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Posts posted by Potatochip

  1. I was kind of thinking about Stalin and Pol Pot maybe Mao and a few others too. A lot of the leaders in countries where they reject Christianity and embrace and mandate atheism seem to have more than their fair share of psycho killers. Life is animal life is cheap.    That was I guess at the top of my mind.  In one country I know of I won't mention it turned communist overnight.  I know a guy whose uncles preached the Gospel in that subject country.  Both of them they refused to recant when arrested and the soldiers blew their brains out.  I dunno.  Your right though probably even in the muslim countries a whole lot of people just go along with it.  Taking care of their families.  

  2. I'm of the opinion the Gospel saves.  Some people get excited about miracles some even look for them.  Like healings and such.  Which are wonderful of course.  You see the Gospel save and that's probably the greatest thing I have ever seen.  I do what I do I just do it I'm there.  To watch that is something Salvation. Tongues all the other things people participate in I guess?.  Really want to see something?  Get out there on outreach.  Preach the Gospel to people that need saving.  In my opinion.  I need go no further than that.  Faith without works is dead.  Pray for enablement.  I consider myself really, really blessed to get to do what I do.  I am very grateful.  Being a missionary might be the ulitmate in my opinion.  In a land that doesn't have Christ.  

  3. Yep some of my friends carry that one around among others.  Thats pretty amazing Alimatado.  Congradulations.  I actually read about that theory on a Christian website.  That lack of absolutes could be a kind of psychopathy. Another words someone could form their own right and wrong. Completely disregarding any moral thought.     Maybe I didn't explain it right.  But to me at the moment I read it,  it seemed to make sense.  I actually had the same thought you did after reading it Romans 2:14-15.   That very verse went through my mind and I decided not to say anything to anyone about it.  Until now.

  4. I'm sorry you can follow.  If an atheist denies he has a conscience.  If he denies there is no right or wrong.  That would be the reasoning to let him do what he wants.  The only deterrent is crime and punishment.  Difference with the Catholic?  There is no God that will apprehend him.  

  5. Even most Christians I know will respond with a fairly basic 'God says so' when asked about where morality comes from and more specifically why some things are right and some things are wrong.  Amen lol.  Because God says so way more than good enough for me.  Doesn't mean I can get it done.  I struggle with things like anyone else.  A Pa  will tell his kid something and he just doesn't get it sometimes.  Stare at you with a sweet look saying sure Pa.  lol.  I get it.  Even when he dosen't.  God is so kind and patient.  I think the Bible says that.    

  6. Never said Noble Catholic.  Said unable Catholic more or less.  More or less due too works Salvation.  That can get you into big trouble too. I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.  If you don't have salvation.  Your living by your own merit pretending God is looking down on you saying what a great fellow. Thats your imagination  your living by the law and trying to avoid the cracks in the sidewalk.   So my example was to say the Catholic knows the difference.  Just an example.  Dosen't mean he can do it without salvation.  Then there is the guy that compares humans to animals.  Atheist.  Who thinks that were like cattle or sheep nothing but an evolved animal.  Where does he derive all the laws and ordinances, crime and punishment that have come about.  Well great philosophers and evolution of course.  Nevermind every government on earth has the same basic laws more or less.  Thats a baffler.  For a lot of people.  God tells you why.  That was the Roman government.  It's in the Bible.  Same today.  More or less.  Completely baffled.  You kill in China you go to jail.  You steal in France or Russia you go to jail.  God also sometimes lets people have the government they want so much.  Israel you want a KING?  Ok we know what God did in the Bible you can have one.  

    Atheist can't explain why all the governments have the same basic rules.  They don't know.  They digress.   You want a muslim govt hey thats just my guess.  Just don't go around shooting and killing your citizens or stealing.  Its a time of grace.  

    Atheists have nothing virtually to prod their conscience.  Which is more in line with psychopathic thinking.  They dismiss their own conscience in many cases.  Therefore.  (I have done this) you can tell atheist they are killing babies in the 9th month of pregnancy right in the womb.  Doesn't bother them.  Thats psychotic in my opinion   

    If they do have a sense of right and wrong.  That comes from the law God has given to all humans on earth.  It's not human invention the law.  Thats doesn't even make sense to say that it is which makes things even more baffling.  Because they are using the right and wrong the Bible has spelled out.  So they are living out rules put down by God yet there is no God in their opinion. So leave me alone I would guess they think and let me sin.  I don't chase atheists down the street lol.  It's just to confusing to deal with them.  I can give them the Gospel or reason with them out of the Bible.  I'm going no further than that.  Alimantado if you have a heart for these people no one better than someone like you to deal with it.  Go for it I encourage it.  I'll pray for it if you want.  

  7. Only psychopathic thoughts the unreformed, unrepentant have that could lead to more killing.

    That would be after the fact.  The question would be before the crime was committed.  If done properly.  A lot of people lol even drug dealers will get you on your way with.  Yea I'm saved.  Some people like playing Christians to.  No you have to question with qualifying and non-qualifying questions.  Sort of a lie detector of questions and answers.  Death row could be tricky.  That's my opinion anyway.  I can tell you I don't always know.  lol. 

    Going to jail or not in my opinion is no moral code.  It's just avoiding punishment.  Thats what laws are for,  for instance.  For lawbreakers and would be lawbreakers.  Atheists don't have any absolutes many of them and will tell you so.  Many things lead up to the larger crimes also.  That included covetousness especially.  Which an atheist might respond to covetousness hey what's that going to hurt?  Mention idolatry which some may write off as hey so what its not a big one.  Not Loving God with all your heart.  The law of course.  Could lead to all kinds of delusional doings and thinking.  We see that every day.  So things that lead up to damage against others are really critical.  Things that lead up to damage to ones self are really critical in my opinion.  Not honoring your Mother and Father is denial of authority and other things.  Adultery is inflicted in some cases and self-inflicted.  Taking Gods name in vain is participating with the dark side and blasphemy.  So the law is still in place for those that don't have Christ.  Can a saved person take it too far?  I believe so.

    Atheist's have no moral absolutes in many, many cases just ask one.  No absolutes like the Ten commandments.  Means you have replaced them with something else.  More than likely something from below.  Abortion is legal thru all 9 months of pregnancy in the US. Atheist's think thats just swell.  Will defend abortion into the middle of the next century.  With the assumption there are no psychopathic killer "doctors".  That will get a degree just to kill.  It's all good to them with no thoughts otherwise.  That would be an example.  God lets.  However we know the difference and need to think and behave accordingly. 

  8. Another thing that makes an atheist delusional and potentially dangerous in some cases is something very, very serious.  A person having their own moral code. This is a serious very serious matter in my opinion.  I'm not trying to be insulting I don't insult people or try not to.   I maintain a certain amount of respect for everyone.  Though I am no respecter of persons.  

    Having your own moral code or even worse not having a moral code.  Another words there is no right or wrong.  Many atheists believe the premise there is no right or wrong.  We are only animals just like the rest of the animals on the planet.  They have sex, kill when they do kill no one puts them in jail.  They kill for food.  Do what they want and atheist would call that evolution adding religion to the moral code.  Another words strip religion out along with that goes the 10 commandments I would assume.  Also the one that says thou shalt not kill also which is part of the bedrock of every court system on earth.  The Bible says that those commandments are foundational set in place for the entire earth and for all people whether they know them or not.  I could go into the thousands of reasons atheism attributes having laws like not stealing and killing.  Laws that make for court systems and governments.  That are very clearly laid out in the Bible as keeping order in society in a time of grace.  I won't write all of that down.  I won't even attempt to shore up an atheists conscience with the thoughts they should have as if they were a saved person.  It would take all day probably all week.  The natural mind does not understand the things of God.  I don't waste time or try not to. 

    No moral code could mean you either have none or one or two things and anything goes.  That is very dangerous.  That could lead to psychopathic behavior. Sex fiend, rapist, murderer, thief, robber etc.  Another words they still have the law.  But have totally disregarded that in their conscience.  They have written it off. The excuse.  They believe that God doesn't exist.  We could point fingers all day long.  However lets say a Catholic priest who cited in the news.  Is a child molester.  He knows that is wrong.  His conscience possibly torturing him that it is wrong.  An atheist molester in this example might think anything goes.  Has no foundation other than he could get caught and go to prison.  The bedrock of his thinking says hey were all animals.  Animals have sex whenever they want. Whats wrong with that?  Even worse is the psychopathic killer.  That says hey animals kill all the time no one bothers them.  

    See the only thing holding them in place is the law, government and punishment.  Where they think the law, government and punishment come from because its virtually the same all over the earth is beyond me.  I guess everyone had a big conference at one point in time.  Decided all of this and that's how it is today. So I assume they would think law, government and punishment derived from religion in some way.  All religion seems to suck that one up and use it to demonstrate how good their religion is and proof that God exists be it muslim, jehovah's witness etc.  The law, courts, crime and punishment.   Its proof God exists once again.  Delusional thoughts once again that somehow law, crime and punishment magically through evolution came about all over the earth.  I have never really heard them attempt that one as they have not figured that one out.  

    So bottom line here is.  I would like to see interviews with possible incentives for people who have murdered on death row.  I believe what your going to find are people that have no belief in God.  No conscience. A denial of God.  Only psychopathic thoughts the unreformed, unrepentant have that could lead to more killing.  That's why they are locked up.


  9. I guess that's what a lot of my friends, fellow street evangelists say John 81.  I don't get upset there are really very few places I can't go and tract and have an outreach.  Like you can't go on private property like oh Wal-mart or Target without permission.  So I stay off this is a big town.  i have plenty of ground to cover. lol

  10. Of course he wasn't asked to leave.  The police were standing right there towards the end and weren't saying anything.  If your on a public sidewalk anywhere or public property.  No one can do anything.  It's free speech the only exception is near govt. officials in some cases.   For safety and continuation of gov't I would imagine.   There are a few place exceptions like govt.  property.  Same reasoning I would guess.  Jesse is a young guy as far as I know not affiliated with Westboro in any way.  Police can't do anything in the instances I mentioned.  Some of the govt. properties need permitting also I would imagine.  We are permitted for the local train station for instance.  The US has free speech.  It's in the constitution.  

  11. lol.  I just came back from handing out tracts and got told to leave state property.  They caught me coming around the corner on the sidewalk and told me again. (I guess that's state property too.)  There was a festival in the park.  Which is a state park.   Thats ok I got most of what I had to get done there anyway.  I didn't mind.  There are safety reasons for those laws.  I guess.  You don't want to disrupt government also.  Why you can't hand out tracts in a state park.  I don't know the reasons.  Just about any other place I go they don't bother me.  I could simply put away the tracts i guess and witness.  


    I'll give you an example of just how much free speech we have. These folks preaching are a little arminian.  That doesn't bother me entirely.  Their young.  Kind of a dramatic statement below too.  


    Street Preachers Clash With Authorities at Street Festival | Jesse Morrell Open-Air  

  12. You can say anything that you like about homosexuals as long as you don't say it is wrong or a perversion.

    lol.  I detect a little sarcasm.  Wrong or perversion is street preacher lite lol.   I've heard them say stuff that would curl a sailor on leaves hair.  I don't do it.  I'm not going anywhere to get in a fight.  I just want to get the gospel to people.  Time is short.  It's what really matters.

  13. Have to disagree a little not a lot.  I can go anywhere anyplace on public property and preach the gospel.  In fact if people don't like what I have to say.  The courts have ruled that there is no veto power over free speech.  Another words say I'm protesting abortion or a porno palace.  I can stand on the public sidewalk right in front of that place.  Say whatever I want.  No matter who dosen't like that.  They have no veto power over what I say.  Not even with the police.  On an employers time I understand.  He's paying.  I don't need a permit because I'm not having a gathering of so many people or a parade.   That may be true about govt. buildings.  Also how far from a public official you have to be.  I guess that rule has changed in some places.  I would guess in the current crisis that would be more of a safety concern.  The public interest.  You don't want to disrupt government.  

  14. . As far as God turning the heart of Obama and the rest of our kings in any direction He desires (and I have no doubt that He does) it is for His purposes He does so.  Every things He does is for the good of those who love Him and serve Him, but that does not mean that everything He does is for their immediate comfort or to placate their desires of the moment.  God raises kings up and He puts kings down and the same goes for presidents.  He raises up nations and empires and He puts them down.  


    Honestly Pilgrim    That's kind of along the lines I was thinking.  Sometimes you have to wonder how all of this is going.  Your comment is interesting and contains a lot of things.  Your comment is interesting too Alimantado.  The difference in my mind anyway.  Would be the President is commander and chief of 4 armies. One good thing in this country is your free to say whatever you want.  I hope that never goes away.  Thank you for the input.  


    Ok now I know Jesus is over every principality and power.  We obviously don't have a King.  So is how does this work with the United States.  Given that we are one of the greatest powers on the earth?  Does having a constitutional government take us out of the equation.  I would be interested in the answers.  

    Proverbs 21:1  The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

  16. There is no proof of any of that either Covenanter.  None.  Once again.  Virtually no government on earth has accused the US of a false flag operation.  You have reached a conclusion.  Conclusions aren't evidence.  No official government has forwarded evidence that I know of.  To the contrary.  Governments bring people to trial.  Not people.  Governments have justice systems.  Not ordinary people.  Since no one has been put on trial for all of this.  It's a very safe assumption in my opinion.  There was nothing to try.  It's interesting in the OT how God brought in some cases a nation against another.  The result of the invasion of Iraq and the why I don't know.  I pray thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done and get out of the way.  

  17. I'm pretty sure they existed.  lol.  I flew into NYC in 1975.  I was going on a skiing trip.  Just north of NYC.  I went right by them.  Unless it was a hologram lol. They looked pretty real.   I was going to a town where I used to live to get together with some friends.  To go skiing.  I was friends with a guy who's dad headed one of the unions that put the electrical work in the WTC I believe.  It was still under construction when I left there.   I remember it because the WTC was finally finished at the time I was going skiing.  I love talking with all of you lol.  I really have to get to work. 

  18. I have to work lol.  However really quick.  The other one  is Holocaust denial.  Documentation in three presidential libraries.  Online.  All the governments of Europe recognize the Holocaust and send delegations on Holocaust memorial day.  That includes the subject country.  The US and Russia.  A trial where they were found guilty in criminal manner and many hung.   All kinds of testimony not only from Jewish people.  But people from the above mentioned countries. Eisenhauer toured one camp extensively.  Then sent in government people and the press to record it all.  So did England with Churchill.  Another huge conspiracy theory involving all the governments of Europe.  The US and UK.  Hitler had a legitimate government.  Recognized.  Until he and many of his government crossed the line and became international criminals.  He killed himself I guess because he knew what was coming.  Again many in his government were hung as criminals.   

  19. Hi Covenanter,

    I'm not trying to argue here or turn this into a debate.   I'd have to take issue with that description of government.  Governments maintain order.  They don't provoke disorder.  Thats why you have police.  People are apprehended and put in jail quickly when they kill.  Riots are put down swiftly.  Economic chaos could cause more disorder.  People not getting food could cause food riots and killings.  A group could provoke more disorder.  Leading to anarchy, chaos.  Anarchists, people that want the current government gone.  Who have no official investigation powers.  Who don't have access to the crime scene.  Virtually no resources or experience to investigate a crime scene not to mention international resources to investigate a crime.  Could simply "wing it".  Come up with their own conclusions with limited resources for whatever reason.   

    See this is what I am talking about.  We have a free and open press.  Wide open internet.  You can say what you want.  So none of the media with all of their resources and contacts.  Ever found anything remotely resembling a false flag.  You could pick out a tidbit of course.  The entire government.  Senate, Congress, FBI, CIA, Military.  POTUS the entire executive branch.  Virtually no government on earth accused the US of a false flag after all the war that was incurred because of the incident.  So these governments are official sources.  They protect your water food, family, house.  They provide fire safety, medical, animal control, weather, disaster etc.   Thats what government does.  

    So given my suppositions above.  Thats one very huge conspiracy with almost all governments on the earth.  Who do have resources to know better.  Including the entire US government.  All cooperating in the conspiracy not to mention the press.  I'll have to say thats a little bit to much to overlook.  God tells us what to think in regards to government in the Bible.  I believe in strict adherence to what was said in the NT about that.  If you don't see God in authority.  Jesus even told Pilate.  You would have no authority if not given from above.  There was a conspiracy back then.  But it wasn't a government conspiracy.  They wanted Jesus dead.  They kept trying and found a way.  Given the choice between Barabbas and Jesus.  They chose to set the insurrectionist free.  The one wanting to overthrow the government.  Because they didn't like what was established over them.  

    Mark 15:7   And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection. 

    Jesus knew the authority that God had given Pilate.  Even though he knew what that could lead to.  Barabbas didn't.  Barabbas said I don't like whats been established over him along with his friends.  He didn't like the God given authority in place. All the people thought Barabbas was a great guy.  Which were talking about the Messiah.  God incarnate saying you have the authority Pilate.  Pilate was Roman government.  

    I see a lot of Christian anarchy these days.  lol.  So rebel.  Tear it down.  Just remember who's authority your fighting.  Not talking about government here,  however I just don't think political victory over a bunch of sinners is much of a victory.  Salvation on the other hand is what we should pursue.    No where in the entire NT.  Are we told to participate in what many Christians are participating in today.  I love the authority God has given.  I actually understand it.   

    2 Peter 2  10-11

    But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

    Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.

  20. Delusion:   an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.   delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.   

    I will pick out to site the topic:  Atheists and delusion.  The phrase in the definition sited above.  "A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary"

    Superior evidence need I say more.  Israel all of the geographic data in the Bible.  The existence of all the peoples listed in the Bible.  The archaeological evidence for all the cities listed in the Bible.  The diaspora,  The holocaust.  Invention of the atom bomb near the same time. Nuclear proliferation a reality now  The return of Israel and the focus of what we see in the news day in and day out.  No ones really citing South America in the news.  The area of trouble is usually in one area the Middle east.  Now I would say normally so what?  However its been that way for thousands of years.  

    Conspiracy theorists tend to be delusional.  Lets look at it again ---- delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary

    One example might be 9/11 was a false flag operation.   Despite the fact that virtually no other government on the planet has accused the United States of a false flag operation.  Some people carry on with that kind of thinking.

    Sin is delusion:   Psychiatry is the worlds way of dealing with the results of sin.  After all God gives us the power of a sound mind.   For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

    Another words the mystery of iniquity, sin.  Will take you places that aren't in touch with reality.  The deeper in you get into sin.  The more irrational the mind gets.  God even tells Israel that they will go insane - madness, blindness.  If they forsake Him and don't follow what he told them to do.  

    So the Atheist.  Their underlying thoughts more than likely are delusional.  When exposed.  You will find that everything that is going on in regards to religion today.  Yes I did say religion and the history of.  Is to them one big conspiracy perpetrated by man in many of their minds, not all but many.   Their disconnect is the sin in their lives.  Delving and getting their answers from the delusion in their minds that is the result of the insanity,  sin produces.  I don't waste time arguing with Atheists or other unsaved people. Because if you use logic well all your going to get is irrational illogical answers that are derived from the result of sin.  That includes not believing in Jesus.  Which believe it or not is sin.  The Gospel saves.  That's what I utilize word for word.  Or try anyway.  

    However I think that the Christian also needs to be careful not to get involved in sin.  It just might turn one's world upside down.      For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  We shouldn't be all that startled at all that's going on in a fallen world.  How to avoid that in my opinion.  Is to stick with the Bible.  Not fad.  Not reaching outside of what we know is true (we are all diligently seeking God).   We need to avoid sin.  Sin which quite frankly is crazyland, darkness, has its own mystery.  The mystery of iniquity.  Which if your trying to solve anything which you feel is tangible by investigating the mystery of iniquity.  More than likely all your going to find is more craziness. 


  21. Potatochip,

    Thank you for the video clip on Bill. Great testimony on the grace and leading of God.

    Are you familiar with Bob & Jane Keller, Chaplains at the Pomona Police Department, L.A. County? We have been personal friends since the 70's and they have a fine work within the Pomona Police Department. They also have other ministries also within their chaplaincy. Bob has been winning souls since the day I first met him; walks with the Lord Jesus in his personal life, a fine soul-winner, and attends a great church.

    Here is their link: http://inpursuitca.com/about/

    Thank you again for your video chlp. I am sure it will be a blessing to all of the folks here on OnLine Baptist.



    ​No I don't know of them.  I will take a look at that.  I have never met Bill in person.  However he subscribes to my channel and we exchange e-mails every once in a while and comments on youtubes.  I consider that a great honor.  He is very highly decorated.  His street preaching is very genuine.  He is a very humble person.  Going to great lengths to get the Gospel to the people in his town.  I am very grateful to the authority God has given.  Especially to the police in our town.  Than enables us to preach and evangelize.  I guess some people don't see that authority God has given.  I am really thankful for it.  When I talk to an officer.  I try to give them an idea of where their authority is from.  Some don't understand it.  I hope that maybe sometime I can  speak to some of them in a group.  

    Chaplain Bills Website                                      

  22. I really like this gentleman.  He's a street preacher and I follow his youtube channel.  He believes we are saved by faith alone.  Not by works.  He also believes in Once saved always saved.  His story is wonderful.  Highly honored in his work before he retired.  He now preaches on the streets of Los Angeles.  He doesn't think so but i think he is an enigma in a way.  He doesn't shout or yell at people (amplification used however) lol.  This is some of his story:

                                                               A shootout at a Church in Los Angeles, with 5 gangsters and an LAPD Cop turned Chaplain

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