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RSS Robot

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Everything posted by RSS Robot

  1. The Churches 1700-Present #4 continued; FIRST GREAT AWAKENING 1720-1760, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley; trends, Prayer, many new churches established, pastors converted, new theological schools, entire towns awakened, spiritual character affected nation, gospel preached, Sunday Schools established. SECOND GREAT AWAKENING 1790-1890's, circuit riding, itinerant preaching, the Bible Belt. MODERN MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, England's missionary zeal, America's missionary zealView the full article
  2. The Churches 1700-Present #5 continued; End-time Apostasy, Theological Modernism, existentialism, by second half of 19th century, modernism had destroyed large portions of Christianity, the Jesus Seminary; Humanistic Philosophy, Voltaire, Rousseau, Kant, Paine, Hegel, Ingersoll, Nietzsche, Sartre; Unitarianism, Coleridge, Emerson, Thoreau, Longfellow, Strong influence ob modern textual criticism and the modern Bible versions in 19th and 20th centuryView the full article
  3. The Churches 1700-Present #6 continued; Darwinian Evolution, E. Darwin, Lyell, C. Darwin, Huxley, Haeckel; Marxism, Karl Marx, Marxism still fundamental world philosophy, 20% world population live under communism, Marxism taught under many names in Universities and Colleges, Morphed into many different philosophies: Critical Race Theory, Black Lives MatterView the full article
  4. The Churches 1700-Present #7 continued; PENTECOSTALISM: Edward Irving, Ann Lee, Frank Sanford, John Dowie, Charles Parham, William J. Seymour, Charismatic Movement, spreads as Catholic Renewal, New Orleans '87 Conference. FUNDAMENTALISM, "The Fundamentals", Oliver Van Osde, John R. Rice, Lee Robertson, A movement of spiritual warriors, Bible conference movement, inter-denominational movement, the literal, imminent return of Jesus ChristView the full article
  5. The Churches 1700-Present #8 continued; FUNDAMENTALISM, understanding the end-time apostasy, separated, pilgrim Christian living, literal fulfillment of prophecy and imminent return of Christ, massive Bible Institute movement, passion for personal Bible Study, revival in hymn singing, Fundamentalism today: largely dead; NEW EVANGELICALISM: aligned with Roman Catholic Church, pleasing personalities, spread thru large interdenominational and para-church organizationsView the full article
  6. The Churches 1700-Present #9 continued; NEW EVANGELICALISM: Spiritual Pacifism, soft, non-dogmatic stance, love for positivism and non-judgement, exalting love and Unity aboue Doctrine, repudiation of separatism, emphasis on "fun", One World Church: by ecumenical unity, Billy Graham, spread thru educational institutions, powerful print, radio and TV, large Christian publishers. Large conferences. NEW EVANGELICALISM thought has swept the globeView the full article
  7. Series Conclusion-Summary of entire series-Budding o Apostasy, Development of the apostate church, Development of the Papacy, Rule of the Roman Catholic Church, The Crusades, Byzantine Empire, The Waldenses, The Inquisition, The Protestant Reformation, United States of AmericaView the full article
  8. Keys to Effectual Prayer; The Wonder of Prayer continued, The Power of Prayer, Prayer and More Prayer in your personal life, Establish a prayer closet, maintain a growing prayer list, Find more time to pray, Pray more as a family, Pray more as a churchView the full article
  9. Series Summary and Review: keys to Effectual Prayer, The practically of prayer, Expository Lessons in textbook, Importance of praying for specific things from God, pray for very specific things,: "making mention", specific things, like spiritual wisdom, specific things for help personally, ALL men, kings, lead quiet, peaceful lives, godliness, honestly, this type of prayer takes time: extend prayer time before service, possibly instruct individuals what to pray for. EVERY INDIVIDUAL, EVERY HOME and EVERY CHURCH NEED TO LEARN THIS.View the full article
  10. Praying with Persistence: parable of friend who needs bread, woman who drove judge to distraction, persistence is required: God required faith and tests our faith, prayer is spiritual warfare, growth in spiritually, wait on God's timing, Man's will, most great answers to prayer required grata persistence, get a clear promise from God.View the full article
  11. Praying in Thanksgiving: God wants His people to be a thankful people; Praying in Faith: "Substance" translated from Greek, FAITH; Praying in Boldness; Praying in FervencyView the full article
  12. Praying in God's Will; pray according to God's Word, Focus our prayers on things that are emphasized in Scripture, Praying for anything that is revealed as God's will.View the full article
  13. Effectual Prayer Course Introduction; How to Strengthen a church. What is Prayer?, the saint's most valuable privilege, coming into the very presence of God, thanking and praising, asking for things, from God, Interceding for others, Confession, taking care of business with God. The Bible's Strong Emphasis on Prayer, The Wonder of PrayerView the full article
  14. Introduction, Beginner, Goals of the course, Transform your life, show HOW to study the BibleView the full article
  15. Spiritual Life, Evidences of Salvation, Conversion experience, personal relationship with Christ, witness of the Spirit, following Christ, love of righteousness, divine chastisementView the full article
  16. Reverence, obedience, prayer, humility, patience and persistence, good church home, use the Right BibleView the full article
  17. Develop a Habit of Daily Bible Study, high priority, set time, place, own study tools, reading / study plan, study with prayerView the full article
  18. Habit of Daily Bible Study cont, concentration, details, something practical every day, prayer diary, prayer closet, meditate in scripture day and night. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation begin. Rule of ContextView the full article
  19. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation cont. Rule of Context cont. context of the book, immediate context, defines word, explains difficulties, explains seeming contradictionsView the full article
  20. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation cont., comparing scripture with scripture, necessary to develop sound doctrine, understand definition of wordsView the full article
  21. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation cont., rule of context, develop sound doctrine, definition of words, solving Bible difficulties and seeming contradictionsView the full article
  22. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation cont., consistent literal method, clear passages interpret less clear passages, Christ is the theme, Law of Moses prepared the way for ChristView the full article
  23. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation cont., rule of dispensations, sure bible foundation, introduction to fundamental principle of dispensational theologyView the full article
  24. Sound Rules for Bible Interpretation cont., rule of dispensations, sure bible foundation, the fundamental principle of dispensational theology explained, teachings about the church and Israel, Gospels and Acts, Jesus Christ's transition from Israel to the church, apostolic era to post-apostolic eraView the full article
  25. Bible Study Tools: A good reference Bible, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Treasure of Scripture Knowledge, a good Bible dictionary, a good Bible atlas, background and correct usage of Strong's Exhaustive ConcordanceView the full article
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