I’ve officially found a way to make my job as pastor easier… by hiring a robot!

Introducing the Optimus PastorBot 3000!
Need a visit? No problem. My new robot friend will knock on your door, share the Gospel, and even quote the perfect Bible verse every time. No awkward conversations, just straight to the point.

Optimus going out to soulwinning, he’ll never get lost or skip a house.
He’ll share the plan of salvation flawlessly (because robots never get nervous).
It’ll even follow up with people to remind them about baptism. Meanwhile, I’ll be home, chilling with a cup of coffee starting a pastoral podcast on making pastoral life easy.
Guess I’ll still have to preach though… unless this robot starts learning how to do that too.

PS: Robots don’t enjoy coffee and donuts after service. Looks like I’ll be the one sticking around for fellowship time.