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Mosquito Madness


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(I don't know if this subject is in the right thread, so warn me if it is.)

I always had this question: Is it ok to kill a mosquito?

my answer for that was: Yes, and no because when you kill a mosquito it is always with a reason, and you're the one who decides which side you will choose. The good one, or the bad one.

The good side: Killing the mosquito because he is biting you, or when you kill it because you know he will bite you anyway.
The bad side: Killing the mosquito by torturing it (feet by feet method). Killing it without reason, Hunting mosquito's to just see them die.

What do you guys think?

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Well, torturing anything would be wrong.

Killing mosquitos because of the irritation they cause or the potential diseases they may carry is fine.

True. I suppose with that kind of thinking we could not kill a cow so that we can eat a steak. We know its faulty thinking that comes from the tree hugger's.
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The point is that killing a musquito is killing something that lives. It's like killing an ant just because you CAN kill it. It's very bad to misuse your high standing as a human being, above the insects.

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The point is that killing a musquito is killing something that lives. It's like killing an ant just because you CAN kill it. It's very bad to misuse your high standing as a human being, above the insects.

Some things were made for killing!
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The point is that killing a musquito is killing something that lives. It's like killing an ant just because you CAN kill it. It's very bad to misuse your high standing as a human being, above the insects.

God has the ultimate control. Even when it comes to insects, if God wants a particular insect to live, nothing we can do will end that insects life!

There is no point in killing insects for "fun" or just for something to do but if we accidently kill an insect or kill an insect for a variety of good reasons (to protect ourselves/others, to keep them from infesting our homes, to prevent disease) there is nothing wrong with that.

I'm really not sure what the actual point of this is. Do you have a more specific question here?
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The point is that killing a musquito is killing something that lives. It's like killing an ant just because you CAN kill it. It's very bad to misuse your high standing as a human being, above the insects.

I think you make a good point here. Senseless, wanton killing (of anything, plant or animal) is a misuse of God's creation. Death is a result of the entrance of sin into the world, at man's fall. Those who are OBsessed with torture/death and who "must kill" are, as you say, on the "wrong side."
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Begin killing an insect and end killing a man.

If you can stop killing creatures that are wayy < you, the chance that you kill a human being is smaller than if you 'just' kill insects.

Edited by Yuliy
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Wow, so you say killing an insect will lead to killing a human.

You sound like a PETA person. Are you one that sits amongst the flies letting them light where ever they will? Talking harshly about the one who dares to swats a fly and kills it?

Now, lets see scriptures to back up your opinion, remember, an opinion is worthless if it cannot be backed up with God's Word.

A quote from tomorrows church bulletin, "When some say they want to serve God, they mean in an advisory capacity."

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God game man dominion over all creatures. God commanded man not to kill man.

Killing insects for protection from disease, to save food supplies and for other good reasons isn't even close to murder and has no bearing on murdering humans.

Some people do like to pull the legs and wings off some insects and that's rather morbid and if it becomes a habit I'd say they may have a prOBlem. If they do, and murder is in their hearts, they will progress from insects to animals before humans. It's only a very tiny percentage of really deranged killers that follow this torturous path.

Torture of any creature is wrong. Killing of creatures for protection or food is not something that leads to one murdering humans.

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Simply killing a mosquito won't lead to killing a person. Remember man was given dominion over the animals. That doesn't mean kill just to kill, but it does mean that we can remove them, if there is reason.

To mistreat any creature is cruel. There are bugs and insects that I kill (like bees, wasps and hornets) for several reasons - one is that if I get stung, I get very sick. I don't go out hunting them, but if they are in my territory (my house), they present a danger to me and must go. :coolsmiley: Mosquitoes similarly can be dangerous, with the potential of carrying disease (west nile virus is still a big concern, and is spread via mosquitoes).

A lot of times a psychopath will begin in childhood - and will tear the legs off flies, etc., just to see them squirm. That is unnecessary, and, if unchecked, could indeed lead to killing of humans.

Unnecessary killing of the animal kingdom isn't right, but never should it be compared with the killing of humans, who are created in the image of God (mosquitoes are not!).

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I have recently (yesterday) watched a program about Jellyfish and how the various varieties are invading the waters of the Pacific, Japan, Australia, etc., and that they are the most venemous creatures and can kill a person in 180 seconds. Should we kill those, if we could. Japanese scientists found that if they killed a lot of Jellyfish, the remainder had millions more eggs than usual to make up for the lost.

Should we let them just multipy, or should we control them?

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My vote, if something is not bothering you, leave it alone, if its being a pest, get rid of it.

Back when I was in the Air Force, stationed at Blytheville AFB, which is on the banks of the Mississippi river up in North East Arkansas, in the center of cotton country, they bred the biggest, meanest biting mosquitoes I ever did see.

The Air Force issued us mosquito repellant, but instead of repelling those mosquito it seemed to draw them to us, and it seemed to make them that much madder and bite that much harder taking a big chunks out of your arm with each bite.

No doubt, many insects spreads many diseases, and mosquito as has already been mentioned spread the west Nile disease of which many people have already died from.

Just thinking about it being said that killing mosquitoes will lead to killing man, I suppose them those who have driven a truck around many of the cities spraying for mosquitoes, killing millions and millions of them, is that where all of our murders comes from?

Edited by Jerry80871852
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