Three Part Harmony- The Three Triune God
I will pray says the son (intercession)
I will send says the Father (bestowment)
I will comfort says the Holy Spirit (that is supernatural peace)
Trinity was designed by the Father, bought by the life-giving blood of His Son, and protected, or sealed, by the workings of Holy Spirit. It is a down-payment of Heaven for whosoever will grasp onto this triune relationship, a foundation firmly planted in love with God, while living in this world amongst much wickedness and darkness.
The real spiritual baptism is done by the Holy Spirit inside a person’s heart. He takes a heart of stone softened by His Word and fills it with His Spirit, creating a pliable heart ready for His will and way. The Baptism of the local church is a portrait of the Holy Spirit’s work inside us and our newness of life in the Spirit.
Let’s focus upon each separate and intrinsic member of the Trinity for a moment. As best we can comprehend, with our finite minds, while living here on earth:
What did our redemption cost God the Father?
God – He had to be willing to sacrifice His only begotten son. The death of His Son on Calvary cost god all that He had. This was an extreme cost for a father to undergo for the benefit of mankind. God the Father could see the hatred and disdain of man towards His son firsthand, God could feel the extreme suffering His Son felt as He hung upon that old rugged cross, and God was in extreme agony Himself as His son said:
"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." (John 19:30 KJV)
This was the moment the three triune God was separated from His Son and His Son was separated from His Father. The immense and excruciating pain and despondency felt at that moment was indeed almost unbearable. Praise the Lord the account does not end here because we serve a risen Savior who arose from sting of death and His grave on the third day, just as was prophesied.
What did the redemption cost Jesus His Son?
Jesus- who before His incarnation had never known pain, never stepped upon a briar, never was familiar with the shivers of cold, or the pangs of hunger, fatigue or deprivation of any kind; was willing to be made into flesh by the Father and come to earth. He had never been subject to life, as we know it, existing on earth. He had never felt the limitations or pain of a human body. He had never been without the Spirit residing inside of Him. He had never known or heard mocking or ridicule, only Heaven’s joyful hymns, worship and exaltation. In the realms of glory His “parentage” or lineage was never brought into question or challenged in any way. He had never been lonely or felt despair. He never felt abandoned and was never without the fellowship of the Trinity or the adoration of angels. His motives had never been questioned. His words had never been doubted. In fact, He was the very Word of God in the flesh.
What did the redemption cost the Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit was quenched. The sting of sin, the entire sin debt of all men, was placed upon Jesus as He hung upon the cross. This sin debt was staggering, a debt nOBody but the Son of God could repay. This debt was so looming and massive it quenched the Holy Spirit as the moment Jesus said “It is finished.”
The Holy Spirit was without breath, or life, at that very moment in time. The Spirit is the comforter, instructor holy guide; He quickens, and intercedes for us with the Father, even when we do not have our own words to articulate prayerful conversation with Him. The Holy Spirit was not in any communication with the Father, on Jesus’s behalf, at this very moment of death.
Praise the Lord Jesus won the victory over death. Jesus did arise from His grave three days later securing victory over death and breathing new life into the Holy Spirit which then ascended upon Jesus Christ at Pentecost. This completed the eternal path for whosoever believeth on the three triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” (John 1:1-2 KJV)
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1:14 KJV)
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Revelation 22:13 KJV)
There is no spiritual good in the earth of which the three triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not the author, creator and sustainer. He was there in the beginning of time and will be present at the ending of time. Those who expediently OBey His will, leading, and power receive the things of God; whatever it may He has in store for our lives.
When Christians choose to be disOBedient to the will of God and sow unspiritual fruits into our lives we can quench or limit ourselves from the Spirit of God working within us. Sin of any sort separates us from God, creating a ravine between us and Him, just as it came between God and His Sn Jesus hanging upon the cross. The three triune God is holy and sin never resides within Him. His power can keep us upon the path towards Christ-likeness as we journey towards eternity.
“And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”
(Ephesians 4:30-32 KJV)
Oh that we may never grieve, or quench the fire of, the Holy Spirit but rather OBey, praise and adore Him. He wants to express Himself in and through our attitudes and actions; reaping a harvest of spiritual fruits bringing Him glory and honor. We hinder His spirit by living in a sinful lifestyle and not separating ourselves apart from the world unto the Father’s will for our lives.
Sometimes we choose to lead our lives without including God in the blueprint going out on a dangerous and crooked path that “feels right” according to our feeling, emotions, and standards the world has set forth for us to stumble down upon the wider path leading to Hell.
Not including Him in every fine detail of our lives declares forcefully we can handle things on our own and in our own way. Equivocally this is stating we know better than God and are looking for a vacancy in the trinity, allowing us to rule and govern our own life just as we please, and leaving God out of the picture.
For Further Contemplation:
The three triune holy God has everything under His control since the beginning of time. Allow Him to steer you on the narrow path which leads to eternity with Him.
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