!! I like how very well it was tied together as well! "When you're freezing to death you actually feel warm all over, and don't wake up because it feels too good."  That's so true.  I have a relative (no names mentioned) who has to be "connected" to the worldly things of the world. Radios, TV's, cell phones, internet, games, ,etc. are not bad in themselves, but it's how they are used (and what they REPLACE) that's the issue. You brought it out so well! Anyways, this relative has in his or her home all of these devices (as do I) but it's how those devices are used which is concerning. He or she has to have some "background noise" going at all times day/night asleep/awake 24/7. At their house the radio is playing secular music, the TV is playing worldly programming, the cell phone is used as a means to also distract/divert from family conversation (rather rudely in my opinion), the games played are nothing short of evil blood lust. And this was many years ago when I could still walk/drive/visit them. It's bad enough that these things are coming between family discussions, taking the place of Bible study, and When did/does God have a chance to speak to their hearts and minds if the worldly diversions are taking the place of even quiet time to reflect??? How could they focus or even know what God wants for them if they are continuously bombarding their senses with worldly things? Could it be that if they had a moment of quiet/reflective time they may be pricked in their hearts by their conscience or better yet by the Holy Spirit leading? Could it be they would rather resist the Holy Spirit's guiding to abide in Christ instead of abide in worldly things? Could it be they would prefer to distract themselves with entertaining worldly things so they do not have to think about the fact that there are countless millions of people who have yet to hear the gospel? And that maybe just maybe THEY should be at least attempting to give the gospel to a lost and dying world which is going to hell?  Yes it's easy to judge people from the outside looking in, but just because a person attends church once a week does not mean they have devoted their life to Christ by any means. (Please do not think I am against going to church by any means, that is truly not my point at all). Yet this seems to be the common misconception of many professing Christians these days. Do they make time to pray (and not just when they want or need something for themselves?) Do they make time to fellowship (and not just at church)? Do they ever attempt to share the gospel?  And if you ask them if or why they don't read or study the Bible more, their answer is likely to be "I don't have time".!?!?!?  Ummm... well I understand working people have less time, I understand family life means lots of responsibilities that must be attended to, I understand people need "down time" and there's nothing wrong with (clean... if you can even find clean) entertainment in and of itself. But what IS wrong is when that "down time" is ALL used for worldly entertainment of one form or another.  Do we treasure salvation and desire to share it with others? Do we treasure fellowship amongst believers? Do we treasure sharing the gospel? Do we treasure Bible study? Do we treasure prayer time? Do we treasure Jesus Himself? Or do we treasure worldly things and entertainment more? I think that's a question each person can only answer for themselves. Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." 

    Again, excellent message, brother Jim,  and very timely for today's circumstances. 

    The Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus

    Thank you so much, brother Alan, for explaining...and it makes perfect sense now!!! I'm sorry to have disrupted the study with my question, but I'm glad I asked since I now understand exactly what the reference to "sacrifice" was (Romans 12:1).  Very excellent study! And thank you again for the courteous answer. It was edifying to me. I pray the Lord will bless and keep you (and your entire family) in your devotion in mission work. Thank you again!!!

  4. Certainly a person must comprehend that there is an eternal punishment in hell for those who chose not to believe upon Jesus. They are condemned already of they have chosen not to believe (John 3:16-18). I do not contend on that at all dear "Wretched". There is no doubt that a person must realize they are in fact a sinner (as ALL are, Rom. 3:23), and they must realize that salvation entails eternal life WITH CHRIST, as well as no condemnation (once accepting Christ, Rom. 8:1). I do not believe in "watering down the gospel" by any means!!! 

    And so I do contend on your assessment (paraphrasing) of the verses I noted. I did not bring them up  for this reason (to quote you):

    9 hours ago, wretched said:

    The despised and base of this world need less Scripture and conviction to realize they are.

    But, instead I brought them up to show that as brother Jim stated he did not have a particular college degree, he is quite qualified (in the eyes of the Lord, according to scripture) to in fact serve his calling as a preacher. I never at all intended that anyone "need less Scripture and conviction to realize they are" sinners... and I really don't understand how you came to that conclusion after reading brother Jim's post and then reading my post. Sorry... but that wasn't what I was saying at all!

    The Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus

    Brother Alan, A wonderful devotional message!  There was only one sentence with which I grappled (I tried to use the "quote this" option, but for some reason it was unavailable, so I copied/pasted your words instead): " Every man has a will and God wants our sacrifice to come from the voluntary will of the individual. "

    I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here. I don't think of the things we do for the Lord as a sacrifice, but as a willing desire to do so (led by the Holy Spirit).  For instance I "gave up" secular television, it didn't feel like a sacrifice to me, but I believe I was being led by the Holy Spirit to "flee from that evil" .I don't miss it...matter of fact I'm ashamed I ever watched worldly television and wasted any time doing so. So it doesn't seem to me to be a sacrifice.  That's just a small example. I am certainly not trying to pick apart your above study. I was just wondering what you meant by the word "sacrifice" and could you please give me some examples so I can understand what sacrifices you speak of. I agree with the rest of the devotional, and especially the concluding thoughts on accepting Jesus' atoning sacrifice and having a heart of thankfulness.  No disrespect intended, I truly just need clarification. Thank you! And God bless you and your family as you serve the Lord. 

  5. Brother Jim, Thank you for sharing those things with us. None of us would be worth a whit (or have any understanding at all) were it not for the Holy Spirit guiding us. To God be the glory.  I know many people who have graduated from colleges with "esteemed names" only to come out of those colleges thinking they know more than the Lord! Even some who have graduated Baptist seminary coming out thinking they now "know it all".  I don't think God gives it "all" to us at one time, nor do I think we ever should get to the point where we feel we've learned everything God's word has to teach us. And on the other hand, the gospel of grace by faith in Jesus alone is so simple and easy to understand a child can grasp it. 

     1 Corinthians 1:26-30 
    26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
    27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
    28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
    29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.
    30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption

  6. I agree with brother Alan, Your sermon notes are excellent. And I also think (if possible) maybe you should consider making salvation tracts (if you feel the Lord leading you to do so). I buy (donate postage and add in at least $5 per hundred) tracts from fellowship tract league, from kristinsfriends.com, and I have also found other places to buy tracts as well. It takes many hours to sort through all of the various tracts, and find the gospel of grace presented clearly. I run across so many which tie in (or sometimes just mention) baptism, and I think that could be very confusing for an unsaved person to read.  Before my last laptop "bit the dust", I could print off my own typed presentation, and use many Bible verses as well (since the word of God itself is what speaks to the unsaved person's mind,and not human reasoning). But I had to buy a refurbished laptop to replace it, and can't print from it. I really like the way you present the vital parts of belief and faith in Jesus, brother Jim!!! God bless you as you serve Him and try to reach the lost!

  7. Brother Jim,

    Excellent invitation to accept Christ!!!  That is (or should be) our main focus and goal, to bring others to Jesus! Faith and belief in the saving grace of Jesus (and He alone).

    I spent most of the day (yesterday) on facebook, witnessing to the unsaved. It started out as a post about the differences between islam and Christianity.  The differences between the Bible and the qu'ran, then also the differences between sharia law and what the constitution states. It was (at first) a post to inform others (mostly unsaved/secular people on facebook) of the huge differences in what islam teaches in the qu'ran compared to what the Bible teaches... I was truly shocked by the mis-information the unsaved world has on both topics! I had a couple of "liberals" attempting to argue what (they thought) the Bible says. I quickly showed them (with scripture) their errors, and they also were misinformed about the evil of what the islamic faith believes. They were following the "party line" about Israeal, the "palestinians", and the false statements that islam is supposedly a "religion of peace".  I did spend a good deal of time showing them how the islamic faith is anything but "peaceful", and even so-called "moderate"  islamists believe what the qu'ran teaches (giving many evil qu'ran verses to prove the point). However, when the conversation spun off into Christianity (as a whole, at first, and then more specifically to what the Bible actually teaches) I was amazed by the lack of knowledge, even within those who were professing "christians" (small "c"). And so after answering each falsehood with a Bible verse (or verses in context), there were many of those professing "christians"(possibly from a catholic background?) who actually stated that the only "way to heaven" was to do good works!!! I presented MANY Bible verses to refute what they had falsely been taught, (John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9-10 and some others) I then presented John 3:16-18.  Every time I post those 3 verses on facebook, it is met with extreme hostility.  Letting them know that ALL people have a choice to make which is THE most IMPORTANT decision they will make in their lifetime... Believe and accept Jesus OR refuse to believe and deny Jesus. And by not making a choice, they HAVE made a choice, not to believe. This angers not only the unsaved (non-professing),  but also angers the professing "christians" who try to make "works" the means of salvation. I asked them why those verses upset them so much (the so-called professing "christians") and none had a good answer. And I left off the topic with those 3 verses again. I truly believe the Holy Spirit convicts with those verses especially, and even though they resist the conviction (with hostility), the word of God itself HAS reached them within. 

    John 3:16-18; 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 
    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

    As for their falsehoods about Israel and the "palestinians", I showed them pictures of 1862 (taken by King Edward VII) showing no "palestinians", and only ghost towns of former Christian areas, the remains of where Christians were massacred by druze muslims. Photos showing no muslims, no so-called "palestinians" either. The muslims didn't even WANT the land until Jewish settlers started coming back. Here is the link for the photos of Israel (1862)if anyone is interested: 


    Psalm 19:1 Integrity

    One of my favorites as well.  Truly praising the Lord in song, as hymns should be. Imagine.... when one day we shall also be in the presence of the Holy One and I believe we will be in awe beyond description... at His holiness, His righteousness, His pureness and goodness. I believe we will fall down stunned by the true holiness of Him and worship Him with an understanding we never could fully grasp in these human bodies. He truly does deserve our reverence. Sadly I believe that very reverence is lacking in today's "modern professing christian", where the focus has been taken off of God and mistakenly placed on mankind's "feelings" and worldly desires.  I am eagerly awaiting the blessed hope and the desire to be away from all the evil sinfulness of this world. Imagine being in the very presence of He who never sinned! As we ourselves and those around us in glorified bodies will also have shed the sin nature forever. What wonderful promises we have to look forward to! Maranatha!

  8. What a blessing this site is already!  I agree with your posting... let me add... "2nd TImothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."                             Now-days it seems to be "out of season" and more and more people not only see the gospel as foolishness but are downright offended.  But even though they may not seem "open" to the word of God, only God knows each heart and mind.  We plant the seed, and if there is to be any increase... that is up to God.  Only he knows what type of ground it is planted in...Every time I share the gospel I pray and ask for God's will in in how the message is received.  I also ask for His strength to hold me up to continue to spread His word... even if it makes me feel as though no-one is listening, I must trust the Lord, for only He knows who will or will not be receptive.  He didn't say... preach only to those who you think might like to hear... He makes it clear, whether or not it's the "in thing" or the "out of season" thing... do it always!  So glad to have found this site as it seems the world is really crumbling, and I lack true Christian friends to converse with.  Hoping to meet some here. 

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