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827 topics in this forum
Hi all, I`m from the land of Oz, (Australia) and look forward to getting to know you and share what we know of our precious Lord and His purposes. I was a school teacher and now live on a farm with my husband, although semi-retired, there is always something to do. I found this site through a link from another forum and thought some of the discussions looked interesting. God bless, Marilyn.
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HappyChristian replied -
I was raised in an SBC church in the 1960's -70's, but quickly drifted far afield. Several years ago I became interested in Reformed Theology as an intellectual exercise. I thought I was humoring my wife recently when she suggested we attend church. The sermon was perfectly timed, and I was absolutely convicted! Starting my journey with Christ at age 64.
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HappyChristian replied -
Hi, my name is Brian Smedley and I want to say without Christ I am nothing . Through the Lord Jesus Christ do I have righteousness, not my righteousness, but his. I am presented to God through Jesus blood that flowed at Calvary for my sins and all of mankind's. John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
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Jim_Alaska replied -
Hello everyone, my name is Rachel from Philippines, help me pray for a partner in life in Gods will.
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Rosie replied -
Hi, my name is Brian Smedley and I want to say without Christ I am nothing . Through the Lord Jesus Christ do I have righteousness, not my righteousness, but his. I am presented to God through Jesus blood that flowed at Calvary for my sins and all of mankind's. John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I would just like to introduce myself to this site or like minded believers, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ eternally. I found it extremely useful for me lately to always remember to stay as close to the Lord as possible in every affair of every day. He provides my strength to overcome every day challenges not only of the world but of myself as well. I thank him for always being there for me, strengthening me and providing me his words of truth and my salvation. He provides my joy and wisdom to share with others and bring them into knowing his love through the gospel and his gift of salvation. Donald
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Pastor Matt replied -
Always looking for any venue that can help me find answers, explore God's Word, grow in fellowship and my walk with my Lord and Savior. "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God, I'm not where I use to be!"
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HappyChristian replied -
I am new to Nashville im trying to find a church and would need transportation on Sundays can anyone help
- 1 reply
swathdiver replied -
Hi, I'm just a 17 year old girl from texas. I never went to church my whole life until i was 13 and it was too a mormon church. I always knew something was up about it and I personally never liked it, then my dad found out everything about them so we never went again and we were there less than a year. I never even knew what church or jesus or anything was then..Years went passed and then my dad went to kansas for 6 months and found this independent fundamentalist baptist preacher named Pastor Steven Anderson! He listened to him and he liked what he said and he got saved. Then he found out that there opening up a church in my city! (san antonio, texas) called Old Path Bap…
- 5 replies
Pastor Matt replied -
Free, open source Offline KJV Bible Search application. New features: * Choose from twelve available fonts * Copy verse to system clipboard (unfortunately, not supported by iOS) * Improved Bookmark, Search, and Clipboard highlighting * Application state retained through restart/refresh * Other minor improvements Download for Android, Windows, and Linux: offline-kjv Download for iOS (and macOS): offline-kjv-ios I welcome your comments and suggestions... God Bless, Clayton
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Invicta replied -
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OLD fashioned preacher replied -
Why are people against gay rights I'm not gay but there's no reason to hate them or think that they are sinners
- 13 replies
OLD fashioned preacher replied -
UPDATE: A new version has been released. It is designed to provide a better user experience on devices with higher screen resolutions. I have developed a free, open source Offline King James Bible Search application. No charge. No ads. Just KJV. Once downloaded, it provides full functionality, even when no internet connection is available. By selecting 'Add to home screen' on your Android or iOS device, the application mimics a native application. There are two versions: * Any Android, Windows, or Linux platform with the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browser. Description:…
- 8 replies
swathdiver replied -
Hello everyone. I'm a married man with a daughter and a child on the way(!) rapidly approaching 30. I currently reside in Indiana. I grew up a Baptist and converted to Catholicism 11 years ago as a senior in high school. For the better part of the last decade I've spent time in and out of the Catholic Church and have gone through several religious "phases" one could say. A few months ago I made the decision that I was done forever with Catholicism. I've come to realize through hours of prayer, study, and reading that their version of history just simply doesn't add up and their theological claims (i.e. papal infallibility) simply do not add up either. I immediately …
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swathdiver replied -
I am an independent fundamental baptist. I was raised in a Christian home and belief in GOD was commonplace. GOD called me to witness to the lost so I go about doing this very day. I have been persecuted for my faith already. I can see why GOD came to save this world, its because people are so mean and they are capable of such great evil to one another! If they don't agree with what you believe, they hurt you and say bad things about you. It's not fair, but it happens. We are all sinners indeed. I even had one lady call me stupid for believing in GOD. I can see she is a non-believer, but is name-calling me really necessary?
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swathdiver replied -
Hi everyone. I'm new here. Hoping to fellowship with other Christians. Feel free to ask me anything. Thank you and God Bless.
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BabeinChrist replied -
Hello everyone. I'm Jada and I go to a Baptist Church. How is everyone doing today?
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Alan replied -
I have developed a free, open source Offline King James Bible Search application. No charge. No ads. Just KJV. Once downloaded, it provides full functionality, even when no internet connection is available. By selecting 'Add to home screen' on your Android or iOS device, the application mimics a native application. There are two versions: * Android/Windows/Linux; any platform with the latest version of Google Chrome (or Mozilla Firefox). Description: Download: * iOS 10+ (iPhone/iPad). Description:…
- 9 replies
No Nicolaitans replied -
Hi everyone... My name is InSeasonOut (Jake). I was just looking for a bible believing forum to join. I don't get much fellowship so it'd be nice to have that... Thanks.
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InSeasonOut replied -
I am a pastor, looking for a place of fellowship ( not battleship ) if I have wronged anyone please accept my humble apology! my desire is to encourage and be encouraged, I am a bible believing Baptist, and I take the word of God literally where possible , when not ,I take it spiritually.first and foremost I am a born again Christian, I am not afraid of debates in its time and place. no one has to agree with everything I say as long as I am in a place where I have a right to say it. if I am addressing someone or being addressed I don't think others should have to wonder in confusion about what is said or meant. I love the church that God died for and hope the Lord is plea…
- 4 replies
1Timothy115 replied -
I am new at this stuff , signed in as IFB , but options were limited. I prefer BBB ( bible believing Baptist ) as in King James Bible.hope it does not offend anyone here. I am a pastor at UCLA ( upper corner of lower Alabama ) for 19 years now. Before that I spent ten years in a tent ministry. glad to meet ya'll.
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swathdiver replied -
Baptist Senior here. I've been trying to get into the Independent Fundamental Baptist group threads and cannot find an 'apply' button, nor can I e-mail jfoley help.
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Jim_Alaska replied -
Hello all. I am a teen raised in a Catholic home. One parent converted from Lutheranism, another from a pentacostal church. Unlike most kids my age, I got VERY into theology and reading about faith. I read myself into the ultra-traditionalist Catholic groups and have been SUPER devoted to Mary and super Latin-Mass obsessed. Now, I have been reading several Jack Hyles sermons online. I realize now that Catholicism is false but don't know where to go from there. I want to be a true Christian and came here to seek help with that.
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Joe Coley replied -
Hello, I'm almost done with Bible college and will soon be ordained later in the year. The question is how do I survive financially while gaining support / deputation. Will love offerings alone support traveling/ essentials like car payment, car insurance, and other basic needs. I have a wife and 3 kids. Do I need to already be established financially before going out and gaining support or head out and pray the love offerings cover it all?
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DaveW replied -
Good evening, I am a graduate of Golden State Baptist College in Northern California. Currently I am a member of a medium-sized IFB church here in Northern California, serving in the education department as a teacher for the Christian school. Looking forward to getting involved in some of the discussions here! Johnny.
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RGVBaptist replied