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I’ve officially found a way to make my job as pastor easier… by hiring a robot! 🤖
Introducing the Optimus PastorBot 3000!
Need a visit? No problem. My new robot friend will knock on your door, share the Gospel, and even quote the perfect Bible verse every time. No awkward conversations, just straight to the point. 🙏
  • 🤖 Optimus going out to soulwinning, he’ll never get lost or skip a house.
  • 📖 He’ll share the plan of salvation flawlessly (because robots never get nervous).
  • 🤓 It’ll even follow up with people to remind them about baptism. Meanwhile, I’ll be home, chilling with a cup of coffee starting a pastoral podcast on making pastoral life easy.
Guess I’ll still have to preach though… unless this robot starts learning how to do that too. 😅
PS: Robots don’t enjoy coffee and donuts after service. Looks like I’ll be the one sticking around for fellowship time.


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29 minutes ago, Pastor Matt said:
I’ve officially found a way to make my job as pastor easier… by hiring a robot! 🤖
Introducing the Optimus PastorBot 3000!
Need a visit? No problem. My new robot friend will knock on your door, share the Gospel, and even quote the perfect Bible verse every time. No awkward conversations, just straight to the point. 🙏
  • 🤖 Optimus going out to soulwinning, he’ll never get lost or skip a house.
  • 📖 He’ll share the plan of salvation flawlessly (because robots never get nervous).
  • 🤓 It’ll even follow up with people to remind them about baptism. Meanwhile, I’ll be home, chilling with a cup of coffee starting a pastoral podcast on making pastoral life easy.
Guess I’ll still have to preach though… unless this robot starts learning how to do that too. 😅
PS: Robots don’t enjoy coffee and donuts after service. Looks like I’ll be the one sticking around for fellowship time.


WOW! Looks like Will Smith's movie, "I, Robot" is coming to a pulpit near you; LOL 

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