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Posts posted by Psalms18_28

  1. No wonder you call yourself "wild"! You cannot compare pot with booze either, they are totally different. While booze takes a lot to get a "buzz" pot does not. Someone could have a drink, and it affects their reaction, as in driving skills, but pot usually goes beyond that. I know, I smoked it for years, especially in the Army. We saw it as harmless, but we knew it wasn't. Pot could have gotten me killed in Vietnam at least 2 times! I could not react quickly, and could not remember what I was supposed to do when I saw an enemy sanpan coming my way. I had a radio, a weapon, and supposedly common sense (the latter somewhat lacking). It also "mellows" you out especially against violence. Woodstock bragged that there was no trouble among all those pot heads and that it would not be that way with booze--they were right! Booze brings out the animal in us, but pot makes us too pacifistic so that when life may be threatened, we jeopardize the lives of family and friends to easily when under the influence.

    You said that it enhances emotions, as does liquor, but (if I may be so bold) liquor dampens your ability to function sexually, while pot exemplifies it. Again, look at Woodstock--nothing but one big orgy, and inhibitions were left at home when pot came in. Is that the kind of society we want?

    The medical thing is only an excuse, just as we used to deny that it was evading reality when we smoked it but it was--that too was just an excuse. You can cite examples of people that it "helped" but there are multitudes that it hurt too, and those don't get top billing among some crowds. I used to say the same things, and yes, it led to hashish and LSD, and acid (purple haze) and on and on and many times ended in suicide.

    I must say, from your other posts, I am appalled that you would even consider such an ungodly thought as legalizing something that puts us in euphoric, unreal state, and not where the Lord would have our minds to be. True liquor does it too, but it takes a lot more that one drink (as opposed to one joint) Of course, it matters not if I am disappointed in you, but I wonder what the Lord would say about it?

    One of the argument about pots and driving, was that pots make you more paranoia (don't know the exact term for this type of sentence) therefore you drive more carefully. I had a laugh at that because I remember my drunk father and how slow he drove because he wanted to be more careful... paranoia, yep.

  2. I'm a big believer in designated smoking areas in public. That way, the people that don't want to smoke or be affected by second hand smoke know where not to go, and the people who want to smoke have a designated area in which to excercise their right to smoke. But you can't really compare cigarettes and pot. They are made of up different chemicals that have different affects on the body. The only thing they really have in common is they are both smoked. There is actually very little smoke produced from pot. The smoke you see is actually from the burning of the paper the pot is rolled in. The active ingredient in pot (THC) is contained in vapor, not smoke. A friend of mine in college had a device called a vaporizer that actually burned the pot up (left nothing, not even ashes) and there was no smoke involved at all.

    I understand. It's more like nasonex spray that my son take for allergies, right? Nasonex contain medicine in a spray form. I don't know what a vaporizer is though.

    BUT, I keep reading how everyone think smoking it in the regular way is better.

  3. It's kind of hard to understand what they believe about the afterlife. From the way it has been explained to me, we all go back to the creator when we die. However, those who most closely followed the law will be closets to the creator, while those that didn't follow the law will be the fartherest away. They definitely do not believe in a hell.

    This is not the point though and I hate to get off topic because I think the doctrine of the age of accountability could be addressed a little better. Where are the Jerrys when you need them?

    *roll eyes*

    Hey, everyone, PTWILD thinks your opinion don't count.

    I was just only responding to your last reply, and maybe you get something out of it.
  4. What I understand, The Jews are waiting for a new kingdom here on Earth. Not sure what conquences they will have for breaking the laws, but here is what the Noahide beliefs say (The 7 laws for gentiles. It's a religion by Jewish people for gentiles who want to be a part of Jewish religion. They don't believe you can be fully Jew unless your mother is a Jew): http://www.noahide.org/article.asp?Level=196&Parent=342

    Anyway, We don't go directly to heaven either. Not until Judgment day.

  5. The only verse I know of that seems to make any kind of mention of it is 2 Samuel 12:23.

    GotQuestions.org has a decent article on the subject.


    I think everyone had their moment of deep thoughts about religion and the gospel. As a child, I didn't have this type of deep thoughts. I was too busy learning about my world and I had quite a imagination so it is very easy for me to accept Christ as it is -- no question asked.
    1 cor. 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
    Although, some children mature faster than others, so that's why it is called age of accountability.

    One thing I know, it is very possible for young children to rejected the Gospel of Christ first but accepted later. The only deadline they have is death.

  6. I was in Denver a few months ago and saw one the dispensaries. It was in the central business district that was hardly "seedy." Of course, there will be dispensaries in seedy places, just like their are pharmacies, doctor's offices and dentist in seedy areas. Poor people deserve access to medicine the same as the more fortunate. And oc course legalizing pot isn't going to stop all drug related crime. Nothing will stop crime, as we are a sinful batch. There will still be other drugs that remain illegal and provide the incentive for such crime. But that's not the point. The point is that most (and by most I mean the vast majority) of people that smoke pot are not otherwise violent or engaged in criminal activity. It is the fact that pot is illegal that makes them into criminals. If you legalize pot, you disaffect all of those people, decrease the burden on police, correctional facilities . . .

    If you feel that way, then I wish people wouldn't make a criminal out of cigerette smokers either. Some people are very hyprocrite about that. Not everyone want a second - hand pot smokers around them and their children.

  7. Colorado legalized medicinal pot. Already there are over 3000 dispensaries (there are only 5 million people in the state making a dispensary per 200,000 people) and ALL of them are in seedy neighborhoods according to state officials. Drug related crime and violence doesn't seem to have diminished either.

    That reminds me the time of U.S. history when England wanted more tOBacco and the colonists kept taking land from the Native Americans to grow tOBacco to keep up with the demands. It was terrible. Yes, for every farm they have, trees need to be taken down. People love their pots. Just like how people loved their cigerette and alcohol.
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1267696/National-weed-day-2010-US-4-20-pot-protesters-light-April-20th.html <--- I wonder how the green tree hugging-glOBal warming people feel about this? and I wonder if this kill birds and frogs?

  9. We already have enough prOBlems with cigerette, why add pots?

    Medical pots? I don't know, maybe, but people who are monitoring may suffer second-hand pot smoking. Especially if they take certain medicines and it can't be mixed (they have to drive home and all that).

    I think smoke in general can cause lung cancer because a few firefighters, especially forest firefighters, have died of lung cancer rather they smoke or not.

  10. I watched part of a study on them on TV one afternoon, seems everyone of them has major emotional prOBlems. Of course living in sin brings major prOBlems to a human.

    Some people don't see it that way. In their opinion, it's "homophOBes" (in their wording) fault for that. Same reason when people think deaf people are depressed because they can't hear. But it isn't always the case. It's the attitude, viewpoints, etc. of hearing people that see in deaf... "poor girl, she is deaf, we have to help her hear and speak".... NO, no, we want people to accept our deafness and the use of sign language, not oppress us. Just showing what I mean and why I feel sciencific research on social/emotional psychology to prove a point is useless in some cases... I do know they believe once majority of people are more accepting, they think they will have a healthier and happier life. But would they? I think it's possible. people love to sin as long as no one is getting in the way. Laws alway make us mad.

  11. Ppl who are gonna get married and divorced every two or three years should just be honest and live together haha...its the same thing in God's eyes anyway, really....

    (I'm mostly kidding...don't worry.)

    actually there is some truth in that.

    There are few people who think marriage license is all about waving document in the air and say I"m married! But how they define marriage is totally different from how other people define marriage. Their definition of marriage does not include finanical (they don't file joint tax, don't share bank, pay their own things with their own money, etc.), they don't think their husband/wife need to know everything-- Another word, keeping the communication open naturally, and so on. And they tell me if their spouse screwed up, they are getting a divorce. They don't believe in God, nor making commitment to each other for life. I was thinking " are you married, or are you just living together? I'm confuse???"

  12. This article on Fox was just too much, LOL...big prOBlem here! Couple women got "married" in another state...adopted a kid. Moved to Texas. Don't wanna be married anymore. Want divorce. Texas says, "Um, you weren't married here, you can't get divorced here."

    1. WAY TO GO TEXAS!!!! haha

    2. You fought for your right to get married so what, you could just get divorced in a couple years? It was worth it huh?

    3. So you adopted a kid so you could put them into a split family situation huh? Nice. Thoughtful. Loving.

    4. Incidentally can't people figure out that if two people can't scientifically even try to have a baby, then maybe they shouldn't be married???? (and no I'm not referring to being barren...)

    well..... hetersexual get divorce too. But if a state don't recongize certain type of marriage, they don't need to waste their time and tax money helping people get divorce. They'll just have to split up without the court... it's cheaper that way. The only prOBlem is splitting homes, furnitures, etc. This can be a prOBlem for anyone who live together: family, friends, roommates, etc. As far as custody, that's a little tricky, but I think they will have to go back to the state they got married in to work out their divorce and custody. I would not live in a state that does not recognize my marriage.

    I believe in making babies in a natural way. I do not believe in IVF and such. Too much prOBlems... like weeding out deaf genes (or hearing genes -- deaf people prefer deaf children, they are easier to raise than hearing children... just like hearing parent find hearing children easier to raise). Our population is high as it is anyhow.

  13. Why would God say children of two unsaved parents are considered to be "unclean"?

    I assume it is how they raised them so when they do reach accountability, they reject God. My husband did. His parents did not and still do not believe in God and they raised their children that way. He was an atheist for a long time since he was a teen. It was until his late 30's but some people never never change. But before accountability, you can get your children to believe anything if you tell them to believe it. Even atheist's children. If you tell them there is a boogey man, they believe it. If you tell them about Jesus, they have no prOBlem believing in him as well.

  14. So, is the guy who is all upset because the girl he really likes is dating some other guy really jealous or is he envious...or perhaps both? I would say he's certainly covetous since he's wanting what's not his.

    The way I see is, because the other guy got the girl, He can't understand why she even like him. He thinks he is so much better. What's his is his character. And he thinks the girl should like him because his character. So he is possessive of his character, and doesn't like it when the girl like the other guy's character
  15. btw, I agree with you. I think jealousy get very posessive of something that's theirs. guys get jealous of other guys (or girls get jealous of other girls) over a girl though. They compare themselves how better they are with other guy if the girl like the other guy. So jealousy also compare something they have with something they don't have.

  16. I hear frequently, even from the pulpit, "jealousy" being confused with "envy". Dictionaries get it wrong.

    But that is the definition of "envy"; not jealousy.
    I don't find where true jealousy, though "cruel as the grave", is ever spoken of as sin in the Word of God.
    But I do find that "Envy" is always a wicked sin.
    Jealousy seems to always refer to being hurt over something which is already rightfully yours,(such as your wife) Proverbs 6:34
    while envy always involves desiring something which already belongs to someone else. Mark 15:10

    Can you explain the difference? Use plenty of scripture please.

    isn't covet the same as envy?

  17. OK John, guide me. Show passages within Moses dealings that show that he was totally honest with pharoah. Let me put what I see in a way I think all should be able to understand. We are next door neighbors. I come to see you and tell you I feel I am being told by God to go to a special service in a place where my ancesters came from (Ex 5:1-3). (Moses did not go into the detail of where they had came from, but for this example it still fits). I then ask if I can Borrow (To take from another by request and consent, with a view to use the thing taken for a time, and return it, or if the thing taken is to be consumed or transferred in the use, then to return an equivalent in kind; as, to borrow a book, a sum of money,or a loaf of bread. It is opposed to lend.) your luggage for the trip (or money ,or whatever) (Ex. 3:22 God speaking, Ex 12:35-36 people doing as Moses said). You Lend (EX 12:36 says lent past tense of lend) (1. To grant to another for temporary use, on the express or implied condition that the thing shall be returned; as, to lend a book; or 2. To grant a thing to be used, on the condition that its equivalent in kind shall be returned; as, to lend a sum of money, or a loaf of bread.) it to me. The next day you see a Uhaul pulling out. The days, weeks, etc go by (ex 14:5 says it was told to pharoah that the people fled or basically were running away. He thought they were going on a three day journey) and you finally figure out I am NEVER coming back with your luggage. Now what would you say I have done??? Did I lie to you??? Did I steal from you???? I really believe if you will honestly look at it you will see you would.

    You said God moved the egyptians to "give" there wealth to the jews. Can you provide chapter and verse??? I have given chapter and verse that says the jews borrowed, and the egyptians lent. You say I am calling God and Moses both liars. Actually if you will go back up and look at what Suzy said about that there might be times that God does not look at it as a lie, just as he at times does not look at killing, you will see we are not calling God a liar. If you will reread the account of Moses and the exodus, and really look at what all is said, considering the end and what pharoah believed, you will in fact find you are the one calling them liars.

    Now lets lay a few verses side by side and see what we find.

    Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Jas 2:25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

    Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

    Now I know that last one looks very out of place, but it is there for a reason. We will look at it first. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Why am I pointing that out? Well, it shows Christ as the eternal one. Not just in the beginning or end, or both. It includes all time. It shows he always has been. He does not mention the things in between, they are understood. Now James uses the same kind of statement. Received and sent out. He is not excluding what she did in the middle. It is included by the word and just as with Christ. Now Rev. I have always noticed a very interesting thing about this verse. It gives room for some of each in the list to actually be saved except one. It says "ALL" liars. No exceptions. Wow, where does that get us. Well, in the case of Rahab, it puts us in a bit of a spot. How was she justified by works? Received and sending out. Now even if you want to ignore the things of the word and being included, you find her being a liar after she received the spies. Now how could that be when "ALL LIARS" are condemned? It would have to be simply sent out. But how could that be? Gets deep doesn't it. Now let's look at one more verse that might shed some light on all liars.

    1Jn 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

    Now was Moses when he was not honest with pharoah denying Christ?

    this was before the 10 commandment.
  18. When KJV was translated: think of the people, the king, and the soldiers. I feel this bible was heavily guarded even though you think the King did this for his own purpose.

    If we could find the original manuscript, written in Greek/Hebrew/Arabic. Or Latin or original manuscript to KJV... does the language matter anymore? Would you learn Greek and such just to study the bible? If so, I'm sure you are willing to learn Old English because it's the next best thing we can find. Russian version does help Russian speaking people and everyone ought to have a bible in their own language but the closest bible to the original I can think of is KJV. I have not seen any bible translated in the same time period as KJV in other languages other than English yet. Plus, I have faith that the Lord will accuately perserve his words somehow, someway, in his own way.

  19. Not sure why I hit add reply in the middle of at thought. The only thing I was going to add is in that scripture the soldiers are told to be content with their wages. Doesn't that mean to keep being a soldier and be happy with your pay? To be a soldier you have to kill so it seems to me that is saying killing in war is permissible.

    Most of the time, these soldier don't kill out of rage, but kill because they OBey their leader.

  20. I understand what you are saying and as you say, it's always better to tell the truth because that's what God tells us. To lie is always wrong.

    Jesus said we should not fear man who can only harm us temporarily but rather we should fear God who has power over us for eternity.

    You are correct, people don't want to feel pain but if we look to eternity and consider the "hurt" we inflict upon our God when we sin and the fact we should be more concerned about our standing with God than our personal well-being in this world then we should be quick to speak the truth or remain silent.

    Jesus told us ahead of time that if we stand true to Him we WILL suffer persecution. Whether that persecution comes from being attacked for speaking the Gospel, speaking the truth rather than a lie or refusing to join in the wickedness of the world, it's all a part of the Christian life.

    American Christians especially seem to have the idea that Christianity is supposed to be comfortable. That Christians should be respected and folks should admire our stands and not oppose us.

    Some of this stems from the fact that during much of Americas past Christianity was the norm or at least Christian principles and ways were the norm. That is no longer true and thus the persecution aspect that wasn't there in years gone by comes as a shock to many. Another aspect of this comes from false preachers who proclaim that if we are walking right with God we won't face prOBlems or we will only face minor prOBlems.

    The Christianity Christ speaks of and God informs us about in His Word comes with a very high set of standards God expects us to endeavor to live by. At the same time, persecution which could come in many forms is something we should expect and be prepared to deal with in Christ.

    We in America especially want an easy-chair form of Christianity rather than the biblical form which says we give our entire selves to Christ, we submit to Christ in all things putting our hearts and minds into pursuing holiness and standing bold for Christ in good times as well as in times of persecution which we are not only to expect but to rejoice in when we are in it.

    May we truely give our all to Christ, immerse ourselves in His Word and walk according to His will in our lives facing all things courageougly in Christ.

    Why pointing out Americans only?
  21. I don't think God asked "Please lie for me"

    He let those people in the bible make their own decision on how to handle the situation.

    John, I wanted to point out that it isn't really about fear of man is why some people lie in a abusive situation. Fear of man would be more like wanting his approval(worldly things, cool, awesome, don't want to be called a dork...type of things) , in my opinion. In this case, It's fear of pain (rather on themselves or their loved ones). Who doesn't fear pain? People lie because they just don't trust man NOT to harm them in a abusive way. But they can trust God because he already know and will not harm them. It is absolutely pointless to lie to God. Now, if they decided NOT to have anything to do with God..they have no idea what it is like without God, very tormental and painful because he is not there to hold everything for them.
    I'm not saying it's ok to lie. But people do it anyway for the greater good, I suppose. It's better if we tell the truth in begin with so we don't have anything to hide. Somewhere in the bible it says the truth about yourself (sin) will find you out and the truth will set you free. It's better to tell the truth because abusive people usually go in a bigger rage if they find they have been lied to.

  22. LONDON - An enormous ash cloud from an Icelandic volcano caused the biggest flight disruption since 9/11 as it drifted over northern Europe and stranded travelers on six continents Thursday.


    I've been reading about this. I see that it haven't got better yet. Hope it doesn't get too bad.

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